#!/usr/bin/env python3 # resultsFile is a library which allows to read output files of quantum # chemistry codes and write input files. # Copyright (C) 2007 Anthony SCEMAMA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Anthony Scemama # LCPQ - IRSAMC # Universite Paul Sabatier # 118, route de Narbonne # 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 # scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr import resultsFile from lib import * import struct gamessFile_defined_vars = [ "date", "version", "machine", "memory", "disk",\ "cpu_time", "author", "title", "units", "methods", "options", \ "spin_restrict", "conv_threshs", "energies", \ "one_e_energies", "two_e_energies", "ee_pot_energies", \ "Ne_pot_energies", "pot_energies", \ "kin_energies", "virials", "point_group", "num_elec", \ "charge", "multiplicity","nuclear_energy","dipole","geometry",\ "basis","pseudo", "mo_sets","mo_types","mulliken_mo","mulliken_ao",\ "mulliken_atom","lowdin_ao", "mulliken_atom","lowdin_atom",\ "two_e_int_ao", "determinants", "num_alpha", "num_beta",\ "closed_mos", "active_mos", "virtual_mos", \ "determinants_mo_type", "det_coefficients", \ "csf_mo_type", "csf_coefficients", "symmetries", "occ_num", \ "csf", "num_states", "two_e_int_ao_filename", "pseudo", "one_e_int_ao_filename", "atom_to_ao_range", "gradient_energy" ] class gamessFile(resultsFile.resultsFileX): """ Class defining the gamess file. """ local_vars = list(resultsFile.local_vars) defined_vars = list(gamessFile_defined_vars) get_data = resultsFile.get_data exec(get_data('date',"EXECUTION OF GAMESS BEGUN",'4:'), locals()) exec(get_data('machine',"Files used on the master node",'6:7'), locals()) exec(get_data('version',"GAMESS VERSION",'4:8'), locals()) exec(get_data('num_proc',"MEMDDI DISTRIBUTED OVER",'3:4',"int"), locals()) exec(get_data('num_elec',"NUMBER OF ELECTRONS", '4:5',"int"), locals()) exec(get_data('charge',"CHARGE OF MOLECULE", '4:5',"float"), locals()) exec(get_data('nuclear_energy',"THE NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY", '5:6',"float"), locals()) def get_multiplicity(self): if self._multiplicity is None: try: self.find_string("SPIN MULTIPLICITY") except IndexError: try: self.find_string("STATE MULTIPLICITY") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos if pos is not None: line = self.text[pos].split() self._multiplicity = int(' '.join(line[3:4])) return self._multiplicity def get_two_e_int_mo_filename(self): try: getattr(self,'_two_e_int_mo_filename') except AttributeError: self._two_e_int_mo_filename = None if self._two_e_int_mo_filename is None: filename = self.filename.split('.') filename.pop() filename.append("F08") filename = '.'.join(filename) self._two_e_int_mo_filename = filename return self._two_e_int_mo_filename def set_two_e_int_mo_filename(self,value): self._two_e_int_mo_filename = value def get_two_e_int_ao_filename(self): try: getattr(self,'_two_e_int_ao_filename') except AttributeError: self._two_e_int_ao_filename = None if self._two_e_int_ao_filename is None: filename = self.filename.split('.') filename.pop() filename.append("F08") filename = '.'.join(filename) self._two_e_int_ao_filename = filename return self._two_e_int_ao_filename def set_two_e_int_ao_filename(self,value): self._two_e_int_ao_filename = value def get_disk(self): if self._disk is None: try: self.find_string("Files used on the master node") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() disk = 0 while len(line) == 8: disk += float(line[4]) pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() disk = disk/1000000000. if disk > 1.: self._disk = str(disk)+" Gb" else: disk *= 1000. if disk > 1.: self._disk = str(disk)+" Mb" else: disk *= 1000. self._disk = str(disk)+" kb" return self._disk def get_cpu_time(self): if self._cpu_time is None: try: self.find_string("EXECUTION OF GAMESS TERMINATED NORMALLY") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos pos -= 3 line = self.text[pos].split() self._cpu_time = line[-4]+" s" return self._cpu_time def get_memory(self): if self._memory is None: try: self.find_string("EXECUTION OF GAMESS TERMINATED NORMALLY") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos pos -= 1 line = self.text[pos].split() memory = float(line[0])*8. / 1000000000. if memory > 1.: self._memory = str(memory)+" Gb" else: memory *= 1000. if memory > 1.: self._memory = str(memory)+" Mb" else: memory *= 1000. self._memory = str(memory)+" kb" return self._memory def get_author(self): if self._author is None: try: self.find_string("Files used on the master node") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() self._author = line[2] return self._author def get_title(self): if self._title is None: try: self.find_string("RUN TITLE") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos pos += 2 self._title = self.text[pos].strip() return self._title def get_symmetries(self): if self._symmetries is None: try: self.find_string("DIMENSIONS OF THE SYMMETRY SUBSPACES") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos begin = pos + 1 try: self.find_next_string("DONE") except IndexError: return None end = self._pos-1 sym = [] for k in range(begin,end): buffer = self.text[k].replace('=',' ').split() for i,j in zip(buffer[0::2],buffer[1::2]): sym.append([i,int(j)]) self._symmetries = sym return self._symmetries def get_units(self): if self._units is None: try: self.find_string("ATOM ATOMIC COORDINATES") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos line = list(self.text[pos].split().pop()) line.pop() line.pop(0) self._units = ''.join(line) return self._units def get_methods(self): if self._methods is None: methods = [] options = self.options for m in ['SCFTYP', 'CITYP']: if options[m] != 'NONE': methods.append(options[m]) self._methods = methods return self._methods def get_occ_num(self): if self._occ_num is None: occ = {} for motype in self.mo_types: occ[motype] = [ 0. for mo in self.mo_sets[motype] ] if motype == "Natural": for i,mo in enumerate(self.mo_sets[motype]): occ[motype][i] = mo.eigenvalue else: if self.mulliken_mo is not None: for i,mo in enumerate(self.mulliken_mo): occ[motype][i] = mo.eigenvalue if occ != {}: self._occ_num = occ return self._occ_num def get_options(self): if self._options is None: options = {} list_of_keys = ["$CONTRL OPTIONS","INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION OPTIONS", \ "INTEGRAL INPUT OPTIONS","GUESS OPTIONS"] for key in list_of_keys: try: self.find_string(key) pos = self._pos + 2 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] while len(tokens) > 0: for i,t in enumerate(tokens): options[t] = values[i] pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].replace('FRIEND= ','FRIEND=NONE') line = line.replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] if len(tokens) != len(values): print("error: ",line) sys.exit(0) except IndexError: pass try: self.find_string("$SYSTEM OPTIONS") pos = self._pos + 2 line = self.text[pos].split() options['MEMORY'] = line[2] pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() options['MEMDDI'] = line[2] pos += 3 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ').split() options[line[0]] = line[1] pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] for i,t in enumerate(tokens): options[t] = values[i] except IndexError: pass try: self.find_string("PROPERTIES INPUT") pos = self._pos + 4 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] while tokens[0] != "EXTRAPOLATION": for i,t in enumerate(tokens): options[t] = values[i] pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] except IndexError: pass try: self.find_string(" SCF CALCULATION") pos = self._pos + 4 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] while tokens[0] != "DENSITY": for i,t in enumerate(tokens): options[t] = values[i] pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ').split() options[line[2]] = line[3] pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ').split() options[line[6]] = line[7] except IndexError: pass try: self.find_string("GUGA DISTINCT ROW TABLE") pos = self._pos + 3 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] while tokens[0] != "-CORE-": for i,t in enumerate(tokens): options[t] = values[i] pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] except IndexError: pass try: self.find_string("GUGA DISTINCT ROW TABLE") self.find_next_string("-CORE-") pos = self._pos + 1 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] while tokens[0] != "THE": for i,t in enumerate(tokens): options[t] = values[i] pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].replace('=',' ') tokens = line.split()[0::2] values = line.split()[1::2] except IndexError: pass if options != {}: self._options = options return self._options def get_spin_restrict(self): if self._spin_restrict is None: options = self.options if options['SCFTYP'] == 'RHF': self._spin_restrict = True elif options['SCFTYP'] == 'ROHF': self._spin_restrict = True elif options['SCFTYP'] == 'UHF': self._spin_restrict = False elif options['CITYP'] != 'NONE' or options['SCFTYP'] == 'MCSCF': self._spin_restrict = True return self._spin_restrict def get_conv_threshs(self): if self._conv_threshs is None: options = self.options self._conv_threshs = [] for m in self.methods: if m == 'RHF' or m == 'UHF' or m == 'ROHF': self._conv_threshs.append(float(options['CONV'])) if m == 'GUGA': try: self.find_string("DAVIDSON METHOD") self.find_next_string("CONVERGENCE CRITERION") res = float(self.text[self._pos].split('=')[1]) self._conv_threshs.append(res) except IndexError: pass return self._conv_threshs def get_gradient_energy(self): if self._gradient_energy is None: try: self.find_string("GRADIENT OF THE ENERGY") self.find_next_string("E'X") pos = self._pos+1 self._gradient_energy = [] for i in self.geometry: buffer = self.text[pos].split() label = buffer[1] assert label == i.name f = list(map(float,buffer[2:])) self._gradient_energy.append(f) pos +=1 except IndexError: self._gradient_energy = [] return self._gradient_energy def get_energies(self): if self._energies is None: self._energies = [] self._one_e_energies = [] self._two_e_energies = [] self._ee_pot_energies = [] self._Ne_pot_energies = [] self._pot_energies = [] self._kin_energies = [] self._virials = [] poslist = [] for m in self.methods: if m == 'RHF' or m == 'ROHF': try: self.find_string("FINAL R") poslist.append(self._pos) except IndexError: pass elif m == 'UHF': try: self.find_string("FINAL U") poslist.append(self._pos) except IndexError: pass elif m == 'GUGA': try: self.find_string("END OF DENSITY MATRIX CALCULATION") poslist.append(self._pos) except IndexError: pass elif m == 'MCSCF': try: self.find_string("FINAL MCSCF ENERGY IS") poslist.append(self._pos) except IndexError: pass else: try: self.find_string("FINAL ENERGY IS") poslist.append(self._pos) except IndexError: pass for pos in poslist: try: self._pos = pos self.find_next_string("ENERGY COMPONENTS") self.find_next_string("ONE ELECTRON ENERGY") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() self._one_e_energies.append(float(line[4])) self.find_next_string("TWO ELECTRON ENERGY") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() self._two_e_energies.append(float(line[4])) self.find_next_string("TOTAL ENERGY") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() self._energies.append(float(line[3])) self.find_next_string("ELECTRON-ELECTRON POT") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() self._ee_pot_energies.append(float(line[4])) self.find_next_string("NUCLEUS-ELECTRON POT") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() self._Ne_pot_energies.append(float(line[4])) self.find_next_string("NUCLEUS-NUCLEUS POT") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() self._pot_energies.append(float(line[4])) self.find_next_string("TOTAL KINETIC ENE") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() self._kin_energies.append(float(line[4])) self.find_next_string("VIRIAL RATIO") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() self._virials.append(float(line[4])) except IndexError: pass return self._energies def get_one_e_energies(self): if self._one_e_energies is None: self.get_energies() return self._one_e_energies def get_two_e_energies(self): if self._two_e_energies is None: self.get_energies() return self._two_e_energies def get_ee_pot_energies(self): if self._ee_pot_energies is None: self.get_energies() return self._ee_pot_energies def get_Ne_pot_energies(self): if self._Ne_pot_energies is None: self.get_energies() return self._Ne_pot_energies def get_pot_energies(self): if self._pot_energies is None: self.get_energies() return self._pot_energies def get_kin_energies(self): if self._kin_energies is None: self.get_energies() return self._kin_energies def get_virials(self): if self._virials is None: self.get_energies() return self._virials def get_point_group(self): if self._point_group is None: try: self.find_string("THE POINT GROUP IS") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].replace(',',' ').split() group = line[4] self._point_group = group.replace('N',line[6]) except IndexError: pass return self._point_group def get_geometry(self): if self._geometry is None: try: self.find_string(" ATOM ATOMIC COORDINATES") pos = self._pos pos += 2 self._geometry = [] buffer = self.text[pos].split() while len(buffer) > 1: temp = atom() temp.name = buffer[0] temp.charge = float(buffer[1]) temp.coord = (float(buffer[2]), float(buffer[3]), float(buffer[4])) temp.basis = [] self._geometry.append(temp) pos += 1 buffer = self.text[pos].split() except IndexError: pass b = self.basis if b is not None: try: for f in b: for at in self._geometry: if f.center is at.coord: at.basis.append(f) except IndexError: pass return self._geometry def get_dipole(self): if self._dipole is None: try: self.find_string("ELECTROSTATIC MOMENTS") pos = self._pos pos += 6 self._dipole = [] for d in self.text[pos].split(): self._dipole.append( float(d) ) except IndexError: pass return self._dipole def get_basis(self): if self._basis is None: try: self.find_string("SHELL TYPE") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos try: self.find_next_string("TOTAL NUMBER OF") except IndexError: return None end = self._pos pos += 2 basis_read = [] basis_read_dict = {} atom_label = None atom = [] while pos < end: line = self.text[pos].split() bf = [] if len(line) == 1: basis_read.append(atom) basis_read_dict[atom_label] = atom atom = [] atom_label = line[0] while len(line) > 1: index = int(line[0]) sym = line[1] expo = float(line[3]) coef = float(line[4]) if sym == "L": coef2 = float(line[5]) bf.append( [expo,coef,coef2] ) else: bf.append( [expo,coef] ) pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() if len(bf) > 0: atom.append( [index, sym, bf] ) pos += 1 basis_read.append(atom) basis_read_dict[atom_label] = atom # new_basis_read = [] # ib = 1 # for iatom in range(len(basis_read)): # atom = basis_read[iatom] # for (i, s, b) in atom: # new_basis_read += [ [ib, s, b] ] # ib += 1 # if iatom+1 < len(basis_read): # while ib < basis_read[iatom+1][0][0]: # for (i, s, b) in atom: # new_basis_read += [ [ib, s, b] ] # ib += 1 # # basis_read = new_basis_read new_basis_read = [] for iatom in range(len(basis_read)): atom = basis_read[iatom] for a in atom: new_basis_read += [ a ] basis_read = new_basis_read Nmax = basis_read[len(basis_read)-1][0] basis = [None for i in range(Nmax)] for b in basis_read: basis[b[0]-1] = [b[1],b[2]] # If symmetry is used, rebuild the basis taking the infos of the atoms if None in basis: basis_aux = [] for atom in self.geometry: basis_aux += basis_read_dict[atom._name] for i,b in enumerate(basis): if b is None: basis[i] = [ basis_aux[i][1], basis_aux[i][2] ] k=0 while k 0 and pos < end: try: il2 = int(line[2])+shift except ValueError: line.insert(2,str(curatom)) self.text[pos] = ' '.join(line) il2 = int(line[2])+shift if il2 == 1: is_zero = False elif not is_zero and il2 == 0: il2 -= shift shift += 100 il2 += shift is_zero = True if curatom < il2: self._atom_to_ao_range.append(list(ao_range)) ao_range[1] += 1 curatom = il2 ao_range[0] = int(line[0]) else: ao_range[1] = int(line[0]) pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() self._atom_to_ao_range.append(ao_range) self._atom_to_ao_range = list(self._atom_to_ao_range[:len(self.geometry)]) return self._atom_to_ao_range def get_mo_sets(self): if self._mo_sets is None: self._mo_sets = [] self._mo_types = [] posend = {} # UHF if not self.spin_restrict: try: index = self.options['SCFTYP']+'a' self.find_string(" CONVERGED") self.find_next_string("EIGENVECTORS") self.find_next_string("1 2") posend[index] = [] posend[index].append(self._pos) self.find_next_string("-- BETA SET --") posend[index].append(int(self._pos)-1) self._mo_types.append(index) index = self.options['SCFTYP']+'b' self.find_next_string("EIGENVECTORS") self.find_next_string("1 2") posend[index] = [] posend[index].append(self._pos) self.find_next_string("END OF "+index[:3]+" CALCULATION") posend[index].append(int(self._pos)) self._mo_types.append(index) except IndexError: pass # RHF/ROHF else: try: index = self.options['SCFTYP'] self.find_string(" CONVERGED") self.find_next_string("EIGENVECTORS") self.find_next_string("1 2") posend[index] = [] posend[index].append(self._pos) self.find_next_string("END OF ") posend[index].append(int(self._pos)) self._mo_types.append(index) except IndexError: pass try: index = self.options['LOCAL'] self.find_string("THE BOYS LOCALIZED ORBITALS ARE") self.find_next_string("1 2") posend[index] = [] posend[index].append(self._pos) self.find_next_string("END OF ") posend[index].append(int(self._pos)) self._mo_types.append(index) except IndexError: pass # GUGA try: if self.options['CITYP'] == 'NONE' and self.options['SCFTYP'] != 'MCSCF': raise IndexError index = self.options['CITYP'] self.find_string("INITIAL GUESS ORBITALS") self.find_next_string("1 2") posend[index] = [] posend[index].append(self._pos) self.find_next_string("END OF INITIAL ORBITAL SELECTION") posend[index].append(self._pos) self._mo_types.append(index) except IndexError: pass try: index = 'Natural' self.find_string("NATURAL ORBITALS IN ATOMIC ORBITAL BASIS") self.find_next_string("1 2") posend[index] = [] posend[index].append(self._pos) self.find_next_string("END OF DENSITY MATRIX CALCULATION") posend[index].append(self._pos) self._mo_types.append(index) except IndexError: pass # MCSCF try: if self.options['SCFTYP'] != 'MCSCF': raise IndexError index = self.options['SCFTYP'] self.find_string("MCSCF OPTIMIZED ORBITALS") self.find_next_string("1 2") posend[index] = [] posend[index].append(self._pos) self.find_next_string("DONE WITH MCSCF ITERATIONS") posend[index].append(self._pos) self._mo_types.append(index) except IndexError: pass try: index = 'Natural' self.find_string("MCSCF NATURAL ORBITALS") self.find_next_string("1 2") posend[index] = [] posend[index].append(self._pos) self.find_next_string("LZ VALUE ANALYSIS FOR MOLECULAR ORBITALS") posend[index].append(self._pos) self._mo_types.append(index) except IndexError: pass self._mo_sets = {} for index in self._mo_types: pos,end = posend[index] pos -= 1 curatom = 1 vectors = [] while pos < end: pos += 1 orbnum = self.text[pos].split() pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() if len(line) == 0: pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() try: eigval = [ float(k) for k in line ] pos += 1 syms = self.text[pos].split() pos += 1 except: eigval = [] syms = [] pass line = self.text[pos].split() begin = pos # Build vectors pos = begin lmax = len(orbnum)+4 for l in range(4,lmax): pos = begin line = self.text[pos] line = line.replace('-',' -').split() v = orbital() v.set = index v.basis = self.basis if len(eigval)>0: v.eigenvalue = eigval[l-4] if len(syms) >0: v.sym = syms[l-4] while len(line) > 0 and pos < end: try: bid = int(line[2]) except ValueError: line.insert(2,str(curatom)) self.text[pos] = ' '.join(line) v.vector.append(float(line[l])) pos += 1 line = self.text[pos] line = line.replace('-',' -').split() vectors.append(v) self._mo_sets[index] = vectors if 'BOYS' in self._mo_sets: self._mo_sets['BOYS'] += \ self._mo_sets['RHF'][len(self._mo_sets['BOYS']):] return self._mo_sets def get_mulliken_mo(self): if self._mulliken_mo is None: posend = [] vectors = [] if self.spin_restrict: try: self.find_string("MULLIKEN ATOMIC POPULATION IN EACH MOLECULAR ORBITAL") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos try: self.find_string("ATOMIC SPIN POPULATION") except IndexError: try: self.find_next_string("POPULATIONS IN EACH AO") except IndexError: return None end = self._pos pos += 2 posend.append([pos,end]) else: try: self.find_string("MULLIKEN ATOMIC POPULATION IN EACH MOLECULAR ORBITAL") self.find_next_string("ALPHA ORBITALS") pos = self._pos self.find_next_string("MULLIKEN ATOMIC POPULATION") end = self._pos pos += 2 posend.append([pos,end]) self.find_next_string("MULLIKEN ATOMIC POPULATION") self.find_next_string("BETA ORBITALS") pos = self._pos self.find_next_string("ATOMIC SPIN POP") end = self._pos pos += 2 posend.append([pos,end]) except IndexError: return None for pos, end in posend: while pos < end: try: pos += 2 line = self.text[pos].split() eigval = [ float(k) for k in line ] pos += 2 line = self.text[pos].split() begin = pos lmax = len(eigval)+1 for l in range(1,lmax): pos = begin line = self.text[pos].split() v = orbital() v.set = "Mulliken_MO" v.basis = self.basis v.eigenvalue = eigval[l-1] while len(line) > 1 and pos < end: v.vector.append(float(line[l])) pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() vectors.append(v) pos += 1 except: return None self._mulliken_mo = vectors return self._mulliken_mo def get_mulliken_ao(self): if self._mulliken_ao is None: try: self.find_string(" POPULATIONS IN EACH AO") except IndexError: return None self._pos += 2 pos = self._pos self.find_next_string("----") end = self._pos - 1 line = self.text[pos][26:].split() vm = orbital() vl = orbital() vm.set = "Mulliken_AO" vl.set = "Lowdin_AO" # vm.basis = self.basis # vl.basis = self.basis vm.eigenvalue = 0. vl.eigenvalue = 0. while pos < end: value = float(line[0]) vm.vector.append(value) vm.eigenvalue += value value = float(line[1]) vl.vector.append(value) vl.eigenvalue += value pos += 1 line = self.text[pos][26:].split() self._mulliken_ao = vm self._lowdin_ao = vl return self._mulliken_ao def get_lowdin_ao(self): if self._lowdin_ao is None: self.get_mulliken_ao() return self._lowdin_ao def get_mulliken_atom(self): if self._mulliken_atom is None: try: self.find_string(" TOTAL MULLIKEN AND LOWDIN ATOMIC POPULATIONS") except IndexError: return None self._pos += 2 pos = self._pos self.find_next_string("-----------") end = self._pos - 1 line = self.text[pos].split() vm = orbital() vl = orbital() vm.set = "Mulliken_Atom" vl.set = "Lowdin_Atom" # vm.basis = self.geometry # vl.basis = self.geometry vm.eigenvalue = 0. vl.eigenvalue = 0. while pos < end: value = float(line[2]) vm.vector.append(value) vm.eigenvalue += value value = float(line[4]) vl.vector.append(value) vl.eigenvalue += value pos += 1 line = self.text[pos].split() self._mulliken_atom = vm self._lowdin_atom = vl return self._mulliken_atom def get_lowdin_atom(self): if self._lowdin_atom is None: self.get_mulliken_atom() return self._lowdin_atom def get_two_e_int_ao(self): if self._two_e_int_ao is None: try: self.find_string("2 ELECTRON INTEGRALS") except IndexError: return None self.find_next_string("BYTES/INTEGRAL") pos = self._pos line = self.text[pos].split() Nint = int( line[1] ) Nbytes = int( line[6] ) assert ( Nbytes == 12 or Nbytes == 16 ) try: file = gamessFile.two_e_int_array(self.two_e_int_filename) except IOError: return None if Nbytes == 12: tc = 1 tci = 'b' elif Nbytes == 16: tc = 2 tci = 'h' file.form = 'l'+4*Nint*tci+Nint*'d' self._two_e_int_ao = file #TODO return self._two_e_int_ao def get_num_alpha(self): if self._num_alpha is None: self._num_alpha = (self.num_elec + self.multiplicity-1)//2 return self._num_alpha def get_num_beta(self): if self._num_beta is None: self._num_beta = (self.num_elec - self.multiplicity+1)//2 return self._num_beta def get_determinants_mo_type(self): if self._determinants_mo_type is None: # Mono-determinant case if self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'RHF' or\ self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'UHF' or\ self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'ROHF': self._determinants_mo_type = self.mo_types[-1] # Multi-determinant case TODO elif self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'MCSCF': self._determinants_mo_type = 'MCSCF' # Multi-determinant case TODO elif self.options['CITYP'] != 'NONE': self._determinants_mo_type = self.mo_types[-1] return self._determinants_mo_type def get_csf_mo_type(self): if self._csf_mo_type is None: self._csf_mo_type = self.determinant_mo_type return self._csf_mo_type def get_determinants(self): if self._determinants is None: determinants = [] if self.csf is not None: for csf in self.csf: for new_det in csf.determinants: determinants.append(new_det) else: pass if determinants != []: self._determinants = determinants return self._determinants def get_csf(self): if self._csf is None: # Mono-determinant case csf = [] if self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'RHF' or\ self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'UHF' or\ self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'ROHF': new_csf = CSF() new_spin_a = [] new_spin_b = [] for i in range(self.num_alpha): new_spin_a.append(i) for i in range(self.num_beta): new_spin_b.append(i) new_csf.append(1.,new_spin_a,new_spin_b) csf.append(new_csf) self._determinants_mo_type = self.mo_types[-1] # Multi-determinant case if self.options['CITYP'] == 'GUGA' or self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'MCSCF': try: self.find_string('SYMMETRIES FOR THE') pos = self._pos buffer = self.text[pos].split() ncore = int (buffer[3]) nact = int (buffer[5]) self.find_string('TOTAL NUMBER OF INTEGRALS') end = self._pos self.find_string('DETERMINANT CONTRIBUTION TO CSF') self.find_next_string('CASE VECTOR') pos = self.pos while pos < end: pos += 4 if len (self.text[pos].split()) > 0: this_csf = CSF() while not self.text[pos].startswith(' CASE VECTOR') and len(self.text[pos])>1: buffer = self.text[pos].split('=')[1].split(':') mostr = buffer[1].replace("-"," -").split() mo = [] for i in mostr: mo.append (int(i)) p_count=0 for j in range ( len(mo) ): if mo[j] < 0: for l in range ( j+1, len(mo) ): if mo[l] > 0: p_count+=1 coef = float (buffer[0])*(-1.0)**p_count tempcsf_a = [] tempcsf_b = [] for i in range(ncore): tempcsf_a.append(i) tempcsf_b.append(i) for i in range(len(mo)): orb = int (mo [i]) if orb > 0: tempcsf_a.append(orb-1) else: tempcsf_b.append(-orb-1) this_csf.append(coef,tempcsf_a,tempcsf_b) pos+=1 csf.append(this_csf) except IndexError: pass if csf != []: self._csf = csf return self._csf def get_closed_mos(self): if self._closed_mos is None: result = [] maxmo = len(self.mo_sets[self.determinants_mo_type]) for orb in range(maxmo): present = True for det in self.determinants: for spin_det in det: if orb not in det[spin_det]: present = False if present: result.append(orb) self._closed_mos = result return self._closed_mos def get_virtual_mos(self): if self._virtual_mos is None: result = [] minmo = len(self.closed_mos) maxmo = len(self.mo_sets[self.determinants_mo_type]) for orb in range(minmo,maxmo): present = False for det in self.determinants: for spin_det in det: if orb in det[spin_det]: present = True if not present: result.append(orb) self._virtual_mos = result return self._virtual_mos def get_active_mos(self): if self._active_mos is None: cl = self.closed_mos vi = self.virtual_mos maxmo = len(self.mo_sets[self.determinants_mo_type]) result = [] for i in range(maxmo): present = i in cl or i in vi if not present: result.append(i) self._active_mos = result return self._active_mos def get_det_coefficients(self): if self._det_coefficients is None: # Mono-determinant case if self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'RHF' or\ self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'UHF' or\ self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'ROHF': self._det_coefficients = [ [1.] ] # Multi-determinant case if self.csf is not None: self._det_coefficients = [] csf = self.csf for state_coef in self.csf_coefficients: vector = [] for i,c in enumerate(state_coef): for d in csf[i].coefficients: vector.append(c*d) self._det_coefficients.append(vector) return self._det_coefficients def get_csf_coefficients(self): if self._csf_coefficients is None: # Mono-determinant case if self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'RHF' or\ self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'UHF' or\ self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'ROHF': self._csf_coefficients = [ [1.] ] # Multi-determinant case elif self.options['CITYP'] == 'GUGA' or self.options['SCFTYP'] == 'MCSCF': self._csf_coefficients = [ [] for i in range(self.num_states) ] self._pos = 0 for state in range(self.num_states): cur_csf=0 self.find_next_string("STATE #") self._pos += 4 pos = self._pos try: while True: line = self.text[pos].split() csf=int(line[0]) for c in range(cur_csf,csf-1): self._csf_coefficients[state].append(0.) cur_csf=csf self._csf_coefficients[state].append(float(line[1])) pos += 1 except: pass return self._csf_coefficients def get_num_states(self): if self._num_states is None: self._num_states=1 try: self.find_string("NUMBER OF STATES REQUESTED") pos = self._pos buffer = self.text[pos].split('=') self._num_states = int(buffer[1]) except IndexError: pass return self._num_states def get_pseudo(self): if self._pseudo is None: try: self.find_string("ECP POTENTIALS") except IndexError: return None pos = self._pos try: self.find_string("THE ECP RUN REMOVES") except IndexError: return None end = self._pos pos += 3 pseudo_read = [] while pos < end: line = self.text[pos][35:].split() pos += 1 ecp = {} try: atom = int(line[0]) except: continue try: ecp["zcore"] = int(line[3]) ecp["atom"] = atom except ValueError: # Same as ... ecp = dict( pseudo_read[ int(line[6])-1 ] ) ecp["atom"] = atom else: lmax = int(line[6]) ecp["lmax"] = lmax for l in range(lmax+1): line = self.text[pos].split() l = int(line[2]) pos += 1 contraction = [] while True: line = self.text[pos].split() try: i = int(line[0]) except ValueError: break except IndexError: break coef = float(line[1]) n = int(line[2]) zeta = float(line[3]) contraction.append( (coef, n, zeta) ) pos += 1 ecp[str(l)] = contraction pseudo_read.append(ecp) self._pseudo = pseudo_read return self._pseudo # Properties # ---------- to_remove = [] for i, j in local_vars: if i in resultsFile.resultsFile_defined_vars: to_remove.append( (i,j) ) for i in to_remove: local_vars.remove(i) for i, j in local_vars: if i not in defined_vars: exec(resultsFile.build_get_funcs(i), locals()) exec(resultsFile.build_property(i,j), locals()) del to_remove, i, j atom_to_ao_range = property(fget=get_atom_to_ao_range) for i in "two_e_int_mo_filename two_e_int_ao_filename".split(): exec(""" def get_%(i)s(self): return self._%(i)s def set_%(i)s(self,value): self._%(i)s = value %(i)s = property(fget=get_%(i)s,fset=set_%(i)s) """%locals()) class two_e_int_array(object): def __init__(self,filename): self._file = fortranBinary(filename,"rb") def get_form(self): return self._file.form def set_form(self,form): self._file.form = form def __iter__(self): for rec in self._file: Nint = rec.pop(0) rec_i = rec[:4*Nint] rec_f = rec[4*Nint:] del rec for m in range(Nint): n = 4*m i = rec_i[n] j = rec_i[n+1] k = rec_i[n+2] l = rec_i[n+3] v = rec_f[m] int = integral() int.indices = (i, j, k, l) int.value = v yield int def __getitem__(self,index): self._file.seek(0) rec = self._file[0] Nint = rec.pop(0) while (index >= Nint): index -= Nint rec = next(self._file) Nint = rec.pop(0) rec_i = rec[:4*Nint] rec_f = rec[4*Nint:] del rec m = index n = 4*m i = rec_i[n] j = rec_i[n+1] k = rec_i[n+2] l = rec_i[n+3] v = rec_f[m] int = integral() int.indices = (i, j, k, l) int.value = v return int form = property ( get_form, set_form ) # Output Routines # --------------- def gamess_write_contrl(res,file, runtyp="ENERGY",guess="HUCKEL", exetyp="RUN",scftyp=None,moread=False,NoSym=False,units="BOHR"): print(" $CONTRL", file=file) print(" EXETYP=",exetyp, file=file) print(" COORD= UNIQUE", " UNITS=",units, file=file) print(" RUNTYP=", runtyp, file=file) if NoSym: print(" NOSYM=1", file=file) if scftyp is None: if res.num_alpha == res.num_beta: scftyp="RHF" else: scftyp="ROHF" print(" SCFTYP=", scftyp, file=file) print(" MULT=", res.multiplicity, file=file) print(" ICHARG=",str(int(res.charge)), file=file) print(" $END", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" $GUESS", file=file) if moread: print(" GUESS=MOREAD", file=file) print(" NORB=",len(res.mo_sets[res.mo_types[-1]]), file=file) else: print(" GUESS=HUCKEL", file=file) print(" $END", file=file) def gamess_write_vec(res, file): # if motype is None: # motypelist = res.mo_types # else: # motypelist = [motype] # for motype in motypelist: motype = res.mo_types[-1] print(motype, "MOs", file=file) print(" $VEC", file=file) moset = res.mo_sets[motype] moindex = res.closed_mos + res.active_mos + \ res.virtual_mos for idx,moi in enumerate(moindex): mo = moset[moi] v = list(mo.vector) line = 1 while (len(v) > 0): fields = [] monum = "%4d"%(idx+1 ) monum = monum[-2:] fields.append ( monum ) linum = "%4d"%(line) linum = linum[-3:] fields.append ( linum ) for n in range(5): try: fields.append ( "%15.8E"%v.pop(0) ) except IndexError: pass print(''.join(fields), file=file) line += 1 print(" $END", file=file) def gamess_write_data(res, file): print(" $DATA", file=file) print(res.title, file=file) try: point_group = res.point_group N = point_group[1] if N != '1': point_group = point_group[0]+'N'+point_group[2:].capitalize() point_group += ' '+N+'\n' except TypeError: point_group = 'C1' N = '1' print(point_group, file=file) for at in res.geometry: print("%10s %3.1f %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f" % tuple( \ [at.name.ljust(10), at.charge]+list(at.coord) ), file=file) for contr in at.basis: sym = contr.sym if sym == 's' : doPrint = True elif sym == 'x' : sym = 'P' doPrint = True elif sym == 'd+0' : sym = 'D' doPrint = True elif sym == 'xx' : sym = 'D' doPrint = True elif sym == 'f+0' : sym = 'F' doPrint = True elif sym == 'xxx' : sym = 'F' doPrint = True elif sym == 'g+0' : sym = 'G' doPrint = True elif sym == 'xxxx' : sym = 'G' doPrint = True elif sym == 'xxxxx' : sym = 'H' doPrint = True elif sym == 'xxxxxx' : sym = 'I' doPrint = True else: doPrint = False if doPrint: print("%4s%8d"%(sym, len(contr.prim)), file=file) for i, p in enumerate(contr.prim): if not isinstance(p,gaussian): raise TypeError("Basis function is not a gaussian") print("%6d%26.10f%12.8f"%(i+1,p.expo,contr.coef[i]), file=file) print("", file=file) print(" $END", file=file) def gamess_write_integrals(res,file): filename = file.name.replace('.inp','.moints') def write_gamess(file,stdout): gamess_write_contrl(file,stdout) x = file.basis x = file.geometry gamess_write_data(file,stdout) gamess_write_vec(file,stdout) resultsFile.fileTypes.append(gamessFile) if __name__ == '__main__': resultsFile.main(gamessFile)