#!/bin/bash # Makes several checks before compiling. # Wed Mar 25 21:22:18 CET 2015 # Required EZFIO version EZFIO_REQUIRED_VERSION=1.1 # Required IRPF90 version IRPF90_REQUIRED_VERSION=1.5 if [[ -z ${QPACKAGE_ROOT} ]] then print "The QPACKAGE_ROOT environment variable is not set." print "Please reload the quantum_package.rc file." exit -1 fi source ${QPACKAGE_ROOT}/scripts/qp_include.sh check_current_dir_is_src IRPF90="${QPACKAGE_ROOT}/bin/irpf90 ${IRPF90_FLAGS}" # Check if the user's config exists if [[ ! -f ${QPACKAGE_ROOT}/src/Makefile.config ]] then error " Makefile.config is not present. You can create Makefile.config by modifying Makefile.config.example " else info "Makefile.config is present" fi IRPF90_VERSION=$( ${IRPF90} -v ) python << EOF import sys irp_version = float("${IRPF90_VERSION}".rsplit('.',1)[0]) irp_required_version = float($IRPF90_REQUIRED_VERSION) if irp_version < irp_required_version: sys.exit(-1) EOF if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then error " Current IRPF90 version : \$ ${IRPF90} -v ${IRPF90_VERSION}. IRPF90 version >= ${IRPF90_REQUIRED_VERSION} is required. To upgrade IRPF90, run : ${QPACKAGE_ROOT}/scripts/upgrade/upgrade_irpf90.sh " else info "irpf90 version is OK" fi # Check EZFIO version EZFIO_VERSION=$(cat ${QPACKAGE_ROOT}/EZFIO/version | cut -d '=' -f 2) python << EOF import sys ezfio_version = float("${EZFIO_VERSION}".rsplit('.',1)[0]) ezfio_required_version = float($EZFIO_REQUIRED_VERSION) if ezfio_version < ezfio_required_version: sys.exit(-1) EOF if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then error " Current EZFIO version : ${EZFIO_VERSION} EZFIO version >= ${EZFIO_REQUIRED_VERSION} is required. To upgrade EZFIO, run : ${QPACKAGE_ROOT}/scripts/upgrade/upgrade_ezfio.sh " else info "EZFIO version is OK" fi