IRPF90_TGZ = irpf90-latest-noarch-src.tar.gz EZFIO_TGZ = EZFIO.latest.tar.gz FETCH_FROM_WEB=./scripts/ BLUE= BLACK=(B .PHONY: doc src curl m4 ocaml irpf90 emsl build binary default: @echo ----------------------------------------------- @echo To set up the environment, run @echo ./ @echo @echo To compile everything, run @echo make build @echo @echo To compile a binary distribution for export, run @echo make binary @echo ----------------------------------------------- ifndef QPACKAGE_ROOT build: @echo -------------------- Error -------------------- @echo QPACKAGE_ROOT undefined. @echo Run @echo ./ @echo or @echo source quantum_package.rc @echo ----------------------------------------------- else build: EZFIO curl m4 irpf90 emsl $(MAKE) -C src $(MAKE) -C ocaml endif curl: bin/curl m4: bin/m4 irpf90: bin/irpf90 emsl: EMSL_Basis binary: $(QPACKAGE_ROOT)/scripts/ resultsFile: $(info $(BLUE)===== Installing resultsFile ===== $(BLACK)) @sleep 1 $(QPACKAGE_ROOT)/scripts/ EZFIO: bin/irpf90 $(info $(BLUE)===== Installing EZFIO ===== $(BLACK)) @sleep 1 QPACKAGE_ROOT=$$PWD ./scripts/ | tee install_ezfio.log EMSL_Basis: $(info $(BLUE)===== Installing EMSL_Basis_Set_Exchange_Local ===== $(BLACK)) @sleep 1 QPACKAGE_ROOT=$$PWD ./scripts/ | tee install_emsl.log zlib: $(info $(BLUE)===== Installing Zlib ===== $(BLACK)) @sleep 1 QPACKAGE_ROOT=$$PWD ./scripts/ | tee install_zlib.log bin/irpf90: $(info $(BLUE)===== Installing IRPF90 ===== $(BLACK)) @sleep 1 QPACKAGE_ROOT=$$PWD ./scripts/ | tee install_irpf90.log doc: $(MAKE) -C doc src: irpf90 EZFIO ocaml @export QPACKAGE_ROOT=$$PWD ; \ $(MAKE) -C src bin/curl: $(info $(BLUE)===== Installing curl =====$(BLACK)) @sleep 1 QPACKAGE_ROOT=$$PWD ./scripts/ | tee install_curl.log bin/m4: $(info $(BLUE)===== Installing m4 =====$(BLACK)) @sleep 1 QPACKAGE_ROOT=$$PWD ./scripts/ | tee install_m4.log ocaml: curl m4 emsl zlib - rm -f -- ocaml/ $(MAKE) ocaml/ ocaml/ $(info $(BLUE)===== Installing ocaml =====$(BLACK)) @sleep 1 QPACKAGE_ROOT=$$PWD ./scripts/ | tee install_ocaml.log