mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2024-10-07 00:36:17 +02:00
2015-05-21 11:30:15 +02:00

384 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from os.path import join
from module_handler import module_genealogy
qpackage_root = os.environ['QPACKAGE_ROOT']
qpackage_root_src = join(qpackage_root, 'src')
# _
# |\/| _. | _ _|_ o | _ _| _ ._ ._ _|
# | | (_| |< (/_ | | | (/_ o (_| (/_ |_) | | (_|
def ninja_makefile_depend_rule():
# Rule
l_string = ["rule build_makefile.depend"]
l_string += [
" command = module_handler.py save_makefile_depend $module/NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES"]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_makefile_depend_build(l_all_needed_molule, path_module):
l_makefile = [join(qpackage_root_src, i, "Makefile")
for i in l_all_needed_molule]
# Build
path_mkdepend = join(path_module.abs, "Makefile.depend")
str_l_makefile = " ".join(l_makefile)
l_string = ["build {0}: build_makefile.depend {1}".format(path_mkdepend,
l_string += [" module = {0}".format(path_module.abs)]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
import glob
# _ __ _ ___ _ _
# |_ / |_ | / \ _ _|_ _
# |_ /_ | _|_ \_/ o (_ | (_|
# _|
def get_module_with_ezfio_cfg():
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
qp_src = qpackage_root_src
return [join(qp_src, m) for m in listdir(qp_src) if isfile(join(qp_src, m, "EZFIO.cfg")) ]
def get_ezfio_config():
return glob.glob("{0}/*/*.ezfio_config".format(qpackage_root_src))
def get_l_ezfio_irp(l_all_needed_molule, path_module):
l_module_abs = [join(qpackage_root_src, m) for m in l_all_needed_molule]
l_irp = []
for m in l_module_abs + [path_module.abs]:
for file in os.listdir(m):
if file.endswith(".irp.f"):
l_irp.append(join(m, file))
if file == "EZFIO.cfg":
l_irp.append(join(m, "ezfio_interface.irp.f"))
return l_irp
def ninja_ezfio_cfg_rule():
# Rule
l_string = ["rule build_ezfio_interface"]
l_string += [" command = ei_handler.py --path_module $sub_module --irpf90"]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_ezfio_interface_config_rule():
# Rule
l_string = ["rule build_ezfio_interface_config"]
l_string += [" command = ei_handler.py --path_module $sub_module --ezfio_config"]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_ezfio_config_rule():
# Rule
l_string = ["rule build_ezfio_config"]
l_string += [" command = cp $in $out"]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_ezfio_cfg_build(l_module_with_ezfio_cfg):
# Build
l_string = []
for m in l_module_with_ezfio_cfg:
ez_interface = join(m, "ezfio_interface.irp.f")
ez_cfg = join(m, "EZFIO.cfg")
l_string += ["build {0}: build_ezfio_interface {1}".format(ez_interface,
l_string += [" sub_module = {0}".format(m)]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_ezfio_config_build(l_module_with_ezfio_cfg,l_ezfio_config):
# Build
l_string = []
l_file_create = []
ezfio_folder = join(qpackage_root, "EZFIO/config")
for m in l_module_with_ezfio_cfg:
file_source = join(m, "EZFIO.cfg")
name = "{0}.ezfio_interface_config".format(os.path.split(m)[1].lower())
file_create = join(ezfio_folder, name)
l_string += ["build {0}: build_ezfio_interface_config {1}".format(file_create, file_source)]
l_string += [" sub_module = {0}".format(m)]
l_string += [""]
for m in l_ezfio_config:
file_source = m
name = os.path.split(m)[1].lower()
file_create = join(ezfio_folder, name)
l_string += ["build {0}: build_ezfio_config {1}".format(file_create, file_source)]
l_string += [""]
return l_string, l_file_create
def ninja_ezfio_rule():
# Rule
l_string = ["rule build_ezfio"]
ezfio_folder = join(qpackage_root, "EZFIO")
l_string += [" command = cd {0}; make ; cd -".format(ezfio_folder)]
return l_string
def ninja_ezfio_build(l_file_create):
# Rule
ezfio_lib = join(qpackage_root, "EZFIO", "lib", "libezfio.a")
str_ = " ".join(l_file_create)
l_string = ["build {0}: build_ezfio {1}".format(ezfio_lib, str_)]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
# __
# (_ ._ _ | o ._ |
# __) \/ | | | | | | | |<
# /
def get_source_destination(l_all_needed_molule, path_module):
l_all_needed_molule_include = l_all_needed_molule + ["include"]
l_source = [join(qpackage_root_src, m)
for m in l_all_needed_molule_include]
l_destination = [join(qpackage_root_src, path_module.rel, m)
for m in l_all_needed_molule_include]
return l_source, l_destination
def ninja_symlink_rule():
# Rule
l_string = ["rule build_symlink"]
l_string += [" command = ln -s $module_source $module_destination"]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_symlink_build(l_source, l_destination):
# Rule
l_string = []
for source, destination in zip(l_source, l_destination):
l_string += ["build {0}: build_symlink".format(destination)]
l_string += [" module_source = {0}".format(source)]
l_string += [" module_destination = {0}".format(destination)]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
# _ _ _
# o ._ ._ _|_ (_| / \ ._ _ _. | _
# | | |_) | | \_/ o | | | (_| |< (/_
# |
def ninja_irpf90_make_rule():
# Rule
l_string = ["pool irp_pool"]
l_string += [" depth = 1"]
l_string += [""]
l_string += ["rule build_irpf90.make"]
l_string += [" command = cd $module ; irpf90 $include_dir $irpf90_flag ; cd -"]
l_string += [" pool = irp_pool"]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_irpf90_make_build(path_module,
path_irpf90_make = join(path_module.abs, "irpf90.make")
str_l_irp_need = " ".join(l_irp)
str_l_destination = " ".join(l_destination)
path_makefiledepend = join(path_module.abs, "Makefile.depend")
str_depend = "{0} {1} {2}".format(str_l_irp_need,
# Build
l_string = ["build {0}: build_irpf90.make {1}".format(path_irpf90_make,
l_string += [" module = {0}".format(path_module.abs)]
# Option
str_include_dir = " ".join(["-I {0}".format(m)
for m in l_all_needed_molule_include])
l_string += [" include_dir = {0}".format(str_include_dir)]
l_string += [" irpf90_flag = {0}".format("--align=32 --openmp")]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
# _
# |_) o ._ _. ._
# |_) | | | (_| | \/
# /
def get_program(path_module):
import subprocess
fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
cmd = 'grep -l "program" {0}/*.irp.f'.format(path_module.abs)
p = subprocess.check_output([cmd], shell=True, stderr=fnull)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return []
return [os.path.basename(f).split(".")[0] for f in p.split()]
def ninja_binary_rule():
# Rule
l_string = ["rule build_binary"]
l_string += [" command = cd $module ; make -j 1 $binary ; touch $binary; cd -"]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_binary_build(l_bin, path_module):
# Build
irpf90mk_path = join(path_module.abs, "irpf90.make")
ezfio_lib = join(qpackage_root, "EZFIO", "lib", "libezfio.a")
l_abs_bin = [join(path_module.abs, binary) for binary in l_bin]
l_string = []
for path, abs_path in zip(l_bin, l_abs_bin):
l_string += ["build {0}: build_binary {1} {2}".format(abs_path,
l_string += [" module = {0}".format(path_module.abs)]
l_string += [" binary = {0}".format(path)]
l_string += [""]
str_l_abs_bin = " ".join(l_abs_bin)
l_string += ["build build_all_binary_{0}: phony {1}".format(path_module.rel,
l_string += [""]
return l_string
def ninja_all_binary_build(l_module):
l_build_name = ["build_all_binary_{0}".format(m) for m in l_module]
str_l_build_name = " ".join(l_build_name)
l_string = ["build build_all_binary: phony {0}".format(str_l_build_name)]
l_string += [""]
return l_string
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open(join(qpackage_root_src, "NEEDED_MODULES"), "r") as f:
l_module_to_compile = f.read().split()
l_string = ninja_makefile_depend_rule()
l_string += ninja_ezfio_cfg_rule()
l_string += ninja_symlink_rule()
l_string += ninja_irpf90_make_rule()
l_string += ninja_binary_rule()
l_string += ninja_ezfio_interface_config_rule()
l_string += ninja_ezfio_config_rule()
l_string += ninja_ezfio_rule()
from collections import namedtuple
# l_module_to_compile = ["AOs", "CAS_SD", "Hartree_Fock"]
for module_to_consider in l_module_to_compile:
Path = namedtuple('Path', ['abs', 'rel'])
path_module = Path(join(qpackage_root_src, module_to_consider),
path_neeeded_module = join(path_module.abs, "NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES")
l_all_needed_molule = module_genealogy(path_neeeded_module)
# Make.depend rule and build
l_string += ninja_makefile_depend_build(l_all_needed_molule, path_module)
# EZFIO.cfg rule and build
l_irp = get_l_ezfio_irp(l_all_needed_molule, path_module)
# Symlink rule and build
l_source, l_destination = get_source_destination(l_all_needed_molule,
l_string += ninja_symlink_build(l_source, l_destination)
# irpf90.make
l_string += ninja_irpf90_make_build(path_module,
l_all_needed_molule + ["include"],
# ninja_binary
l_binary = get_program(path_module)
l_string += ninja_binary_build(l_binary, path_module)
l_module = get_module_with_ezfio_cfg()
l_string += ninja_ezfio_cfg_build(l_module)
l_ezfio_config = get_ezfio_config()
l_string_dump, l_file_create = ninja_ezfio_config_build(l_module_with_ezfio_cfg=l_module,
l_string += l_string_dump
l_string += ninja_all_binary_build(l_module_to_compile)
l_string += ninja_ezfio_build(l_file_create)
print "\n".join(l_string)