new more flexible grammar

This commit is contained in:
Guilhem Fauré 2023-04-28 15:43:43 +02:00
parent 5ed12cf893
commit 1e59bb6833
2 changed files with 33 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Flexible SPIP Markup grammar for Lark parser // Flexible SPIP Markup grammar for Lark parser
start: _N* block ( _N+ block )+ _N* start: _N* block ( _N+ block )* _N*
?block: paragraph ?block: paragraph
| heading | heading
@ -15,51 +15,38 @@ HORIZONTAL_RULE: /----+/
unordered_list: ( _UL list_item _N )+ unordered_list: ( _UL list_item _N )+
ordered_list: ( _OL list_item _N )+ ordered_list: ( _OL list_item _N )+
list_item: _inline list_item: _inline{TEXT}+
_UL: /-|-\*/ _UL: /-\*|-[^#-]/
_OL: /-#/ _OL: /-#/
table: ( _TBL_META table_metadata "||" _N )? ( table_row _N )+ table: ( _TBL_META table_metadata "||" _N )? ( table_row _N )+
table_metadata: table_title "|" table_description table_metadata: table_title "|" table_description
table_title: _table_inline table_title: _inline{TABLE_TEXT}
table_description: _table_inline table_description: _inline{TABLE_TEXT}
table_row: ( _TBL table_cell )+ "|" table_row: ( _TBL table_cell )+ "|"
table_cell: _table_inline table_cell: _inline{TABLE_TEXT}
_TBL_META: "||" _TBL_META: "||"
_TBL: "|" _TBL: "|"
heading: _H _markup_inline "}}}" heading: _H _inline{MARKED_TEXT}+ "}}}"
_H: "{{{" _H: "{{{"
paragraph.-1: ( _inline _N? )+ paragraph: ( _inline{TEXT} _N? )+
_inline: TEXT _inline{text}: text
| emphasis
| strong
| anchor
| tag
TEXT.-1: /[^\r\n]+/
_table_inline: TABLE_TEXT
| emphasis | emphasis
| strong | strong
| anchor | anchor
| tag
TABLE_TEXT: /[^\r\n|]+(?=[\{\[\|])/ TEXT: /(?:[^\r\n\{](?![^\[\n\r]*->))+/
TABLE_TEXT: /[^\|\r\n\{]+/
MARKED_TEXT: /[^\}\r\n\{]+/
_markup_inline: MARKUP_TEXT strong: _B ( _inline{MARKED_TEXT} )+ ( "}}" | _N )
| emphasis emphasis: _I ( _inline{MARKED_TEXT} )+ ( "}" | _N )
| strong _B: /{{(?=[^\{])/
| anchor _I: /{(?=[^\{])/
| tag
MARKUP_TEXT.-1: /[^\r\n\}]+/
strong: _B ( _markup_inline )+ "}}"
emphasis: _I ( _markup_inline )+ "}"
_B: "{{"
_I: "{"
?anchor: anchor_footnote ?anchor: anchor_footnote
| anchor_wikipedia | anchor_wikipedia
@ -68,19 +55,21 @@ _I: "{"
anchor_footnote: _FOOT HREF "]]" anchor_footnote: _FOOT HREF "]]"
anchor_wikipedia: _WIKI HREF "]" anchor_wikipedia: _WIKI HREF "]"
anchor_normal: _A A_TEXT "->" HREF "]" anchor_normal: _A A_TEXT "->" HREF "]"
_FOOT: "[[" _FOOT: /\[\[/
_WIKI: "[?" _WIKI: /\[\?/
_A: /\[(?=[^\n\r]+->)/ _A: /\[(?=[^\[\n\r]+->)/
HREF: /[^\r\n\]]+/ HREF: _PURE_TEXT
A_TEXT: /[^\r\n]+(?=->)/ A_TEXT: /[^\r\n\{]+?(?=->)/
tag: end_tag tag: end_tag
| start_tag | start_tag
end_tag: _E_TAG TAG_TEXT ( "|" TAG_TEXT )* ">" end_tag: _ETAG TAG_NAME ( "|" TAG_OPTION )* ">"
start_tag: _S_TAG TAG_TEXT ( "|" TAG_TEXT )* ">" start_tag: _STAG TAG_NAME ( "|" TAG_OPTION )* ">"
_S_TAG: "<" _STAG: "<"
_E_TAG: "</" _ETAG: "</"
TAG_TEXT: /[\r\n\|\>]+/ TAG_NAME: _PURE_TEXT
_N: /\r?\n/ _N: /\r?\n/
_PURE_TEXT: /[0-9A-Za-z_:\/\-\.]+/

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{{{Test {SPIP}}}} {{{Test {SPIP}}}}
Un {petit} paragraphe {{dintroduction}}, { {{vraiment}} petit}.
---- ----
{{{Une {liste} non ordonnée}}} {{{Une {liste} non ordonnée}}}
@ -34,9 +36,9 @@ Un lien [lark->] dans un {paragraphe} en itali
avec un peu de {{gras}}, voire même du { {{gras}} dans de l{{italique}} (en gras)}. avec un peu de {{gras}}, voire même du { {{gras}} dans de l{{italique}} (en gras)}.
Conclut par un {{ {Lorem ipsum} }} dolor sit amet, officia excepteur ex fugiat reprehenderit enim labore culpa sint ad nisi Lorem pariatur mollit ex esse exercitation amet. Nisi anim cupidatat excepteur officia. Conclut par un {{ {Lorem ipsum} }} dolor sit amet, officia excepteur ex fugiat reprehenderit enim labore culpa sint ad nisi Lorem pariatur mollit ex esse exercitation amet. Nisi anim cupidatat excepteur officia.
Reprehenderit nostrud nostrud ipsum Lorem est aliquip amet voluptate voluptate dolor minim nulla est proident. Nostrud officia {{pariatur}} ut officia. Sit irure elit esse ea nulla sunt ex occaecat reprehenderit commodo officia dolor Lorem duis laboris cupidatat officia voluptate. Reprehenderit nostrud nostrud ipsum Lorem est aliquip amet voluptate voluptate dolor minim nulla est accolade impromptue } proident. Nostrud officia {{pariatur}} ut officia. Sit irure elit esse ea nulla sunt ex occaecat reprehenderit commodo officia dolor Lorem duis laboris cupidatat officia voluptate.
Culpa proident adipisicing id {nulla} nisi laboris ex in Lorem sunt duis officia eiusmod. Aliqua reprehenderit commodo ex non excepteur duis sunt velit enim. Voluptate laboris sint cupidatat ullamco ut ea consectetur et est culpa et culpa duis. Culpa proident adipisicing id {nulla} nisi laboris ex in Lorem sunt duis officia eiusmod. Aliqua reprehenderit commodo ex non [excepteur] duis sunt velit enim. Voluptate laboris sint cupidatat ullamco ut ea consectetur et est culpa et culpa duis.
---- ----