open Qputils;; open Qptypes;; open Core.Std;; (** Interactive editing of the input. @author A. Scemama *) (** Keywords used to define input sections *) type keyword = | Ao_basis | Bielec_integrals | Cisd_sc2 | Determinants | Electrons | Full_ci | Hartree_fock | Mo_basis | Nuclei ;; let keyword_to_string = function | Ao_basis -> "AO basis" | Bielec_integrals -> "Two electron integrals" | Cisd_sc2 -> "CISD (SC)^2" | Determinants -> "Determinants" | Electrons -> "Electrons" | Full_ci -> "Selected Full-CI" | Hartree_fock -> "Hartree-Fock" | Mo_basis -> "MO basis" | Nuclei -> "Molecule" ;; (** Create the header of the temporary file *) let file_header filename = Printf.sprintf " ================================================================== Quantum Package ================================================================== Editing file `%s` " filename ;; (** Creates the header of a section *) let make_header kw = let s = keyword_to_string kw in let l = String.length s in "\n\n"^s^"\n"^(String.init l ~f:(fun _ -> '='))^"\n\n" ;; (** Returns the rst string of section [s] *) let get s = let header = (make_header s) in let f (read,to_rst) = match read () with | Some text -> header ^ (Rst_string.to_string (to_rst text)) | None -> "" in let rst = try begin let open Input in match s with | Full_ci -> f Full_ci.(read, to_rst) | Hartree_fock -> f Hartree_fock.(read, to_rst) | Mo_basis -> f Mo_basis.(read, to_rst) | Electrons -> f Electrons.(read, to_rst) | Cisd_sc2 -> f Cisd_sc2.(read, to_rst) | Nuclei -> f Nuclei.(read, to_rst) | Ao_basis -> f Ao_basis.(read, to_rst) | Bielec_integrals -> f Bielec_integrals.(read, to_rst) | Determinants -> f Determinants.(read, to_rst) end with | Sys_error msg -> (Printf.eprintf "Info: %s\n%!" msg ; "") in rst ;; (** Applies the changes from the string [str] corresponding to section [s] *) let set str s = let header = (make_header s) in match String.substr_index ~pos:0 ~pattern:header str with | None -> () | Some idx -> begin let index_begin = idx + (String.length header) in let index_end = match ( String.substr_index ~pos:(index_begin+(String.length header)+1) ~pattern:"==" str) with | Some i -> i | None -> String.length str in let l = index_end - index_begin in let str = String.sub ~pos:index_begin ~len:l str |> Rst_string.of_string in let write (of_rst,w) s = try match of_rst str with | Some data -> w data | None -> () with | _ -> (Printf.eprintf "Info: Read error in %s\n%!" (keyword_to_string s); ignore (of_rst str) ) in let open Input in match s with | Hartree_fock -> write Hartree_fock.(of_rst, write) s | Full_ci -> write Full_ci.(of_rst, write) s | Electrons -> write Electrons.(of_rst, write) s | Cisd_sc2 -> write Cisd_sc2.(of_rst, write) s | Bielec_integrals -> write Bielec_integrals.(of_rst, write) s | Determinants -> write Determinants.(of_rst, write) s | Nuclei -> write Nuclei.(of_rst, write) s | Ao_basis -> () (* TODO *) | Mo_basis -> () (* TODO *) end ;; (** Creates the temporary file for interactive editing *) let create_temp_file ezfio_filename fields = let temp_filename = Filename.temp_file "qp_edit_" ".rst" in begin Out_channel.with_file temp_filename ~f:(fun out_channel -> (file_header ezfio_filename) :: ( ~f:get fields) |> String.concat ~sep:"\n" |> Out_channel.output_string out_channel ) end ; temp_filename ;; let run ezfio_filename = (* Open EZFIO *) if (not (Sys.file_exists_exn ezfio_filename)) then failwith (ezfio_filename^" does not exists"); Ezfio.set_file ezfio_filename; (* let output = (file_header ezfio_filename) :: ( ~f:get [ Ao_basis ; Mo_basis ; ]) in String.concat output |> print_string *) let tasks = [ Nuclei ; Ao_basis; Electrons ; Bielec_integrals ; Hartree_fock ; Cisd_sc2 ; Full_ci ; Mo_basis; Determinants ; ] in (* Create the temp file *) let temp_filename = create_temp_file ezfio_filename tasks in (* Open the temp file with external editor *) let editor = match Sys.getenv "EDITOR" with | Some editor -> editor | None -> "vi" in Printf.sprintf "%s %s" editor temp_filename |> Sys.command_exn ; (* Re-read the temp file *) let temp_string = In_channel.with_file temp_filename ~f:(fun in_channel -> In_channel.input_all in_channel) in List.iter ~f:(fun x -> set temp_string x) tasks; (* Remove temp_file *) Sys.remove temp_filename; ;; (** Create a backup file in case of an exception *) let create_backup ezfio_filename = Printf.sprintf " rm -f %s/backup.tgz ; tar -zcf .backup.tgz %s && mv .backup.tgz %s/backup.tgz " ezfio_filename ezfio_filename ezfio_filename |> Sys.command_exn ;; (** Restore the backup file when an exception occuprs *) let restore_backup ezfio_filename = Printf.sprintf "tar -zxf %s/backup.tgz" ezfio_filename |> Sys.command_exn ;; let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty (* +> flag "i" (optional string) ~doc:"Prints input data" +> flag "o" (optional string) ~doc:"Prints output data" *) +> anon ("ezfio_file" %: string) ;; let command = Command.basic ~summary: "Quantum Package command" ~readme:(fun () -> " Edit input data ") spec (* (fun i o ezfio_file () -> *) (*fun ezfio_file () -> try run ezfio_file with | _ msg -> print_string ("\n\nError\n\n"^msg^"\n\n") *) (fun ezfio_file () -> try run ezfio_file ; (* create_backup ezfio_file; *) with | Failure exc | Invalid_argument exc as e -> begin Printf.eprintf "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n\n"; Printf.eprintf "%s\n\n" exc; Printf.eprintf "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n\n"; (* restore_backup ezfio_file; *) raise e end | Assert_failure (file, line, ch) as e -> begin Printf.eprintf "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n\n"; Printf.eprintf "Assert error in file $QPACKAGE_ROOT/ocaml/%s, line %d, character %d\n\n" file line ch; Printf.eprintf "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n\n"; (* restore_backup ezfio_file; *) raise e end ) ;; let () = command; exit 0 ;;