.. _tools: .. program:: tools .. default-role:: option ===== Tools ===== Useful tools are grouped in this module. Subroutines / functions ----------------------- .. c:function:: diagonalize_h .. code:: text subroutine diagonalize_h File: :file:`diagonalize_h.irp.f` program that extracts the N_states lowest states of the Hamiltonian within the set of Slater determinants stored in the EZFIO folder .. c:function:: fcidump .. code:: text subroutine fcidump File: :file:`fcidump.irp.f` Produce a FCIDUMP file .. c:function:: four_idx_transform .. code:: text subroutine four_idx_transform File: :file:`four_idx_transform.irp.f` 4-index transformation of two-electron integrals from AO to MO integrals .. c:function:: molden .. code:: text subroutine molden File: :file:`molden.irp.f` Produce a Molden file .. c:function:: print_wf .. code:: text subroutine print_wf File: :file:`print_wf.irp.f` print the wave function stored in the EZFIO folder in the intermediate normalization it also prints a lot of information regarding the excitation operators from the reference determinant and a first-order perturbative analysis of the wave function. If the wave function strongly deviates from the first-order analysis, something funny is going on :) .. c:function:: save_natorb .. code:: text subroutine save_natorb File: :file:`save_natorb.irp.f` Save natural MOs into the EZFIO .. c:function:: save_ortho_mos .. code:: text subroutine save_ortho_mos File: :file:`save_ortho_mos.irp.f` Save orthonormalized MOs in the EZFIO. .. c:function:: write_ao_basis .. code:: text subroutine write_Ao_basis(i_unit_output) File: :file:`molden.irp.f` .. c:function:: write_geometry .. code:: text subroutine write_geometry(i_unit_output) File: :file:`molden.irp.f` .. c:function:: write_integrals .. code:: text subroutine write_integrals File: :file:`write_integrals_erf.irp.f` Saves the bielec erf integrals into the EZFIO .. c:function:: write_intro_gamess .. code:: text subroutine write_intro_gamess(i_unit_output) File: :file:`molden.irp.f` .. c:function:: write_mo_basis .. code:: text subroutine write_Mo_basis(i_unit_output) File: :file:`molden.irp.f`