! DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND ! Created by $QP_ROOT/scripts/ezfio_interface/ei_handler.py ! from file /home/loos/quantum_package/src/NOFT/EZFIO.cfg BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, do_jk_functionals ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Compute energies for JK-only functionals END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename if (mpi_master) then call ezfio_has_noft_do_jk_functionals(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_noft_do_jk_functionals(do_jk_functionals) else print *, 'noft/do_jk_functionals not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif endif IRP_IF MPI include 'mpif.h' integer :: ierr call MPI_BCAST( do_jk_functionals, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then stop 'Unable to read do_jk_functionals with MPI' endif IRP_ENDIF call write_time(6) if (mpi_master) then write(6, *) 'Read do_jk_functionals' endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, do_jkl_functionals ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Compute energies for JKL-only functionals (PNOFs) END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename if (mpi_master) then call ezfio_has_noft_do_jkl_functionals(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_noft_do_jkl_functionals(do_jkl_functionals) else print *, 'noft/do_jkl_functionals not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif endif IRP_IF MPI include 'mpif.h' integer :: ierr call MPI_BCAST( do_jkl_functionals, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then stop 'Unable to read do_jkl_functionals with MPI' endif IRP_ENDIF call write_time(6) if (mpi_master) then write(6, *) 'Read do_jkl_functionals' endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, do_pt2_noft ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Compute PT2 correction for NOFT END_DOC logical :: has PROVIDE ezfio_filename if (mpi_master) then call ezfio_has_noft_do_pt2_noft(has) if (has) then call ezfio_get_noft_do_pt2_noft(do_pt2_noft) else print *, 'noft/do_pt2_noft not found in EZFIO file' stop 1 endif endif IRP_IF MPI include 'mpif.h' integer :: ierr call MPI_BCAST( do_pt2_noft, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then stop 'Unable to read do_pt2_noft with MPI' endif IRP_ENDIF call write_time(6) if (mpi_master) then write(6, *) 'Read do_pt2_noft' endif END_PROVIDER