Natural orbitals ================ Summary ------- To produce state-average natural orbitals, run :: qp_run save_natorb file.ezfio The MOs will be replaced, so the two-electron integrals and the wave function are invalidated as well. Extracting natural orbitals --------------------------- Once obtained the near |FCI| wave function, one can obtain many quantities related to it. One of these quantities are the natural orbitals which have the properties of diagonalizing the one-body density matrix: .. math:: \rho_{ij} = \delta_{ij} where the element of the one-body density matrix :math:`\rho_{ij}` is define as: .. math:: \rho_{ij} = \langle \Psi | \left( a^{\dagger}_{j,\alpha} a_{i,\alpha} + a^{\dagger}_{j,\beta} a_{i,\beta} \right) | \Psi \rangle These orbitals are in general known to be better than the usual |HF| |MOs| as they are obtained from a correlated wave function. To use these orbitals for future calculations, one has to replace the current |MOs| by the natural orbitals. To do so, just run: .. code:: qp_run save_natorb file.ezfio Hands on -------- .. important:: As the |MOs| are changed, for the sake of coherence of future calculations, the save_natorb program *automatically removes the current wave function* stored in the |EZFIO| database and replace it by a single Slater determinant corresponding to a |HF| occupation of the new spin orbitals. Also, all the keywords to read the one- and two-electron integrals on the |MO| basis are set to "None" in order to be sure not to read integrals not corresponding to the current set of |MOs|. .. seealso:: The documentation of the :c:func:`save_natorb` program.