.. _fci: .. program:: fci .. default-role:: option === fci === |CIPSI| algorithm in the full configuration interaction space. * :command:`fci` performs the |CIPSI| calculation, * :command:`pt2` computes the |PT2| contribution using the wave function stored in the |EZFIO| database. .. seealso:: The documentation of the :ref:`cipsi` module. EZFIO parameters ---------------- .. option:: energy Calculated Selected |FCI| energy .. option:: energy_pt2 Calculated |FCI| energy + |PT2| Subroutines / functions ----------------------- .. c:function:: fci .. code:: text subroutine fci File: :file:`fci.irp.f` Selected Full Configuration Interaction with stochastic selection and PT2. .. c:function:: pt2 .. code:: text subroutine pt2 File: :file:`pt2.irp.f` Second order perturbative correction to the wave function contained in the EZFIO directory. .. c:function:: save_energy .. code:: text subroutine save_energy(E,pt2) File: :file:`save_energy.irp.f` Saves the energy in |EZFIO|.