module RunningMap : Map.S with type key = Id.Task.t module TasksMap : Map.S with type key = Id.Task.t module ClientsSet : Set.S with type elt = Id.Client.t type t = { queued : Id.Task.t list ; running : Id.Client.t RunningMap.t ; tasks : string TasksMap.t ; clients : ClientsSet.t ; next_client_id : Id.Client.t ; next_task_id : Id.Task.t ; number_of_queued : int ; number_of_running : int ; number_of_tasks : int ; number_of_clients : int ; } (** Creates a new queuing system. Returns the new queue. *) val create : unit -> t (** Add a new task represented as a string. Returns the queue with the added task. *) val add_task : task:string -> t -> t (** Add a new client. Returns the queue and a new client_id. *) val add_client : t -> t * Id.Client.t (** Pops a task from the queue. The task is set as running on client client_id. Returns the queue, a task_id and the content of the task. If the queue contains no task, the task_id and the task content are None. *) val pop_task : client_id:ClientsSet.elt -> t -> t * Id.Task.t option * string option (** Deletes a client from the queuing system *) val del_client : client_id:ClientsSet.elt -> t -> t (** Deletes a client from the queuing system. The client is assumed to be a member of the set of clients. Returns the queue without the removed client. *) val end_task : task_id:RunningMap.key -> client_id:ClientsSet.elt -> t -> t (** Deletes a task from the queuing system. The task is assumed to be a member of the map of tasks. Returns the queue without the removed task. *) val del_task : task_id:TasksMap.key -> t -> t (** Returns the number of tasks, assumed >= 0 *) val number_of_tasks : t -> int (** Returns the number of queued tasks, assumed >= 0 *) val number_of_queued : t -> int (** Returns the number of running tasks, assumed >= 0 *) val number_of_running : t -> int (** Returns the number of connected clients, assumed >= 0 *) val number_of_clients : t -> int (** Prints the content of the queue *) val to_string : t -> string (** Test function for debug *) val test : unit -> unit