#!/usr/bin/env python # resultsFile is a library which allows to read output files of quantum # chemistry codes and write input files. # Copyright (C) 2007 Anthony SCEMAMA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Anthony Scemama # LCPQ - IRSAMC # Universite Paul Sabatier # 118, route de Narbonne # 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 # scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr #import pdb from .library import * from math import * import sys def normalize_basis_name(s): l = list(s) is_sphe = False l.sort() for i in range(10): if str(i) in l: is_sphe = True if is_sphe: if l[0] == '0': l.insert(0,'+') l = [l[-1]]+l[:-1] result = "" for i in l: result += i result = result.lower() return result class primitive(object): """Class for a primitive basis function.""" def __init__(self): _center = None _expo = None _sym = None def __eq__(self,other): thr = 1.e-6 result = True result = result and abs(self.center[0] - other.center[0]) < thr result = result and abs(self.center[1] - other.center[1]) < thr result = result and abs(self.center[2] - other.center[2]) < thr result = result and abs(self.expo - other.expo) < thr result = result and self.sym == other.sym return result def __repr__(self): out = "%6s %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %16.6e"%tuple( [self.sym]+list(self.center)+[self.expo]) return out def __repr__debug__(self): out = "" out += str(self.sym)+'\t' out += str(self.center)+'\t' out += str(self.expo) return out def __cmp__(self,other): assert ( isinstance(other,primitive) ) """Primitive functions are sorted according to the exponents.""" if not isinstance(other,primitive): raise TypeError if self.expo < other.expo: return -1 elif self.expo > other.expo: return 1 elif self.expo == other.expo: return 0 def get_norm(self): result = sqrt(self.overlap(self)) return result norm = property (get_norm,None,doc="Sqrt( Integral f^2(R) dR ).") for i in "center expo sym".split(): exec(""" def get_%(i)s(self): return self._%(i)s def set_%(i)s(self,value): self._%(i)s = value %(i)s = property(fget=get_%(i)s,fset=set_%(i)s) """%locals()) #----------------------- powersave = { 's':(0,0,0) } def powers(sym): if sym in powersave: return powersave[sym] result = (sym.count('x'),sym.count('y'),sym.count('z')) powersave[sym] = result return result fact_ = [1.] def fact(n): global fact_ nstart = len(fact_) if n < nstart : return fact_[n] else: for i in range(nstart,n+1): fact_.append(fact_[i-1]*float(i)) return fact_[n] def binom(n,m): return fact(n)/(fact(m)*fact(n-m)) def rintgauss(n): def ddfact2(n): if n%2 == 0: print('error in ddfact2') res=1. for i in range(1,n+1,2): res*=float(i) return res res = sqrt(pi) if n == 0: return res elif n == 1: return 0. elif n%2 == 1: return 0. res /= 2.**(n/2) res *= ddfact2(n-1) return res def Goverlap(fA,fB): fA = spheToCart(fA) fB = spheToCart(fB) if isinstance(fA,contraction): result = fA.overlap(fB) elif isinstance(fB,contraction): result = fB.overlap(fA) else: result = GoverlapCart(fA,fB) return result def GoverlapCart(fA,fB): gamA=fA.expo gamB=fB.expo gamtot = gamA+gamB SAB=1.0 A = fA.center B = fB.center nA = powers(fA.sym) nB = powers(fB.sym) for l in range(3): Al = A[l] Bl = B[l] nAl = nA[l] nBl = nB[l] u=gamA/gamtot*Al+gamB/gamtot*Bl arg=gamtot*u*u-gamA*Al*Al-gamB*Bl*Bl alpha=exp(arg)/gamtot**((1.+float(nAl)+float(nBl))/2.) temp = sqrt(gamtot) wA=temp*(u-Al) wB=temp*(u-Bl) accu=0. for n in range (nAl+1): wAn = wA**n * binom(nAl,n) for m in range (nBl+1): integ=nAl+nBl-n-m accu+=wAn*wB**m*binom(nBl,m)*rintgauss(integ) SAB*=accu*alpha return SAB def GoverlapCartNorm2(fA,fB): gamA=fA.expo gamB=fB.expo gamtot = gamA+gamB SAB=1.0 nA = powers(fA.sym) nB = powers(fB.sym) for l in range(3): nAl = nA[l] nBl = nB[l] SAB*=rintgauss(nAl+nBl)/(gamA+gamB)**((1.+float(nAl)+float(nBl))/2.) return SAB def GoverlapCartNorm(fA): gamA=fA.expo SAB=1.0 nA = powers(fA.sym) for l in range(3): nAl = nA[l] SAB*=rintgauss(2*nAl)/(2.*gamA)**(0.5+float(nAl)) return SAB angular_momentum = {} for i,l in enumerate("spdfghijklmno"): angular_momentum[l]=i def get_lm(sym): if 'x' in sym or 'y' in sym or 'z' in sym or sym == 's': return None, None else: return angular_momentum[sym[0]], int(sym[1:]) def xyz_from_lm(l,m): """Returns the xyz powers and the coefficients of a spherical function expressed in the cartesian basis""" power = [] coef = [] absm = abs(m) nb2 = absm nb1 = (l-absm)/2 clmt = [ (-0.25)**t * binom(l,t) * binom(l-t,absm+t) for t in range(nb1+1) ] mod_absm_2 = absm % 2 if m>=0: nb2_start = mod_absm_2 elif m<0: nb2_start = (absm+1) % 2 if m != 0: norm = 2.**(-absm)/fact(l) * sqrt(2.*abs(fact(l+m)*fact(l-m))) else: norm = 1. for n1 in range(nb2_start,nb2+1,2): k = (absm-n1)/2 factor = (-1.)**k * binom(absm,n1) * norm for t in range(nb1+1): for n2 in range(t+1): coe = clmt[t] * factor * binom(t,n2) ipw = ( n1+2*n2 , absm-n1+2*(t-n2), l-2*t-absm ) done = False for i,c in enumerate(coef): if c != 0.: if not done and ipw in power: idx = power.index(ipw) coef[idx] += coe done = True if not done: power.append(ipw) coef.append(coe) return power,coef def spheToCart(fA): l,m = get_lm(fA.sym) if l is None: return fA power, coef = xyz_from_lm(l,m) contr = contraction() for p,c in zip(power,coef): gauss = gaussian() gauss.center = fA.center gauss.expo = fA.expo gauss.sym = '' for l,letter in enumerate('xyz'): gauss.sym += p[l]*letter contr.append(c,gauss) return contr class gaussian(primitive): """Gaussian primitive function.""" def __init__(self): primitive.__init__(self) def overlap(self,other): result = Goverlap(self,other) return result def value(self,r): """Value at r.""" x, y, z = r x -= self.center[0] y -= self.center[1] z -= self.center[2] r2 = x**2 + y**2 + z**2 px, py, pz = powers(self.sym) P = x**px * y**py * z**pz return P*exp(-self.expo*r2) def valuer2(self,r2): """Value at sqrt(r2).""" return exp(-self.expo*r2) #----------------------- class contraction(object): """Contraction of primitive functions.""" def __init__(self): self._center = None self._prim = [] self._coef = [] self._sym = None def __eq__(self,other): thr = 1.e-6 result = True result = result and abs(self._center[0] - other._center[0]) < thr result = result and abs(self._center[1] - other._center[1]) < thr result = result and abs(self._center[2] - other._center[2]) < thr result = result and self._sym == other._sym result = result and len(self._coef) == len(other._coef) if result: for i in range(len(self._coef)): result = result and abs(self._coef[i] - other._coef[i]) < thr if result: for i in range(len(self._prim)): result = result and self._prim[i] == other._prim[i] return result def __repr__(self): out = "%6s %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n"%tuple( [self.sym]+list(self.center)) for i,a in enumerate(self.prim): out += " %16.6e %16.6e\n"%(a.expo,self.coef[i]) return out def append(self,c,func): if self.sym is None: self.sym = func.sym if self.center is None: self.center = func.center assert ( isinstance(func,primitive) ) assert ( self.center == func.center ) self._prim.append(func) self._coef.append(c) def get_norm(self): sum=0. for i, ci in enumerate(self.coef): for j, cj in enumerate(self.coef): sum += ci*cj*self.prim[i].overlap(self.prim[j])/(self.prim[i].norm*self.prim[j].norm) result = sqrt(sum) return result def overlap(self,other0): if isinstance(other0,contraction): other=other0 else: other=contraction() other.sym = other0.sym other.center = other0.center other.append(1.,other0) prim = self.prim oprim = other.prim sum = 0. for i, ci in enumerate(self.coef): for j, cj in enumerate(other.coef): sum += ci*cj*prim[i].overlap(oprim[j]) return sum def get_coef(self): return self._coef coef = property(fget=get_coef) def get_center(self): return self._center center = property(fget=get_center) def get_prim(self): return self._prim prim = property(fget=get_prim) def normalize(self): coef = self.coef prim = self.prim n = self.norm for i, ci in enumerate(coef): coef[i] /= n def value(self,r): """Value at r.""" x, y, z = r x -= self.center[0] y -= self.center[1] z -= self.center[2] r2 = x**2 + y**2 + z**2 px, py, pz = powers(self.sym) P = x**px * y**py * z**pz result = 0. for c,chi in zip(self.coef,self.prim): result += c*chi.valuer2(r2) return P*result for i in "center prim sym coef".split(): exec(""" def get_%(i)s(self): return self._%(i)s def set_%(i)s(self,value): self._%(i)s = value %(i)s = property(fget=get_%(i)s,fset=set_%(i)s) """%locals()) norm = property (get_norm,None,doc="Sqrt( Integral f^2(R) dR ).") try: import lib_cython fact = lib_cython.fact binom = lib_cython.binom rintgauss = lib_cython.rintgauss powers = lib_cython.powers GoverlapCart = lib_cython.GoverlapCart GoverlapCartNorm2 = lib_cython.GoverlapCartNorm2 except ImportError: pass #-------------- if __name__ == '__main__': for l in range(6): print('---') for m in range(-l,l+1): print("%3d %3d :"%(l,m), xyz_from_lm(l,m)) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': a = gaussian() a.sym = 'f+0' a.expo = 3. a.center = [0.,0.,0.] b = gaussian() b.sym = 'g+2' b.expo = 4. b.center = [0.,0.,0.] x = spheToCart(a) y = spheToCart(a) print(x) sys.exit(0) print(GoverlapCart(a,b)) print(GoverlapCartNorm2(a,b)) print('') for i in range(0,10): print(rintgauss(i)) sys.exit(0) c = gaussian() c.sym = 's' c.expo = 1.159 c.center = [0.,0.,0.] d = contraction() d.append(0.025494863235, a) d.append(0.190362765893, b) d.append(0.852162022245, c) d.normalize() print(d) sys.exit(0) a = gaussian() a.sym = 'x' a.expo = 1.0 a.center = [0.,0.,0.] b = gaussian() b.sym = 'x' b.expo = 2.0 b.center = [0.,0.,0.] c = contraction() c.append(1.,a) c.append(2.,b) print(c.value( (1.,1.,0.) )) print(b.overlap(a)) print(a.overlap(b)) print(a.norm) print(c.norm, c.coef) c.normalize() print(c.norm, c.coef) c.normalize() print(c.norm, c.coef) print(Goverlap(a,b))