#!/usr/bin/env python """Updates the README.rst file as the include directive is disabled on GitHub.""" __date__ = "Thu Apr 3 23:06:18 CEST 2014" __author__ = "Anthony Scemama<scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr> & TApplencourt " README = "README.rst" Assum_key = "Assumptions\n===========\n" Needed_key = "Needed Modules\n==============\n" Doc_key = "Documentation\n=============\n" Sentinel = "@@$%&@@" URL = "http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/" import os import subprocess from collections import namedtuple import sys """ NEED to call in a module First arg can be the root parent """ try: ROOT_module = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]) except: ROOT_module = os.getcwd() if ROOT_module != os.getcwd(): change = True else: change = False MODULE_NAME = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) header = """ .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. by the `update_README.py` script. """ def fetch_splitted_data(): """Read the README.rst file and split it in strings: * The documentation * The needed modules The result is given as a list of strings """ with open(README, 'r') as f: data = f.read() # Place sentinels data = data.replace(Doc_key, Sentinel + Doc_key) data = data.replace(Needed_key, Sentinel + Needed_key) # Now Split data using the sentinels result = data.split(Sentinel) return result def update_needed(data): """Read the NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES file, and replace the data with it. Create the links to the GitHub pages.""" with open('NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES', 'r') as f: modules = f.read() header_image = ".. image:: tree_dependency.png\n\n" if modules.strip(): modules = ['* `{0} <{1}>`_'.format(name, os.path.join(URL, name)) for name in modules.split()] modules = "\n".join(modules) modules = Needed_key + header + header_image + modules + '\n\n' has_modules = False for i in range(len(data)): if data[i].startswith(Needed_key): has_modules = True data[i] = modules if not has_modules: data.append(modules) return data def extract_doc(item): """Extracts the documentation contained in IRPF90_man file""" path = os.path.join(ROOT_module, "IRPF90_man/%s.l" % (item)) with open(path, 'r') as f: l_line = f.readlines() result = [] inside = False for line in l_line: if not inside: inside = line.startswith(".SH Description") else: if line.startswith(".SH"): break result.append(" {0}".format(line.strip())) if not result: result = [" Undocumented"] return "\n".join(result) + '\n' def update_documentation(data): """Reads the BEGIN_DOC ... END_DOC blocks and builds the documentation""" IRP_info = namedtuple('IRP_info', ["name", "file", "line"]) # If the file does not exist, don't do anything path = os.path.join(ROOT_module, "tags") with open(path, 'r') as f: dump = f.readlines() l_info = [] for i in dump: name, f, ligne = i.split() if not change and "/" not in i: l_info.append(IRP_info(name, f, ligne)) elif change and MODULE_NAME in i: l_info.append(IRP_info(name, f.split("/")[-1], ligne)) l_line = [] for irp in l_info: url = os.path.join(URL, MODULE_NAME, irp.file) doc = extract_doc(irp.name) l_line += ["`{0} <{1}#L{2}>`_".format(irp.name, url, irp.line), doc, ""] documentation = Doc_key + header + "\n".join(l_line) has_doc = False for i in range(len(data)): if data[i].startswith(Doc_key): has_doc = True data[i] = documentation if not has_doc: data.append(documentation) return data def git_add(): """Executes: git add README.rst throw an error if git is not precent""" try: # pipe output to /dev/null for silence null = open("/dev/null", "w") subprocess.Popen("git add README.rst", stdout=null, stderr=null) null.close() except OSError: raise def main(): data = fetch_splitted_data() data = update_documentation(data) data = update_needed(data) output = ''.join(data) with open(README, 'w') as f: f.write(output) try: git_add() except OSError: pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()