
218 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# resultsFile is a library which allows to read output files of quantum
# chemistry codes and write input files.
# Copyright (C) 2007 Anthony SCEMAMA
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Anthony Scemama
# Universite Paul Sabatier
# 118, route de Narbonne
# 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
from library import *
from math import *
class atom(object):
"""Class for an atom."""
def __init__(self):
self._name = None
self._charge = None
self._coord = None
self._basis = None
def __repr__(self):
out = "%8s %10.3f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f"%tuple(\
[, self.charge]+list(self.coord))
return out
def __repr__debug__(self):
out = ""
out += "Atom:\n"
out += " Name : "+str('\n'
out += " Charge : "+str(self.charge)+'\n'
out += " Coord : "+str(self.coord)+'\n'
out += " Basis set : "+str(self.basis)+'\n'
return out
def __cmp__(self,other):
assert ( isinstance(other,atom) )
if self.charge < other.charge:
return -1
elif self.charge > other.charge:
return 1
elif self.charge == other.charge:
return 0
for i in "name charge coord basis".split():
exec """
def get_%(i)s(self): return self._%(i)s
def set_%(i)s(self,value): self._%(i)s = value
%(i)s = property(fget=get_%(i)s,fset=set_%(i)s) """%locals()
class atomDataElement(object):
"""Atomic database."""
def __init__(self,symbol,charge,covalR,vdwR,valence,color,mass):
self.symbol = symbol
self.charge = int(charge)
self.covalR = float(covalR)
self.vdwR = float(vdwR)
self.mass = float(mass)
self.valence= int(valence)
self.color = int(color)
def __repr__(self):
out = ""
out += "%3d "%(self.charge)
out += "%3s "%(self.symbol)
out += "%10.6f "%(self.covalR)
out += "%10.6f "%(self.vdwR)
out += "%3d "%(self.valence)
out += "%3d "%(self.color)
out += "%10.6f "%(self.mass)
return out
atomDataText = """
0 X 0.0 0.75 0 8 0.0
0 XX 0.0 0.75 0 8 0.0
1 H 0.370000 1.200000 1 0 1.0079
2 He 0.700000 1.700000 0 2 4.00260
3 Li 1.230000 1.700000 1 5 6.941
4 Be 0.890000 1.700000 2 5 9.01218
5 B 0.900000 1.700000 3 5 10.81
6 C 0.850000 1.700000 4 8 12.011
7 N 0.740000 1.550000 3 3 14.0067
8 O 0.740000 1.520000 2 1 15.9994
9 F 0.720000 1.470000 1 7 18.998403
10 Ne 0.700000 1.700000 0 1 20.179
11 Na 1.000000 1.700000 1 6 22.98977
12 Mg 1.360000 1.700000 2 6 24.305
13 Al 1.250000 1.940000 3 6 26.98154
14 Si 1.170000 2.100000 4 5 28.0855
15 P 1.100000 1.800000 3 6 30.97376
16 S 1.100000 1.800000 6 4 32.06
17 Cl 0.990000 1.750000 1 6 35.453
18 Ar 0.700000 1.700000 0 5 39.948
19 K 2.030000 1.700000 1 5 39.0983
20 Ca 1.740000 1.700000 2 5 40.08
21 Sc 1.440000 1.700000 0 5 44.9559
22 Ti 1.320000 1.700000 0 5 47.90
23 V 1.220000 1.980000 0 5 50.9415
24 Cr 0.000000 1.940000 0 5 51.996
25 Mn 1.160000 1.930000 0 5 54.9380
26 Fe 0.000000 1.930000 0 5 55.9332
27 Co 1.150000 1.920000 0 5 58.9332
28 Ni 1.170000 1.700000 0 5 58.70
29 Cu 1.250000 1.700000 0 5 63.546
30 Zn 1.250000 1.700000 0 5 65.38
31 Ga 1.200000 2.020000 0 0 69.72
32 Ge 1.210000 1.700000 0 5 72.59
33 As 1.160000 1.960000 0 1 74.9216
34 Se 0.700000 1.700000 0 5 78.96
35 Br 1.240000 2.100000 0 6 79.904
36 Kr 1.910000 1.700000 0 5 83.80
37 Rb 1.620000 1.700000 0 5 85.4678
38 Sr 1.450000 1.700000 0 5 87.62
39 Y 1.340000 1.700000 0 5 88.9059
40 Zr 1.290000 2.210000 0 5 91.22
41 Nb 1.290000 1.700000 0 5 92.9064
42 Mo 1.240000 2.060000 0 5 95.94
43 Tc 1.250000 1.700000 0 5 98
44 Ru 0.000000 2.010000 0 5 101.07
45 Rh 1.340000 2.010000 0 5 102.9055
46 Pd 1.410000 2.040000 0 5 106.4
47 Ag 1.500000 1.700000 0 5 107.868
48 Cd 1.400000 1.700000 0 5 112.41
49 In 1.410000 1.700000 0 5 114.82
50 Sn 1.370000 1.700000 0 5 118.69
51 Sb 1.330000 1.700000 0 5 121.75
52 Te 0.700000 1.700000 0 5 127.60
53 I 1.330000 2.150000 1 6 126.9045
54 Xe 1.980000 1.700000 0 5 131.30
55 Cs 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 132.9054
56 Ba 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 137.33
57 La 0.000000 0.800000 0 5 138.9055
58 Ce 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 140.12
59 Pr 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 140.9077
60 Nd 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 144.24
61 Pm 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 145
62 Sm 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 150.4
63 Eu 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 151.96
64 Gd 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 157.25
65 Tb 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 158.9254
66 Dy 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 162.50
67 Ho 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 164.9304
68 Er 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 167.26
69 Tm 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 168.9342
70 Yb 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 173.04
71 Lu 1.690000 1.700000 0 5 174.967
72 Hf 1.440000 1.700000 0 5 178.49
73 Ta 1.340000 1.700000 0 5 180.9479
74 W 1.300000 1.700000 0 5 183.85
75 Re 1.280000 1.700000 0 5 186.207
76 Os 1.260000 2.020000 0 5 190.2
77 Ir 1.290000 2.030000 0 5 192.22
78 Pt 1.340000 1.700000 0 5 195.09
79 Au 1.440000 1.700000 0 9 196.9665
80 Hg 1.550000 1.700000 0 5 200.59
81 Tl 1.540000 1.700000 0 5 204.37
82 Pb 1.520000 1.700000 0 5 207.2
83 Bi 1.520000 1.700000 0 5 208.9804
84 Po 1.400000 1.700000 0 5 209
85 At 0.700000 1.700000 0 5 210
86 Rn 2.400000 1.700000 0 5 222
87 Fr 2.000000 1.700000 0 5 223
88 Ra 1.900000 1.700000 0 5 226.0254
89 Ac 1.900000 1.700000 0 5 227.0278
90 Th 1.900000 1.700000 0 5 232.0381
91 Pa 1.900000 1.700000 0 5 231.0359
92 U 1.900000 1.700000 0 5 238.029
93 Np 2.0 2.0 0 5 237.0482
94 Pu 2.0 2.0 0 5 244
95 Am 2.0 2.0 0 5 243
96 Cm 2.0 2.0 0 5 247
97 Bk 2.0 2.0 0 5 247
98 Cf 2.0 2.0 0 5 251
99 Es 2.0 2.0 0 5 254
100 Fm 2.0 2.0 0 5 257
101 Md 2.0 2.0 0 5 258
102 No 2.0 2.0 0 5 259
103 Lr 2.0 2.0 0 5 260
atomData = 110*[None]
for line in atomDataText.splitlines():
charge, symbol, covalR, vdwR, valence, color, mass = line.split()
at = atomDataElement(symbol,charge,covalR,vdwR,valence,color,mass)
atomData[int(at.charge)] = at
if __name__ == '__main__':
for s in atomData:
print s