new change in architecture, more modular, allow to export article’s documents
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# SPIP website to plain Markdown files converter, Copyright (C) 2023 Guilhem Fauré
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from os import makedirs
from os.path import basename, splitext
from re import Pattern, finditer, search
@ -11,9 +12,9 @@ from peewee import (
from slugify import slugify
from typing_extensions import Self
from yaml import dump
from spip2md.config import CFG
@ -41,6 +42,9 @@ from spip2md.spip_models import (
# Define recursive list type
RecursiveList = list["str | RecursiveList"]
# Define logger for this file’s logs
LOG = logging.getLogger(CFG.logname + ".models")
@ -58,7 +62,8 @@ class SpipInterface:
_status: bool
# Additional fields
_id: BigAutoField | int = 0 # same ID attribute name for all objects
_depth: IntegerField | int # Equals `profondeur` for sections
# _depth: IntegerField | int # Equals `profondeur` for sections
_depth: int # Equals `profondeur` for sections
_fileprefix: str # String to prepend to written files
_parentdir: str # Path from output dir to direct parent
_style: tuple[int, ...] # _styles to apply to some elements of printed output
@ -242,6 +247,22 @@ class WritableObject(SpipInterface):
self.style_print(output + str(message), indent=None)
return output + str(message)
# Perform all the write steps of this object
def write_all(
self, parentdepth: int, parentdir: str, index: int, total: int
) -> RecursiveList:
LOG.debug(f"Writing {type(self).__name__} `{self._title}`")
output: RecursiveList = []
self._depth = parentdepth + 1
self._parentdir = parentdir
for m in self.begin_message(index, total):
output[-1] += self.end_message(self.write())
except Exception as err:
output[-1] += self.end_message(err)
return output
class Document(WritableObject, NormalizedDocument):
class Meta:
@ -294,7 +315,7 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
# Function specific logger
log = logging.getLogger(CFG.logname + ".models.translate_multi")
text: str = getattr(self, spipattr) # Get text of attribute
log.debug(f"Begin translation of `{self._title}` `{spipattr}`")
log.debug(f"Translating <multi> blocks of `{self._title}` `{spipattr}`")
# Handle <multi> multi language blocks
translations: dict[str, str] = {} # Dict such as lang: text
original_translation: str = text
@ -318,7 +339,7 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
f"Add {} translation of `{self._title}`: {trans}"
translations[] =
# Iterate over translations, creating translated sub-WritableObjects if needed
# Iterate over translations, adding translated attributes to translations dict
for lang, translation in translations.items():
if lang in CFG.export_languages:
if lang not in self._translations:
@ -341,6 +362,7 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
mapping: tuple,
obj_type: type[NormalizedSection | NormalizedArticle | NormalizedDocument],
) -> str:
LOG.debug(f"Convert {mapping}s links of `{self._title}` as {obj_type}")
for id_link, path_link in mapping:
# print(f"Looking for links like {id_link}")
for match in id_link.finditer(text):
@ -370,50 +392,39 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
return self._fileprefix + "." + self.lang + "." + CFG.export_filetype
def convert_title(self) -> str:
LOG.debug(f"Convert title of currently untitled {type(self).__name__}")
if hasattr(self, "_title"):
"convert_title() call"
+ f" but {type(self).__name__} {self._title}._title is already set"
LOG.debug(f"{type(self).__name__} {self._title}._title is already set")
return self._title
if self.titre is None:
LOG.debug(f"convert_title() call but {type(self).__name__}.title is None")
LOG.debug(f"{type(self).__name__}.title is None")
return ""
if len(self.titre) == 0:
LOG.debug(f"convert_title() call but {type(self).__name__}.title is empty")
LOG.debug(f"{type(self).__name__}.title is empty")
return ""
self._title = self.titre.strip() # Define temporary title to use in functions
self._title = self.translate_multi("titre", "_title")
LOG.debug(f"`{self._title}` current translations: {self._translations}")
return self.convert_field(self._title)
def convert_text(self) -> str:
LOG.debug(f"Convert text of `{self._title}`")
if hasattr(self, "_text"):
"convert_text() call"
+ f" but {type(self).__name__} {self._title}._text is already set"
LOG.debug(f"{type(self).__name__} {self._title}._text is already set")
return self._text
if self.texte is None:
"convert_text() call"
+ f" but {type(self).__name__} {self._title}.text is None"
LOG.debug(f"{type(self).__name__} {self._title}.text is None")
return ""
if len(self.texte) == 0:
"convert_text() call"
+ f" but {type(self).__name__} {self._title}.text is empty"
LOG.debug(f"{type(self).__name__} {self._title}.text is empty")
return ""
text: str = self.translate_multi("texte", "_title")
LOG.debug(f"`{self._title}` current translations: {self._translations}")
text = self.replace_links(text, DOCUMENT_LINK, Document)
text = self.replace_links(text, ARTICLE_LINK, Article)
text = self.replace_links(text, SECTION_LINK, Section)
return self.convert_field(text)
def convert_extra(self) -> str:
LOG.debug(f"Convert extra of `{self._title}`")
if hasattr(self, "_extra"):
return self._extra
if self.extra is None:
@ -426,9 +437,8 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
return self.convert_field(text)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._translations: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {} # prevent inherithance
# for lang in CFG.export_languages:
# self._translations[lang] = {} # Initialize keys for export langugaes
# Initialise translation dict as empty, in the form lang: attr: value
self._translations: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {}
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Initialize converted fields beginning with underscore
self._choosen_language = self.langue_choisie == "oui"
@ -436,7 +446,8 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
self._extra = self.convert_extra()
# Get related documents
def documents(self) -> list[Document]:
def documents(self) -> tuple[Document]:
LOG.debug(f"Initialize documents of `{self._title}`")
documents = (
@ -449,6 +460,7 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
# Get the YAML frontmatter string
def frontmatter(self, append: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> str:
# LOG.debug(f"Write frontmatter of `{self._title}`")
meta: dict[str, Any] = {
"lang": self.lang,
"translationKey": self.id_trad,
@ -468,6 +480,7 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
# Get file text content
def content(self) -> str:
# LOG.debug(f"Write content of `{self._title}`")
# Start the content with frontmatter
body: str = "---\n" + self.frontmatter() + "---"
# Add the title as a Markdown h1
@ -491,15 +504,44 @@ class RedactionalObject(WritableObject):
return self.dest_path()
# Output information about file that was just exported
def end_message(self, message: str | Exception) -> str:
output: str = super().end_message(message)
# Write eventual translations of self
# Output translated self objects
def translations(self) -> list[Self]:
translations: list[Self] = []
LOG.debug(f"`{self._title}` contains translations: `{self._translations}`")
for lang, translation in self._translations.items():
LOG.debug(f"Writing {lang} translation of section `{self._title}`")
self.style_print(f"{lang}: " + translation["_title"])
# translated.end_message(translated.write())
for lang, translated_attrs in self._translations.items():
LOG.debug(f"Instanciating {lang} translation of section `{self._title}`")
# Copy itself (with every attribute) as a base for the translated object
translation: Self = deepcopy(self)
# Replace the lang & the translations attributes of the translated object
translation.lang = lang
translation._translations = {}
# Replace the translated attributes of the translated object
for attr, value in translated_attrs.values():
setattr(translation, attr, value)
return translations
# Get the children of this object
def children(self) -> tuple[tuple[WritableObject], ...]:
return (self.documents(),)
# Write all the children of this object
def write_children(self) -> RecursiveList:
LOG.debug(f"Writing children of {type(self).__name__} `{self._title}`")
output: RecursiveList = []
for children in self.children():
total = len(children)
for i, obj in enumerate(children):
obj.write_all(self._depth, self.dest_directory(), i, total)
return output
# Perform all the write steps of this object
def write_all(
self, parentdepth: int, parentdir: str, index: int, total: int
) -> RecursiveList:
output: RecursiveList = super().write_all(parentdepth, parentdir, index, total)
return output
@ -547,6 +589,7 @@ class Article(RedactionalObject, NormalizedArticle):
return body
def authors(self) -> list[SpipAuteurs]:
LOG.debug(f"Initialize authors of `{self._title}`")
return (
@ -573,7 +616,8 @@ class Section(RedactionalObject, NormalizedSection):
return super().frontmatter(meta)
# Get articles of this section
def articles(self) -> list[Article]:
def articles(self) -> tuple[Article]:
LOG.debug(f"Initialize articles of `{self._title}`")
return (
.where((Article.id_rubrique == self._id) & (Article.lang == self.lang))
@ -581,52 +625,14 @@ class Section(RedactionalObject, NormalizedSection):
# .limit(limit)
def write_tree(self, index: int, total: int) -> list[str | list[Any]]:
# Define logger for this method’s logs
log = logging.getLogger(CFG.logname + ".models.write_tree")
# Define dictionary output to diplay
output: list[str | list[Any]] = []
# Print & add to output the message before the section write
for m in self.begin_message(index, total):
# Get this section’s articles & documents
articles: list[Article] = self.articles()
documents: list[Document] = self.documents()
# Write this section & print the finish message of the section writing
output[-1] += self.end_message(self.write())
# Write this section’s articles and documents
def write_loop(objects: list[Article] | list[Document]) -> list[str]:
output: list[str] = []
total = len(objects)
for i, obj in enumerate(objects):
obj._depth = self._depth + 1
obj._parentdir = self.dest_directory()
for m in obj.begin_message(i, total):
output[-1] += obj.end_message(obj.write())
except Exception as err:
output[-1] += obj.end_message(err)
return output
log.debug(f"Export section {index} `{self._title}` articles")
log.debug(f"Export section {index} `{self._title}` documents")
# Get all child section of this section
log.debug(f"Initialize subsections of `{self._title}`")
child_sections: tuple[Section, ...] = (
# Get subsections of this section
def sections(self) -> tuple[Self]:
LOG.debug(f"Initialize subsections of `{self._title}`")
return (
.where(Section.id_parent == self._id)
nb: int = len(child_sections)
# Do the same for subsections (write their entire subtree)
for i, s in enumerate(child_sections):
log.debug(f"Begin exporting section {i}/{nb} `{s._title}`")
s._parentdir = self.dest_directory()
output.append(s.write_tree(i, nb))
log.debug(f"Finished exporting section {i}/{nb} `{s._title}`")
return output
def children(self) -> tuple[tuple[WritableObject], ...]:
return (self.articles(),) + super().children() + (self.sections(),)
@ -5,20 +5,21 @@ from os.path import isfile
from shutil import rmtree
from spip2md.config import CFG
from spip2md.extended_models import Section
from spip2md.extended_models import RecursiveList, Section
from spip2md.spip_models import DB
from import BOLD, esc
# Define parent ID of level 0 sections
# Define loggers for this file
ROOTLOG = logging.getLogger(CFG.logname + ".root")
LIBLOG = logging.getLogger(CFG.logname + ".lib")
# Write the level 0 sections and their subtrees
def write_root_tree(parent_dir: str) -> list[str | list]:
# Define logger for this method’s logs
log = logging.getLogger(CFG.logname + ".write_root_tree")
def write_root(parent_dir: str) -> RecursiveList:
# Define dictionary output to diplay
output: list[str | list] = []
output: RecursiveList = []
# Print starting message
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ into the directory {esc(BOLD)}{parent_dir}{esc()}, \
as database user {esc(BOLD)}{CFG.db_user}{esc()}
log.debug("Initialize root sections")
ROOTLOG.debug("Initialize root sections")
# Get all sections of parentID ROOTID
child_sections: tuple[Section, ...] = (
@ -38,11 +39,10 @@ as database user {esc(BOLD)}{CFG.db_user}{esc()}
nb: int = len(child_sections)
# Write each subsections (write their entire subtree)
for i, s in enumerate(child_sections):
log.debug(f"Begin exporting section {i}/{nb} {s._title}")
s._parentdir = CFG.output_dir
output.append(s.write_tree(i, nb))
ROOTLOG.debug(f"Begin exporting section {i}/{nb} {s._title}")
output.append(s.write_all(-1, CFG.output_dir, i, nb))
print() # Break line between level 0 sections in output
log.debug(f"Finished exporting section {i}/{nb} {s._title}")
ROOTLOG.debug(f"Finished exporting section {i}/{nb} {s._title}")
return output
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def summarize(
if depth == -1:
Exported a total of {esc(BOLD)}{leaves}{esc()} Markdown files, \
Exported a total of {esc(BOLD)}{leaves}{esc()} files, \
stored into {esc(BOLD)}{branches}{esc()} directories"""
# Warn about issued warnings in log file
@ -115,6 +115,6 @@ def cli():
# Write everything while printing the output human-readably
DB.close() # Close the connection with the database
Reference in New Issue
Block a user