.. _determinants: .. program:: determinants .. default-role:: option ============ Determinants ============ Contains everything for the computation of the Hamiltonian in the basis of Slater determinants. EZFIO parameters ---------------- .. option:: N_det_max Maximum number of determinants in the wave function Default: 1000000 .. option:: N_det_max_full Maximum number of determinants where |H| is fully diagonalized Default: 1000 .. option:: N_states Number of states to consider Default: 1 .. option:: read_wf If true, read the wave function from the |EZFIO| file Default: False .. option:: s2_eig Force the wave function to be an eigenfunction of |S^2| Default: True .. option:: used_weight 0: 1./(c_0^2), 1: 1/N_states, 2: input state-average weight, 3: 1/(Norm_L3(Psi)) Default: 0 .. option:: threshold_generators Thresholds on generators (fraction of the square of the norm) Default: 0.99 .. option:: threshold_selectors Thresholds on selectors (fraction of the square of the norm) Default: 0.999 .. option:: n_int Number of integers required to represent bitstrings (set in module :ref:`bitmask`) .. option:: bit_kind (set in module :ref:`bitmask`) .. option:: mo_label Label of the |MOs| on which the determinants are expressed .. option:: n_det Number of determinants in the current wave function .. option:: psi_coef Coefficients of the wave function .. option:: psi_det Determinants of the variational space .. option:: expected_s2 Expected value of |S^2| .. option:: target_energy Energy that should be obtained when truncating the wave function (optional) Default: 0. .. option:: store_full_H_mat If True, the Davidson diagonalization is performed by storing the full |H| matrix up to n_det_max_stored. Be careful, it can cost a lot of memory but can also save a lot of CPU time Default: False .. option:: n_det_max_stored Maximum number of determinants for which the full |H| matrix is stored. be careful, the memory requested scales as 10*n_det_max_stored**2. for instance, 90000 determinants represents a matrix of size 60 Gb. Default: 90000 .. option:: state_average_weight Weight of the states in state-average calculations.