# resultsFile Python interface to read output files of quantum chemistry programs To add a module to read a new kind of output file, just add a file in the `Modules` directory. # Using the library Example (`resultsFile` is supposed to be in your `sys.path`): ``` Python import resultsFile file = resultsFile.getFile("g09_output.log") print 'recognized as', str(file).split('.')[-1].split()[0] print file.mo_sets ``` ## Constraints ### Gaussian09 * `GFPRINT` : Needed to read the AO basis set * `pop=Full` : Needed to read all the MOs * `#p CAS(SlaterDet)` : CAS-SCI CI coefficients When doing a CAS with Gaussian, first do the Hartree-Fock calculation saving the checkpoint file and then do the CAS in a second calculation. ### Molpro * `print, basis;` : Needed to read the AO basis set * `gprint,orbital;` : Needed to read the MOs * `gprint,civector; gthresh,printci=0.;` : Needed to read the CI coefficients * `orbprint` : Ensures all the MOs are printed An RHF calculation is mandatory before any MCSCF calculation, since some information is printed only the RHF section. Be sure to print *all* molecular orbitals using the `orbprint` keyword, and to use the same spin multiplicity and charge between the RHF and the CAS. ### GAMESS-US For MCSCF calculations, first compute the MCSCF single-point wave function with the GUGA algorithm. Then, put the the MCSCF orbitals (of the `.dat` file) in the GAMESS input file, and run a single-point GUGA CI calculation with the following keywords: * `PRTTOL=0.0001` in the `$GUGDIA` group to use a threshold of 1.E-4 on the CI coefficients * `NPRT=2` in the `$CIDRT` group to print the CSF expansions in terms of Slater determinants * `PRTMO=.T.` in the `$GUESS` group to print the molecular orbitals # Debugging Any module can be run as an stand-alone executable. For example: ``` $ resultsFile/Modules/gamessFile.py resultsFile version 1.0, Copyright (C) 2007 Anthony SCEMAMA resultsFile comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the gpl-license file. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details see the gpl-license file. Usage: ------ resultsFile/Modules/gamessFile.py [options] file Options: -------- --date : When the calculation was performed. --version : Version of the code generating the file. --machine : Machine where the calculation was run. --memory : Requested memory for the calculation. --disk : Requested disk space for the calculation. --cpu_time : CPU time. --author : Who ran the calculation. --title : Title of the run. --units : Units for the geometry (au or angstroms). --methods : List of calculation methods. --options : Options given in the input file. --spin_restrict : Open-shell or closed-shell calculations. --conv_threshs : List of convergence thresholds. --energies : List of energies. --one_e_energies : List of one electron energies. --two_e_energies : List of two electron energies. --ee_pot_energies : List of electron-electron potential energies. --Ne_pot_energies : List of nucleus-electron potential energies. --pot_energies : List of potential energies. --kin_energies : List of kinetic energies. --virials : Virial ratios. --point_group : Symmetry used. --num_elec : Number of electrons. --charge : Charge of the system. --multiplicity : Spin multiplicity of the system. --nuclear_energy : Repulsion of the nuclei. --dipole : Dipole moment --geometry : Atom types and coordinates. --basis : Basis set definition --mo_sets : List of molecular orbitals --mo_types : Types of molecular orbitals (canonical, natural,...) --mulliken_mo : Mulliken atomic population in each MO. --mulliken_ao : Mulliken atomic population in each AO. --mulliken_atom : Mulliken atomic population. --lowdin_ao : Lowdin atomic population in each AO. --mulliken_atom : Mulliken atomic population. --lowdin_atom : Lowdin atomic population. --two_e_int_ao : Two electron integrals in AO basis --determinants : List of Determinants --num_alpha : Number of Alpha electrons. --num_beta : Number of Beta electrons. --closed_mos : Closed shell molecular orbitals --active_mos : Active molecular orbitals --virtual_mos : Virtual molecular orbitals --determinants_mo_type : MO type of the determinants --det_coefficients : Coefficients of the determinants --csf_mo_type : MO type of the determinants --csf_coefficients : Coefficients of the CSFs --symmetries : Irreducible representations --occ_num : Occupation numbers --csf : List of Configuration State Functions --num_states : Number of electronic states --two_e_int_ao_filename : --one_e_int_ao_filename : --atom_to_ao_range : --gradient_energy : Gradient of the Energy wrt nucl coord. --text : --uncontracted_basis : --uncontracted_mo_sets : ```