================= Properties Module ================= Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. by the `update_README.py` script. `ao_integrated_delta_rho_all_points `_ array of the overlap in x,y between the AO function and integrated between [z,z+dz] in the z axis for all the z points that are given (N_z_pts) `ao_integrated_delta_rho_one_point `_ array of the overlap in x,y between the AO function and integrated between [z,z+dz] in the z axis for one specific z point `average_position `_ average_position(1) = average_position(2) = average_position(3) = `average_spread `_ average_spread(1) = average_spread(2) = average_spread(3) = `delta_z `_ Undocumented `diag_o1_mat_elem `_ Computes `diag_o1_mat_elem_alpha_beta `_ Computes `filter_connected_mono `_ Filters out the determinants that are not connected through PURE .br MONO EXCITATIONS OPERATORS (a^{\dagger}j a_i) .br returns the array idx which contains the index of the .br determinants in the array key1 that interact .br via some PURE MONO EXCITATIONS OPERATORS .br idx(0) is the number of determinants that interact with key1 `get_average `_ computes the average value of a pure MONO ELECTRONIC OPERATOR whom integrals on the MO basis are stored in "array" and with the density is stored in "density" `i_o1_j `_ Returns where i and j are determinants and O1 is a ONE BODY OPERATOR array is the array of the mono electronic operator on the MO basis `i_o1_j_alpha_beta `_ Returns where i and j are determinants and O1 is a ONE BODY OPERATOR array is the array of the mono electronic operator on the MO basis `i_o1_psi `_ for the various Nstates and O1 is a ONE BODY OPERATOR array is the array of the mono electronic operator on the MO basis `i_o1_psi_alpha_beta `_ for the various Nstates and O1 is a ONE BODY OPERATOR array is the array of the mono electronic operator on the MO basis `i_unit_integrated_delta_rho `_ fortran unit for the writing of the integrated delta_rho `integrated_delta_rho_all_points `_ .br integrated_rho(alpha,z) - integrated_rho(beta,z) for all the z points chosen .br `integrated_delta_rho_one_point `_ .br integral (x,y) and (z,z+delta_z) of rho(alpha) - rho(beta) on the MO basis .br `mo_integrated_delta_rho_one_point `_ .br array of the integrals needed of integrated_rho(alpha,z) - integrated_rho(beta,z) for z = z_one_point on the MO basis .br `n_z_pts `_ Undocumented `test_average_value `_ Undocumented `test_average_value_alpha_beta `_ Undocumented `test_dm `_ Undocumented `z_max `_ Undocumented `z_min `_ Undocumented `z_one_point `_ z point on which the integrated delta rho is calculated Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. by the `update_README.py` script. .. image:: tree_dependency.pdf * `Determinants `_