use map_module BEGIN_PROVIDER [ type(map_type), two_body_dm_ab_map ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Map of the two body density matrix elements for the alpha/beta elements END_DOC integer(key_kind) :: key_max integer(map_size_kind) :: sze use map_module call bielec_integrals_index(mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num,key_max) sze = key_max call map_init(two_body_dm_ab_map,sze) print*, 'two_body_dm_ab_map initialized' END_PROVIDER subroutine insert_into_two_body_dm_ab_map(n_product,buffer_i, buffer_values, thr) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Create new entry into two_body_dm_ab_map, or accumulate in an existing entry END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n_product integer(key_kind), intent(inout) :: buffer_i(n_product) real(integral_kind), intent(inout) :: buffer_values(n_product) real(integral_kind), intent(in) :: thr call map_update(two_body_dm_ab_map, buffer_i, buffer_values, n_product, thr) end double precision function get_two_body_dm_ab_map_element(i,j,k,l,map) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns one value of the wo body density matrix \rho_{ijkl}^{\alpha \beta} defined as : ! \rho_{ijkl}^{\alpha \beta } = <\Psi|a^{\dagger}_{i\alpha} a^{\dagger}_{j\beta} a_{k\beta} a_{l\alpha}|\Psi> END_DOC PROVIDE two_body_dm_ab_map integer, intent(in) :: i,j,k,l integer(key_kind) :: idx type(map_type), intent(inout) :: map real(integral_kind) :: tmp PROVIDE two_body_dm_in_map !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call bielec_integrals_index(i,j,k,l,idx) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call map_get(two_body_dm_ab_map,idx,tmp) get_two_body_dm_ab_map_element = dble(tmp) end subroutine get_get_two_body_dm_ab_map_elements(j,k,l,sze,out_val,map) use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns multiple elements of the \rho_{ijkl}^{\alpha \beta }, all ! i for j,k,l fixed. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: j,k,l, sze double precision, intent(out) :: out_val(sze) type(map_type), intent(inout) :: map integer :: i integer(key_kind) :: hash(sze) real(integral_kind) :: tmp_val(sze) PROVIDE two_body_dm_in_map do i=1,sze !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call bielec_integrals_index(i,j,k,l,hash(i)) enddo if (key_kind == 8) then call map_get_many(two_body_dm_ab_map, hash, out_val, sze) else call map_get_many(two_body_dm_ab_map, hash, tmp_val, sze) ! Conversion to double precision do i=1,sze out_val(i) = dble(tmp_val(i)) enddo endif end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, two_body_dm_in_map ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! If True, the map of the two body density matrix alpha/beta is provided END_DOC two_body_dm_in_map = .True. call add_values_to_two_body_dm_map(full_ijkl_bitmask_4) END_PROVIDER subroutine add_values_to_two_body_dm_map(mask_ijkl) use bitmasks use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Adds values to the map of two_body_dm according to some bitmask END_DOC integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: mask_ijkl(N_int,4) integer :: degree PROVIDE mo_coef psi_coef psi_det integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) integer :: h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2 double precision :: phase double precision :: contrib integer(key_kind),allocatable :: buffer_i(:) double precision ,allocatable :: buffer_value(:) integer :: size_buffer integer :: n_elements integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: n_occ_ab(2) integer :: i,j,k,l,m size_buffer = min(mo_tot_num*mo_tot_num*mo_tot_num,16000000) allocate(buffer_i(size_buffer),buffer_value(size_buffer)) n_elements = 0 do i = 1, N_det ! i == |I> call bitstring_to_list_ab(psi_det(1,1,i), occ, n_occ_ab, N_int) do j = i+1, N_det ! j == 2)cycle call get_excitation(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j),exc,degree,phase,N_int) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) if(degree==2)then ! case of the DOUBLE EXCITATIONS ************************************ if(s1==s2)cycle ! Only the alpha/beta two body density matrix ! * c_I * c_J if(h1>p1)cycle if(h2>p2)cycle ! if( n_elements += 1 contrib = psi_coef(i,1) * psi_coef(j,1) * phase buffer_value(n_elements) = contrib !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call mo_bielec_integrals_index(h1,h2,p1,p2,buffer_i(n_elements)) ! if (n_elements == size_buffer) then ! call insert_into_two_body_dm_ab_map(n_elements,buffer_i,buffer_value,& ! real(mo_integrals_threshold,integral_kind)) ! n_elements = 0 ! endif else ! case of the SINGLE EXCITATIONS *************************************************** cycle ! if(s1==1)then ! Mono alpha : ! do k = 1, elec_beta_num ! m = occ(k,2) ! n_elements += 1 ! buffer_value(n_elements) = contrib ! ! * c_I * c_J ! call mo_bielec_integrals_index(h1,m,p1,m,buffer_i(n_elements)) ! if (n_elements == size_buffer) then ! call insert_into_two_body_dm_ab_map(n_elements,buffer_i,buffer_value,& ! real(mo_integrals_threshold,integral_kind)) ! n_elements = 0 ! endif ! enddo ! else ! Mono Beta : ! do k = 1, elec_alpha_num ! m = occ(k,1) ! n_elements += 1 ! buffer_value(n_elements) = contrib ! ! * c_I * c_J ! call mo_bielec_integrals_index(h1,m,p1,m,buffer_i(n_elements)) ! if (n_elements == size_buffer) then ! call insert_into_two_body_dm_ab_map(n_elements,buffer_i,buffer_value,& ! real(mo_integrals_threshold,integral_kind)) ! n_elements = 0 ! endif ! enddo ! endif endif enddo enddo print*,'n_elements = ',n_elements call insert_into_two_body_dm_ab_map(n_elements,buffer_i,buffer_value,& real(mo_integrals_threshold,integral_kind)) call map_merge(two_body_dm_ab_map) deallocate(buffer_i,buffer_value) end BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_ab_diag_act, (n_act_orb, n_act_orb)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_ab_diag_inact, (n_inact_orb_allocate, n_inact_orb_allocate)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_ab_diag_core, (n_core_orb_allocate, n_core_orb_allocate)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_ab_diag_all, (mo_tot_num, mo_tot_num)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_diag_core_a_act_b, (n_core_orb_allocate,n_act_orb)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_diag_core_b_act_a, (n_core_orb_allocate,n_act_orb)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_diag_core_act, (n_core_orb_allocate,n_act_orb)] implicit none use bitmasks integer :: i,j,k,l,m integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: n_occ_ab(2) integer :: occ_act(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: n_occ_ab_act(2) integer :: occ_core(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: n_occ_ab_core(2) double precision :: contrib BEGIN_DOC ! two_body_dm_ab_diag_all(k,m) = <\Psi | n_(k\alpha) n_(m\beta) | \Psi> ! two_body_dm_ab_diag_act(k,m) is restricted to the active orbitals : ! orbital k = list_act(k) ! two_body_dm_ab_diag_inact(k,m) is restricted to the inactive orbitals : ! orbital k = list_inact(k) ! two_body_dm_ab_diag_core(k,m) is restricted to the core orbitals : ! orbital k = list_core(k) ! two_body_dm_ab_diag_core_b_act_a(k,m) represents the core beta <-> active alpha part of the two body dm ! orbital k = list_core(k) ! orbital m = list_act(m) ! two_body_dm_ab_diag_core_a_act_b(k,m) represents the core alpha <-> active beta part of the two body dm ! orbital k = list_core(k) ! orbital m = list_act(m) ! two_body_dm_ab_diag_core_act(k,m) represents the core<->active part of the diagonal two body dm ! when we traced on the spin ! orbital k = list_core(k) ! orbital m = list_act(m) END_DOC integer(bit_kind) :: key_tmp_core(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind) :: key_tmp_act(N_int,2) two_body_dm_ab_diag_all = 0.d0 two_body_dm_ab_diag_act = 0.d0 two_body_dm_ab_diag_core = 0.d0 two_body_dm_ab_diag_inact = 0.d0 two_body_dm_diag_core_a_act_b = 0.d0 two_body_dm_diag_core_b_act_a = 0.d0 two_body_dm_diag_core_act = 0.d0 do i = 1, N_det ! i == |I> ! Full diagonal part of the two body dm contrib = psi_coef(i,1)**2 call bitstring_to_list_ab(psi_det(1,1,i), occ, n_occ_ab, N_int) do j = 1, elec_beta_num k = occ(j,2) do l = 1, elec_alpha_num m = occ(l,1) two_body_dm_ab_diag_all(k,m) += 0.5d0 * contrib two_body_dm_ab_diag_all(m,k) += 0.5d0 * contrib enddo enddo ! ACTIVE PART of the diagonal part of the two body dm do j = 1, N_int key_tmp_act(j,1) = psi_det(j,1,i) key_tmp_act(j,2) = psi_det(j,2,i) enddo do j = 1, N_int key_tmp_act(j,1) = iand(key_tmp_act(j,1),cas_bitmask(j,1,1)) key_tmp_act(j,2) = iand(key_tmp_act(j,2),cas_bitmask(j,1,1)) enddo call bitstring_to_list_ab(key_tmp_act, occ_act, n_occ_ab_act, N_int) do j = 1,n_occ_ab_act(2) k = list_act_reverse(occ_act(j,2)) do l = 1, n_occ_ab_act(1) m = list_act_reverse(occ_act(l,1)) two_body_dm_ab_diag_act(k,m) += 0.5d0 * contrib two_body_dm_ab_diag_act(m,k) += 0.5d0 * contrib enddo enddo ! CORE PART of the diagonal part of the two body dm do j = 1, N_int key_tmp_core(j,1) = psi_det(j,1,i) key_tmp_core(j,2) = psi_det(j,2,i) enddo do j = 1, N_int key_tmp_core(j,1) = iand(key_tmp_core(j,1),core_bitmask(j,1)) key_tmp_core(j,2) = iand(key_tmp_core(j,2),core_bitmask(j,1)) enddo call bitstring_to_list_ab(key_tmp_core, occ_core, n_occ_ab_core, N_int) do j = 1,n_occ_ab_core(2) k = list_core_reverse(occ_core(j,2)) do l = 1, n_occ_ab_core(1) m = list_core_reverse(occ_core(l,1)) two_body_dm_ab_diag_core(k,m) += 0.5d0 * contrib two_body_dm_ab_diag_core(m,k) += 0.5d0 * contrib enddo enddo ! ACT<->CORE PART ! alpha electron in active space do j = 1,n_occ_ab_act(1) k = list_act_reverse(occ_act(j,1)) ! beta electron in core space do l = 1, n_occ_ab_core(2) m = list_core_reverse(occ_core(l,2)) ! The fact that you have 1 * contrib and not 0.5 * contrib ! takes into account the following symmetry : ! 0.5 * + 0.5 * two_body_dm_diag_core_b_act_a(m,k) += contrib enddo enddo ! beta electron in active space do j = 1,n_occ_ab_act(2) k = list_act_reverse(occ_act(j,2)) ! alpha electron in core space do l = 1, n_occ_ab_core(1) m = list_core_reverse(occ_core(l,1)) ! The fact that you have 1 * contrib and not 0.5 * contrib ! takes into account the following symmetry : ! 0.5 * + 0.5 * two_body_dm_diag_core_a_act_b(m,k) += contrib enddo enddo enddo do j = 1, n_core_orb do l = 1, n_act_orb two_body_dm_diag_core_act(j,l) = two_body_dm_diag_core_b_act_a(j,l) + two_body_dm_diag_core_a_act_b(j,l) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act, (n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, two_body_dm_ab_big_array_core_act, (n_core_orb_allocate,n_act_orb,n_act_orb)] implicit none use bitmasks integer :: i,j,k,l,m integer :: degree PROVIDE mo_coef psi_coef psi_det integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) integer :: h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2 double precision :: phase double precision :: contrib integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: n_occ_ab(2) integer :: occ_core(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: n_occ_ab_core(2) integer(bit_kind) :: key_tmp_i(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind) :: key_tmp_i_core(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind) :: key_tmp_j(N_int,2) two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act = 0.d0 two_body_dm_ab_big_array_core_act = 0.d0 BEGIN_DOC ! two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act = Purely active part of the two body density matrix ! two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act_core takes only into account the single excitation ! within the active space that adds terms in the act <-> core two body dm ! two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act_core(i,j,k) = < a^\dagger_i n_k a_j > ! with i,j in the ACTIVE SPACE ! with k in the CORE SPACE ! ! The alpha-beta extra diagonal energy FOR WF DEFINED AS AN APPROXIMATION OF A CAS can be computed thanks to ! sum_{h1,p1,h2,p2} two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act(h1,p1,h2,p2) * (h1p1|h2p2) ! + sum_{h1,p1,h2,p2} two_body_dm_ab_big_array_core_act(h1,p1,h2,p2) * (h1p1|h2p2) END_DOC do i = 1, N_det ! i == |I> ! active part of psi_det(i) do j = 1, N_int key_tmp_i(j,1) = psi_det(j,1,i) key_tmp_i(j,2) = psi_det(j,2,i) key_tmp_i_core(j,1) = psi_det(j,1,i) key_tmp_i_core(j,2) = psi_det(j,2,i) enddo do j = 1, N_int key_tmp_i(j,1) = iand(key_tmp_i(j,1),cas_bitmask(j,1,1)) key_tmp_i(j,2) = iand(key_tmp_i(j,2),cas_bitmask(j,1,1)) enddo do j = 1, N_int key_tmp_i_core(j,1) = iand(key_tmp_i_core(j,1),core_bitmask(j,1)) key_tmp_i_core(j,2) = iand(key_tmp_i_core(j,2),core_bitmask(j,1)) enddo call bitstring_to_list_ab(key_tmp_i_core, occ_core, n_occ_ab_core, N_int) call bitstring_to_list_ab(key_tmp_i, occ, n_occ_ab, N_int) do j = i+1, N_det ! j == 2)cycle ! if it is the case, then compute the hamiltonian matrix element with the proper phase call get_excitation(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j),exc,degree,phase,N_int) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) contrib = 0.5d0 * psi_coef(i,1) * psi_coef(j,1) * phase if(degree==2)then ! case of the DOUBLE EXCITATIONS ************************************ if(s1==s2)cycle ! Only the alpha/beta two body density matrix ! * c_I * c_J h1 = list_act_reverse(h1) h2 = list_act_reverse(h2) p1 = list_act_reverse(p1) p2 = list_act_reverse(p2) call insert_into_two_body_dm_big_array( two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,contrib,h1,p1,h2,p2) else if(degree==1)then! case of the SINGLE EXCITATIONS *************************************************** print*,'h1 = ',h1 h1 = list_act_reverse(h1) print*,'h1 = ',h1 print*,'p1 = ',p1 p1 = list_act_reverse(p1) print*,'p1 = ',p1 if(s1==1)then ! Mono alpha : ! purely active part of the extra diagonal two body dm do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2) m = list_act_reverse(occ(k,2)) ! * c_I * c_J call insert_into_two_body_dm_big_array( two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,contrib,h1,p1,m,m) enddo ! core <-> active part of the extra diagonal two body dm do k = 1, n_occ_ab_core(2) m = list_core_reverse(occ_core(k,2)) ! * c_I * c_J two_body_dm_ab_big_array_core_act(m,h1,p1) += 2.d0 * contrib two_body_dm_ab_big_array_core_act(m,p1,h1) += 2.d0 * contrib enddo else ! Mono Beta : ! purely active part of the extra diagonal two body dm do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1) m = list_act_reverse(occ(k,1)) ! * c_I * c_J call insert_into_two_body_dm_big_array(two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,contrib,h1,p1,m,m) enddo ! core <-> active part of the extra diagonal two body dm do k = 1, n_occ_ab_core(1) m = list_core_reverse(occ_core(k,1)) ! * c_I * c_J two_body_dm_ab_big_array_core_act(m,h1,p1) += 2.d0 * contrib two_body_dm_ab_big_array_core_act(m,p1,h1) += 2.d0 * contrib enddo endif endif enddo enddo print*,'Big array for density matrix provided !' END_PROVIDER subroutine insert_into_two_body_dm_big_array(big_array,dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4,contrib,h1,p1,h2,p2) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: h1,p1,h2,p2 integer, intent(in) :: dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4 double precision, intent(inout) :: big_array(dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4) double precision :: contrib ! Two spin symmetry big_array(h1,p1,h2,p2) += contrib big_array(h2,p2,h1,p1) += contrib ! Hermicity : hole-particle symmetry big_array(p1,h1,p2,h2) += contrib big_array(p2,h2,p1,h1) += contrib end double precision function compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab(r1,r2) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! compute the extra diagonal contribution to the alpha/bet two body density at r1, r2 END_DOC double precision :: r1(3), r2(3) double precision :: compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act,compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab = compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act(r1,r2)+compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act(r1,r2) end double precision function compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act(r1,r2) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! compute the extra diagonal contribution to the two body density at r1, r2 ! involving ONLY THE ACTIVE PART, which means that the four index of the excitations ! involved in the two body density matrix are ACTIVE END_DOC PROVIDE n_act_orb double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3),r2(3) integer :: i,j,k,l double precision :: mos_array_r1(n_act_orb),mos_array_r2(n_act_orb) double precision :: contrib double precision :: contrib_tmp !print*,'n_act_orb = ',n_act_orb compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act = 0.d0 call give_all_act_mos_at_r(r1,mos_array_r1) call give_all_act_mos_at_r(r2,mos_array_r2) do l = 1, n_act_orb ! p2 do k = 1, n_act_orb ! h2 do j = 1, n_act_orb ! p1 do i = 1,n_act_orb ! h1 contrib_tmp = mos_array_r1(i) * mos_array_r1(j) * mos_array_r2(k) * mos_array_r2(l) compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act += two_body_dm_ab_big_array_act(i,j,k,l) * contrib_tmp enddo enddo enddo enddo end double precision function compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act(r1,r2) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! compute the extra diagonal contribution to the two body density at r1, r2 ! involving ONLY THE ACTIVE PART, which means that the four index of the excitations ! involved in the two body density matrix are ACTIVE END_DOC double precision, intent(in) :: r1(3),r2(3) integer :: i,j,k,l double precision :: mos_array_act_r1(n_act_orb),mos_array_act_r2(n_act_orb) double precision :: mos_array_core_r1(n_core_orb),mos_array_core_r2(n_core_orb) double precision :: contrib_core_1,contrib_core_2 double precision :: contrib_act_1,contrib_act_2 double precision :: contrib_tmp compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act = 0.d0 call give_all_act_mos_at_r(r1,mos_array_act_r1) call give_all_act_mos_at_r(r2,mos_array_act_r2) call give_all_core_mos_at_r(r1,mos_array_core_r1) call give_all_core_mos_at_r(r2,mos_array_core_r2) do i = 1, n_act_orb ! h1 do j = 1, n_act_orb ! p1 contrib_act_1 = mos_array_act_r1(i) * mos_array_act_r1(j) contrib_act_2 = mos_array_act_r2(i) * mos_array_act_r2(j) do k = 1,n_core_orb ! h2 contrib_core_1 = mos_array_core_r1(k) * mos_array_core_r1(k) contrib_core_2 = mos_array_core_r2(k) * mos_array_core_r2(k) contrib_tmp = 0.5d0 * (contrib_act_1 * contrib_core_2 + contrib_act_2 * contrib_core_1) compute_extra_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act += two_body_dm_ab_big_array_core_act(k,i,j) * contrib_tmp enddo enddo enddo end double precision function compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core(r1,r2) implicit none double precision :: r1(3),r2(3) integer :: i,j,k,l double precision :: mos_array_r1(n_core_orb_allocate),mos_array_r2(n_core_orb_allocate) double precision :: contrib,contrib_tmp compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core = 0.d0 call give_all_core_mos_at_r(r1,mos_array_r1) call give_all_core_mos_at_r(r2,mos_array_r2) do l = 1, n_core_orb ! contrib = mos_array_r2(l)*mos_array_r2(l) ! if(dabs(contrib).lt.threshld_two_bod_dm)cycle do k = 1, n_core_orb ! contrib_tmp = contrib * mos_array_r1(k)*mos_array_r1(k) ! if(dabs(contrib).lt.threshld_two_bod_dm)cycle compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core += two_body_dm_ab_diag_core(k,l) * contrib_tmp enddo enddo end double precision function compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act(r1,r2) implicit none double precision :: r1(3),r2(3) integer :: i,j,k,l double precision :: mos_array_r1(n_act_orb),mos_array_r2(n_act_orb) double precision :: contrib,contrib_tmp compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act = 0.d0 call give_all_act_mos_at_r(r1,mos_array_r1) call give_all_act_mos_at_r(r2,mos_array_r2) do l = 1, n_act_orb ! contrib = mos_array_r2(l)*mos_array_r2(l) ! if(dabs(contrib).lt.threshld_two_bod_dm)cycle do k = 1, n_act_orb ! contrib_tmp = contrib * mos_array_r1(k)*mos_array_r1(k) ! if(dabs(contrib).lt.threshld_two_bod_dm)cycle compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act += two_body_dm_ab_diag_act(k,l) * contrib_tmp enddo enddo end double precision function compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act(r1,r2) implicit none double precision :: r1(3),r2(3) integer :: i,j,k,l double precision :: mos_array_core_r1(n_core_orb_allocate),mos_array_core_r2(n_core_orb_allocate) double precision :: mos_array_act_r1(n_act_orb),mos_array_act_r2(n_act_orb) double precision :: contrib_core_1,contrib_core_2 double precision :: contrib_act_1,contrib_act_2 double precision :: contrib_tmp compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act = 0.d0 call give_all_act_mos_at_r(r1,mos_array_act_r1) call give_all_act_mos_at_r(r2,mos_array_act_r2) call give_all_core_mos_at_r(r1,mos_array_core_r1) call give_all_core_mos_at_r(r2,mos_array_core_r2) ! if(dabs(contrib).lt.threshld_two_bod_dm)cycle do k = 1, n_act_orb ! contrib_act_1 = mos_array_act_r1(k) * mos_array_act_r1(k) contrib_act_2 = mos_array_act_r2(k) * mos_array_act_r2(k) contrib_tmp = 0.5d0 * (contrib_act_1 * contrib_act_2 + contrib_act_2 * contrib_act_1) ! if(dabs(contrib).lt.threshld_two_bod_dm)cycle do l = 1, n_core_orb ! contrib_core_1 = mos_array_core_r1(l) * mos_array_core_r1(l) contrib_core_2 = mos_array_core_r2(l) * mos_array_core_r2(l) compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act += two_body_dm_diag_core_act(l,k) * contrib_tmp enddo enddo end double precision function compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab(r1,r2) implicit none double precision,intent(in) :: r1(3),r2(3) double precision :: compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act,compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core double precision :: compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab = compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_act(r1,r2)+compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core(r1,r2) & + compute_diag_two_body_dm_ab_core_act(r1,r2) end