subroutine filter_not_connected(key1,key2,Nint,sze,idx) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns the array idx which contains the index of the ! ! determinants in the array key1 that DO NOT interact ! ! via the H operator with key2. ! ! idx(0) is the number of determinants that DO NOT interact with key1 END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint, sze integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key1(Nint,2,sze) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: idx(0:sze) integer :: i,j,l integer :: degree_x2 ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (sze >= 0) l=1 if (Nint==1) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt( xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) & + popcnt( xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 else cycle endif enddo else if (Nint==2) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 else cycle endif enddo else if (Nint==3) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,1,i), key2(3,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,2,i), key2(3,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 else cycle endif enddo else !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = 0 !DEC$ LOOP COUNT MIN(4) do j=1,Nint degree_x2 = degree_x2+ popcnt(xor( key1(j,1,i), key2(j,1))) +& popcnt(xor( key1(j,2,i), key2(j,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo if (degree_x2 <= 5) then exit endif enddo endif idx(0) = l-1 end subroutine filter_connected(key1,key2,Nint,sze,idx) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Filters out the determinants that are not connected by H ! ! returns the array idx which contains the index of the ! ! determinants in the array key1 that interact ! ! via the H operator with key2. ! ! idx(0) is the number of determinants that interact with key1 END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint, sze integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key1(Nint,2,sze) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: idx(0:sze) integer :: i,j,l integer :: degree_x2 ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (sze >= 0) l=1 if (Nint==1) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt( xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) & + popcnt( xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then cycle else idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else if (Nint==2) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then cycle else idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else if (Nint==3) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,1,i), key2(3,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,2,i), key2(3,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then cycle else idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = 0 !DEC$ LOOP COUNT MIN(4) do j=1,Nint degree_x2 = degree_x2+ popcnt(xor( key1(j,1,i), key2(j,1))) +& popcnt(xor( key1(j,2,i), key2(j,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then exit endif enddo if (degree_x2 <= 5) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo endif idx(0) = l-1 end subroutine getMobiles(key,key_mask, mobiles,Nint) use bitmasks integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: key(Nint,2), key_mask(Nint,2) integer,intent(out) :: mobiles(2) integer,intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind) :: mobileMask(Nint,2) integer :: list(Nint*bit_kind_size), nel do j=1,Nint mobileMask(j,1) = xor(key(j,1), key_mask(j,1)) mobileMask(j,2) = xor(key(j,2), key_mask(j,2)) end do call bitstring_to_list(mobileMask(1,1), list, nel, Nint) if(nel == 2) then mobiles(1) = list(1) mobiles(2) = list(2) else if(nel == 1) then mobiles(1) = list(1) call bitstring_to_list(mobileMask(1,2), list, nel, Nint) mobiles(2) = list(1) + mo_tot_num else call bitstring_to_list(mobileMask(1,2), list, nel, Nint) mobiles(1) = list(1) + mo_tot_num mobiles(2) = list(2) + mo_tot_num end if end subroutine subroutine create_microlist(minilist, N_minilist, key_mask, microlist, idx_microlist, N_microlist, ptr_microlist, Nint) use bitmasks integer, intent(in) :: Nint, N_minilist integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: minilist(Nint,2,N_minilist), key_mask(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: N_microlist(0:mo_tot_num*2), ptr_microlist(0:mo_tot_num*2+1), idx_microlist(N_minilist*4) integer(bit_kind), intent(out) :: microlist(Nint,2,N_minilist*4) integer :: i,j,k,nt,n_element(2) integer :: list(Nint*bit_kind_size,2), cur_microlist(0:mo_tot_num*2+1) integer(bit_kind) :: key_mask_neg(Nint,2), mobileMask(Nint,2) integer :: mo_tot_num_2 mo_tot_num_2 = mo_tot_num+mo_tot_num do i=1,Nint key_mask_neg(i,1) = not(key_mask(i,1)) key_mask_neg(i,2) = not(key_mask(i,2)) end do do i=0,mo_tot_num_2 N_microlist(i) = 0 enddo do i=1, N_minilist do j=1,Nint mobileMask(j,1) = iand(key_mask_neg(j,1), minilist(j,1,i)) mobileMask(j,2) = iand(key_mask_neg(j,2), minilist(j,2,i)) end do call bitstring_to_list(mobileMask(1,1), list(1,1), n_element(1), Nint) call bitstring_to_list(mobileMask(1,2), list(1,2), n_element(2), Nint) if(n_element(1) + n_element(2) /= 4) then N_microlist(0) = N_microlist(0) + 1 else do j=1,n_element(1) nt = list(j,1) N_microlist(nt) = N_microlist(nt) + 1 end do do j=1,n_element(2) nt = list(j,2) + mo_tot_num N_microlist(nt) = N_microlist(nt) + 1 end do end if end do ptr_microlist(0) = 1 do i=1,mo_tot_num_2+1 ptr_microlist(i) = ptr_microlist(i-1) + N_microlist(i-1) end do do i=0,mo_tot_num_2+1 cur_microlist(i) = ptr_microlist(i) end do do i=1, N_minilist do j=1,Nint mobileMask(j,1) = iand(key_mask_neg(j,1), minilist(j,1,i)) mobileMask(j,2) = iand(key_mask_neg(j,2), minilist(j,2,i)) end do call bitstring_to_list(mobileMask(1,1), list(1,1), n_element(1), Nint) call bitstring_to_list(mobileMask(1,2), list(1,2), n_element(2), Nint) if(n_element(1) + n_element(2) /= 4) then idx_microlist(cur_microlist(0)) = i do k=1,Nint microlist(k,1,cur_microlist(0)) = minilist(k,1,i) microlist(k,2,cur_microlist(0)) = minilist(k,2,i) enddo cur_microlist(0) = cur_microlist(0) + 1 else do j=1,n_element(1) nt = list(j,1) idx_microlist(cur_microlist(nt)) = i ! TODO : Page faults do k=1,Nint microlist(k,1,cur_microlist(nt)) = minilist(k,1,i) microlist(k,2,cur_microlist(nt)) = minilist(k,2,i) enddo cur_microlist(nt) = cur_microlist(nt) + 1 end do do j=1,n_element(2) nt = list(j,2) + mo_tot_num idx_microlist(cur_microlist(nt)) = i do k=1,Nint microlist(k,1,cur_microlist(nt)) = minilist(k,1,i) microlist(k,2,cur_microlist(nt)) = minilist(k,2,i) enddo cur_microlist(nt) = cur_microlist(nt) + 1 end do end if end do end subroutine subroutine filter_connected_i_H_psi0(key1,key2,Nint,sze,idx) use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! returns the array idx which contains the index of the ! ! determinants in the array key1 that interact ! ! via the H operator with key2. ! ! idx(0) is the number of determinants that interact with key1 END_DOC implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint, sze integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key1(Nint,2,sze) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: idx(0:sze) integer :: i,l,m integer :: degree_x2 ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) ASSERT (sze > 0) l=1 if (Nint==1) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) if (degree_x2 <= 4) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else if (Nint==2) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) if (degree_x2 <= 4) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else if (Nint==3) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,1,i), key2(3,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,2,i), key2(3,2))) if (degree_x2 <= 4) then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif enddo else !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) outer: do i=1,sze degree_x2 = 0 !DEC$ LOOP COUNT MIN(4) do m=1,Nint if ( key1(m,1,i) /= key2(m,1)) then degree_x2 = degree_x2+ popcnt(xor( key1(m,1,i), key2(m,1))) endif if ( key1(m,2,i) /= key2(m,2)) then degree_x2 = degree_x2+ popcnt(xor( key1(m,2,i), key2(m,2))) endif if (degree_x2 > 4) then cycle outer endif enddo idx(l) = i l = l+1 enddo outer endif idx(0) = l-1 end subroutine filter_connected_i_H_psi0_SC2(key1,key2,Nint,sze,idx,idx_repeat) use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! standard filter_connected_i_H_psi but returns in addition ! ! the array of the index of the non connected determinants to key1 ! ! in order to know what double excitation can be repeated on key1 ! ! idx_repeat(0) is the number of determinants that can be used ! ! to repeat the excitations END_DOC implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint, sze integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key1(Nint,2,sze) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key2(Nint,2) integer, intent(out) :: idx(0:sze) integer, intent(out) :: idx_repeat(0:sze) integer :: i,l,l_repeat,m integer :: degree_x2 ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) ASSERT (sze > 0) integer :: degree degree = popcnt(xor( ref_bitmask(1,1), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( ref_bitmask(1,2), key2(1,2))) !DEC$ NOUNROLL do m=2,Nint degree = degree+ popcnt(xor( ref_bitmask(m,1), key2(m,1))) + & popcnt(xor( ref_bitmask(m,2), key2(m,2))) enddo degree = ishft(degree,-1) l_repeat=1 l=1 if(degree == 2)then if (Nint==1) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) if (degree_x2 < 5) then if(degree_x2 .ne. 0)then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif elseif(degree_x2>6)then idx_repeat(l_repeat) = i l_repeat = l_repeat + 1 endif enddo else if (Nint==2) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) if (degree_x2 < 5) then if(degree_x2 .ne. 0)then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif elseif(degree_x2>6)then idx_repeat(l_repeat) = i l_repeat = l_repeat + 1 endif enddo else if (Nint==3) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,1,i), key2(3,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,2,i), key2(3,2))) if(degree_x2>6)then idx_repeat(l_repeat) = i l_repeat = l_repeat + 1 else if (degree_x2 < 5) then if(degree_x2 .ne. 0)then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif endif enddo else !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = 0 !DEC$ LOOP COUNT MIN(4) do m=1,Nint degree_x2 = degree_x2+ popcnt(xor( key1(m,1,i), key2(m,1))) +& popcnt(xor( key1(m,2,i), key2(m,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then exit endif enddo if (degree_x2 <= 5) then if(degree_x2 .ne. 0)then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif elseif(degree_x2>6)then idx_repeat(l_repeat) = i l_repeat = l_repeat + 1 endif enddo endif elseif(degree==1)then if (Nint==1) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) if (degree_x2 < 5) then if(degree_x2 .ne. 0)then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif else idx_repeat(l_repeat) = i l_repeat = l_repeat + 1 endif enddo else if (Nint==2) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) if (degree_x2 < 5) then if(degree_x2 .ne. 0)then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif else idx_repeat(l_repeat) = i l_repeat = l_repeat + 1 endif enddo else if (Nint==3) then !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = popcnt(xor( key1(1,1,i), key2(1,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(1,2,i), key2(1,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,1,i), key2(2,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(2,2,i), key2(2,2))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,1,i), key2(3,1))) + & popcnt(xor( key1(3,2,i), key2(3,2))) if (degree_x2 < 5) then if(degree_x2 .ne. 0)then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif else idx_repeat(l_repeat) = i l_repeat = l_repeat + 1 endif enddo else !DIR$ LOOP COUNT (1000) do i=1,sze degree_x2 = 0 !DEC$ LOOP COUNT MIN(4) do m=1,Nint degree_x2 = degree_x2+ popcnt(xor( key1(m,1,i), key2(m,1))) +& popcnt(xor( key1(m,2,i), key2(m,2))) if (degree_x2 > 4) then exit endif enddo if (degree_x2 <= 5) then if(degree_x2 .ne. 0)then idx(l) = i l = l+1 endif else idx_repeat(l_repeat) = i l_repeat = l_repeat + 1 endif enddo endif else ! print*,'more than a double excitation, can not apply the ' ! print*,'SC2 dressing of the diagonal element .....' ! print*,'stop !!' ! print*,'degree = ',degree ! stop idx(0) = 0 idx_repeat(0) = 0 endif idx(0) = l-1 idx_repeat(0) = l_repeat-1 end