mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2024-07-03 09:55:59 +02:00
Anthony Scemama 94f01c0892 Bugs to fix (#50)
* Add config for knl

* Add mising readme

* Add .gitignore

* Add pseudo to qp_convert

* Working pseudo

* Dressed matrix for pt2 works for one state

* now eigenfunction of S^2

* minor modifs in printing

* Fixed the perturbation with psi_ref instead of psi_det

* Trying do really fo sin free multiple excitations

* Beginning to merge MRCC and MRPT

* final version of MRPT, at least I hope

* Fix 404: Update Zlib Url.

* Delete ifort_knl.cfg

* Update module_handler.py

* Update pot_ao_pseudo_ints.irp.f

* Update map_module.f90

* Restaure map_module.f90

* Update configure

* Update configure

* Update sort.irp.f

* Update sort.irp.f

* Update selection.irp.f

* Update selection.irp.f

* Update dressing.irp.f

* TApplencourt IRPF90 -> LCPQ

* Remove `irpf90.make` in dependency

* Update configure

* Missing PROVIDE

* Missing PROVIDE

* Missing PROVIDE

* Missing PROVIDE

* Update configure

* pouet

* density based mrpt2

* debugging FOBOCI

* Added SCF_density

* New version of FOBOCI

* added density.irp.f

* minor changes in plugins/FOBOCI/SC2_1h1p.irp.f

* added track_orb.irp.f

* minor changes

* minor modifs in FOBOCI

* med

* Minor changes

* minor changes

* strange things in MRPT

* minor modifs


* Fix #185 (Graphviz API / Python 2.6)

* beginning to debug dft

* fixed the factor 2 in lebedev

* DFT integration works for non overlapping densities

* DFT begins to work with lda

* KS LDA is okay

* added core integrals

* mend

* Beginning logn range integrals

* Trying to handle two sets of integrals

* beginning to clean erf integrals

* Handling of two different mo and ao integrals map
2017-04-20 08:36:11 +02:00

63 lines
1.6 KiB

# Common flags
# -ffree-line-length-none : Needed for IRPF90 which produces long lines
# -lblas -llapack : Link with libblas and liblapack libraries provided by the system
# -I . : Include the curent directory (Mandatory)
# --ninja : Allow the utilisation of ninja. (Mandatory)
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
FC : gfortran -ffree-line-length-none -I .
LAPACK_LIB : -llapack -lblas
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32
# Global options
# 1 : Activate
# 0 : Deactivate
MODE : OPT ; [ OPT | PROFILE | DEBUG ] : Chooses the section below
CACHE : 1 ; Enable cache_compile.py
OPENMP : 1 ; Append OpenMP flags
# Optimization flags
# -Ofast : Disregard strict standards compliance. Enables all -O3 optimizations.
# It also enables optimizations that are not valid
# for all standard-compliant programs. It turns on
# -ffast-math and the Fortran-specific
# -fno-protect-parens and -fstack-arrays.
# Profiling flags
FC : -p -g
# Debugging flags
# -fcheck=all : Checks uninitialized variables, array subscripts, etc...
# -g : Extra debugging information
FCFLAGS : -fcheck=all -g
# OpenMP flags
FC : -fopenmp
IRPF90_FLAGS : --openmp