open Core.Std (** New job : Request to create a new multi-tasked job *) module State : sig type t val of_string : string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = string let of_string x = x let to_string x = x end module Newjob_msg : sig type t = { state: State.t; address_tcp: Address.Tcp.t ; address_inproc: Address.Inproc.t; } val create : address_tcp:string -> address_inproc:string -> state:string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { state: State.t; address_tcp: Address.Tcp.t ; address_inproc: Address.Inproc.t; } let create ~address_tcp ~address_inproc ~state = { state = State.of_string state; address_tcp = Address.Tcp.of_string address_tcp ; address_inproc = Address.Inproc.of_string address_inproc ; } let to_string t = Printf.sprintf "newjob %s %s %s" ( State.to_string t.state ) ( Address.Tcp.to_string t.address_tcp ) ( Address.Inproc.to_string t.address_inproc ) end (** Connect : connect a new client to the task server *) module Connect_msg : sig type t = Tcp | Inproc | Ipc val create : typ:string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = Tcp | Inproc | Ipc let create ~typ = match typ with | "tcp" -> Tcp | "inproc" -> Inproc | "ipc" -> Ipc | _ -> assert false let to_string = function | Tcp -> "connect tcp" | Inproc -> "connect inproc" | Ipc -> "connect ipc" end (** ConnectReply : Reply to the connect messsage *) module ConnectReply_msg : sig type t = { client_id: Id.Client.t ; state: State.t ; push_address: Address.t; } val create : state:State.t -> client_id:Id.Client.t -> push_address:Address.t -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { client_id: Id.Client.t ; state: State.t ; push_address: Address.t; } let create ~state ~client_id ~push_address = { client_id ; state ; push_address } let to_string x = Printf.sprintf "connect_reply %s %d %s" (State.to_string x.state) (Id.Client.to_int x.client_id) (Address.to_string x.push_address) end (** Disconnect : disconnect a client from the task server *) module Disconnect_msg : sig type t = { client_id: Id.Client.t ; state: State.t ; } val create : state:string -> client_id:string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { client_id: Id.Client.t ; state: State.t ; } let create ~state ~client_id = { client_id = Id.Client.of_string client_id ; state = State.of_string state } let to_string x = Printf.sprintf "disconnect %s %d" (State.to_string x.state) (Id.Client.to_int x.client_id) end module DisconnectReply_msg : sig type t = { finished: bool ; state: State.t ; } val create : state:State.t -> finished:bool -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { finished: bool; state: State.t ; } let create ~state ~finished = { state ; finished } let to_string x = Printf.sprintf "disconnect_reply %s %d" (State.to_string x.state) (if x.finished then 1 else 0) end (** AddTask : Add a new task to the queue *) module AddTask_msg : sig type t = { state: State.t; task: string; } val create : state:string -> task:string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { state: State.t; task: string; } let create ~state ~task = { state = State.of_string state ; task } let to_string x = Printf.sprintf "add_task %s %s" (State.to_string x.state) x.task end (** AddTaskReply : Reply to the AddTask message *) module AddTaskReply_msg : sig type t val create : task_id:Id.Task.t -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = Id.Task.t let create ~task_id = task_id let to_string x = Printf.sprintf "add_task_reply %d" (Id.Task.to_int x) end (** GetTask : get a new task to do *) module GetTask_msg : sig type t = { client_id: Id.Client.t ; state: State.t ; } val create : state:string -> client_id:string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { client_id: Id.Client.t ; state: State.t ; } let create ~state ~client_id = { client_id = Id.Client.of_string client_id ; state = State.of_string state } let to_string x = Printf.sprintf "get_task %s %d" (State.to_string x.state) (Id.Client.to_int x.client_id) end (** GetTaskReply : Reply to the GetTask message *) module GetTaskReply_msg : sig type t val create : task_id:Id.Task.t -> task:string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { task_id: Id.Task.t ; task : string ; } let create ~task_id ~task = { task_id ; task } let to_string x = Printf.sprintf "get_task_reply %d %s" (Id.Task.to_int x.task_id) x.task end (** TaskDone : Inform the server that a task is finished *) module TaskDone_msg : sig type t = { client_id: Id.Client.t ; state: State.t ; task_id: Id.Task.t; } val create : state:string -> client_id:string -> task_id:string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { client_id: Id.Client.t ; state: State.t ; task_id: Id.Task.t; } let create ~state ~client_id ~task_id = { client_id = Id.Client.of_string client_id ; state = State.of_string state ; task_id = Id.Task.of_string task_id } let to_string x = Printf.sprintf "task_done %s %d %d" (State.to_string x.state) (Id.Client.to_int x.client_id) (Id.Task.to_int x.task_id) end (** Terminate *) module Terminate_msg : sig type t val create : unit -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = Terminate let create () = Terminate let to_string x = "terminate" end (** OK *) module Ok_msg : sig type t val create : unit -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = Ok let create () = Ok let to_string x = "ok" end (** Error *) module Error_msg : sig type t val create : string -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = string let create x = x let to_string x = String.concat ~sep:" " [ "error" ; x ] end (** Message *) type t = | Newjob of Newjob_msg.t | Connect of Connect_msg.t | ConnectReply of ConnectReply_msg.t | Disconnect of Disconnect_msg.t | DisconnectReply of DisconnectReply_msg.t | GetTask of GetTask_msg.t | GetTaskReply of GetTaskReply_msg.t | AddTask of AddTask_msg.t | AddTaskReply of AddTaskReply_msg.t | TaskDone of TaskDone_msg.t | Terminate of Terminate_msg.t | Ok of Ok_msg.t | Error of Error_msg.t let of_string s = let l = String.split ~on:' ' s |> ~f:String.strip |> ~f:String.lowercase |> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> (String.strip x) <> "") in match l with | "add_task" :: state :: task -> AddTask (AddTask_msg.create ~state ~task:(String.concat ~sep:" " task) ) | "get_task" :: state :: client_id :: [] -> GetTask (GetTask_msg.create ~state ~client_id) | "task_done" :: state :: client_id :: task_id :: [] -> TaskDone (TaskDone_msg.create ~state ~client_id ~task_id) | "disconnect" :: state :: client_id :: [] -> Disconnect (Disconnect_msg.create ~state ~client_id) | "connect" :: t :: [] -> Connect (Connect_msg.create t) | "new_job" :: state :: push_address_tcp :: push_address_inproc :: [] -> Newjob (Newjob_msg.create push_address_tcp push_address_inproc state) | "terminate" :: [] -> Terminate (Terminate_msg.create () ) | "ok" :: [] -> Ok (Ok_msg.create ()) | "error" :: rest -> Error (Error_msg.create (String.concat ~sep:" " rest)) | _ -> failwith "Message not understood" let to_string = function | Newjob x -> Newjob_msg.to_string x | Connect x -> Connect_msg.to_string x | ConnectReply x -> ConnectReply_msg.to_string x | Disconnect x -> Disconnect_msg.to_string x | DisconnectReply x -> DisconnectReply_msg.to_string x | GetTask x -> GetTask_msg.to_string x | GetTaskReply x -> GetTaskReply_msg.to_string x | AddTask x -> AddTask_msg.to_string x | AddTaskReply x -> AddTaskReply_msg.to_string x | TaskDone x -> TaskDone_msg.to_string x | Terminate x -> Terminate_msg.to_string x | Ok x -> Ok_msg.to_string x | Error x -> Error_msg.to_string x