open Core open Qptypes let get_data () = let mos = () in let molecule = let e = match () with | Some x -> x | None -> failwith "No electrons" in { Molecule.nuclei = begin match () with | None -> failwith "No nuclei" | Some l -> Input.Nuclei_by_hand.to_atom_list l end ; Molecule.elec_alpha = e.Input.Electrons.elec_alpha_num ; Molecule.elec_beta = e.Input.Electrons.elec_beta_num ; } in let charge = Molecule.get_charge molecule |> Charge.to_int and mult = Molecule.get_multiplicity molecule |> Multiplicity.to_int in let hf = if mult = 0 then "RHF" else "ROHF" in let guess = if mos = None then `Huckel else `Read in (mos, molecule, charge, mult, hf, guess) let run_g09 () = let (mos, molecule, charge, mult, hf, guess) = get_data () in let guess = match guess with | `Read -> "cards" | `Huckel -> "huckel" in let result = [ Printf.sprintf "# %s/Gen guess=%s" hf guess; "" ; molecule ; "" ; Printf.sprintf "%d %d" charge mult ; Printf.sprintf "%s" ( match String.split ~on:'\n' @@ Molecule.to_xyz molecule with | _ :: _ :: rest -> String.concat ~sep:"\n" rest | _ -> assert false ); ""; begin match () with | Some x -> Input.Ao_basis.to_basis x | None -> failwith "No basis" end |> Basis.to_string ~fmt:Gto.Gaussian ~ele_array:( ~f:(fun x -> x.Atom.element) molecule.Molecule.nuclei |> Array.of_list) ; ""; begin match mos with | None -> "" | Some mos' -> begin Printf.sprintf "(E20.12)\n%s\n 0" ( mos'.Input.Mo_basis.mo_coef ~f:(fun x -> x ~f:(fun y -> Printf.sprintf "%20.12E" (MO_coef.to_float y)) |> Array.to_list |> String.concat ~sep:"\n") |> Array.mapi ~f:(fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%5d\n%s" (i+1)) |> Array.to_list |> String.concat ~sep:"\n" ) end end; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; ] in List.iter ~f:(fun x -> print_endline x) result let run_gamess () = failwith "Not yet implemented" (* TODO let (mos, molecule, charge, mult, hf, guess) = get_data () in let guess = match guess with | `Read -> "MOREAD" | `Huckel -> "HUCKEL" in and coord = Printf.sprintf "%s" ( match String.split ~on:'\n' @@ Molecule.to_xyz molecule with | _ :: _ :: rest -> String.concat ~sep:"\n" rest | _ -> assert false ); and basis = begin match !read_data.basis with | None |> failwith "No basis set defined in command line" | Some b |> b end and typ = !read_data.typ and vecfile = begin match !read_data.filename with | None |> "" | Some filename |> filename end and nstate = !read_data.nstate and guess = !read_data.guess in let system = Gamess.{ mult ; charge ; basis ; coord } in Gamess.create_input ~vecfile ~system ~guess ~nstate typ |> print_endline *) let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty +> flag "-gamess" no_arg ~doc:"GAMESS(US) input" +> flag "-g09" no_arg ~doc:"Gaussian 09 input" +> anon ("ezfio_file" %: string) let command = Command.basic_spec ~summary: "Quantum Package command" ~readme:(fun () -> " Exports the computed data for other programs. ") spec (fun gamess g09 ezfio_file () -> let count_flags l = List.fold_left ~f:(fun a x -> if x then a+1 else a) ~init:0 l in let () = match count_flags [ g09 ; gamess ] with | 0 -> raise (Invalid_argument "No file format specified") | 1 -> () | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Too many file formats specified") in Ezfio.set_file ezfio_file; if g09 then run_g09 () else if gamess then run_gamess () ) let () = command; exit 0