subroutine apply_exc_to_psi(orb,hole_particle,spin_exc, & norm_out,psi_in_out,psi_in_out_coef, ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef,N_states_in) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: orb, hole_particle,spin_exc,N_states_in,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef double precision, intent(out) :: norm_out(N_states_in) integer(bit_kind), intent(inout) :: psi_in_out(N_int,2,dim_psi_in) double precision, intent(inout) :: psi_in_out_coef(dim_psi_coef,N_states_in) BEGIN_DOC ! apply a contracted excitation to psi_in_out whose coefficients ! are psi_in_out_coef ! hole_particle = 1 ===> creation of an electron in psi_in_out ! = -1 ===> annhilation of an electron in psi_in_out ! orb ===> is the index of orbital where you want wether to create or ! annhilate an electron ! spin_exc ===> is the spin of the electron (1 == alpha) (2 == beta) ! the wave function gets out normalized to unity ! ! norm_out is the sum of the squared of the coefficients ! on which the excitation has been possible END_DOC integer :: elec_num_tab_local(2) elec_num_tab_local = 0 do i = 1, ndet if( psi_in_out_coef (i,1) .ne. 0.d0)then do j = 1, N_int elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_in_out(j,1,i)) elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_in_out(j,2,i)) enddo exit endif enddo integer :: i,j,accu_elec if(hole_particle == 1)then do i = 1, ndet call set_bit_to_integer(orb,psi_in_out(1,spin_exc,i),N_int) accu_elec = 0 do j = 1, N_int accu_elec += popcnt(psi_in_out(j,spin_exc,i)) enddo if(accu_elec .ne. elec_num_tab_local(spin_exc)+1)then do j = 1, N_int psi_in_out(j,1,i) = 0_bit_kind psi_in_out(j,2,i) = 0_bit_kind enddo do j = 1, N_states_in psi_in_out_coef(i,j) = 0.d0 enddo endif enddo else if (hole_particle == -1)then do i = 1, ndet call clear_bit_to_integer(orb,psi_in_out(1,spin_exc,i),N_int) accu_elec = 0 do j = 1, N_int accu_elec += popcnt(psi_in_out(j,spin_exc,i)) enddo if(accu_elec .ne. elec_num_tab_local(spin_exc)-1)then do j = 1, N_int psi_in_out(j,1,i) = 0_bit_kind psi_in_out(j,2,i) = 0_bit_kind enddo do j = 1, N_states_in psi_in_out_coef(i,j) = 0.d0 enddo endif enddo endif norm_out = 0.d0 double precision :: norm_factor do j = 1, N_states_in do i = 1, ndet norm_out(j) += psi_in_out_coef(i,j) * psi_in_out_coef(i,j) enddo if(norm_out(j).le.1.d-10)then norm_factor = 0.d0 else norm_factor = 1.d0/(dsqrt(norm_out(j))) endif do i = 1, ndet psi_in_out_coef(i,j) = psi_in_out_coef(i,j) * norm_factor enddo enddo end double precision function diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check(det_in,Nint) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Computes END_DOC integer,intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: det_in(Nint,2) integer :: i, j, iorb, jorb integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: elec_num_tab_local(2) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check = 0.d0 call bitstring_to_list(det_in(1,1), occ(1,1), elec_num_tab_local(1), N_int) call bitstring_to_list(det_in(1,2), occ(1,2), elec_num_tab_local(2), N_int) ! alpha - alpha do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1) iorb = occ(i,1) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) do j = i+1, elec_num_tab_local(1) jorb = occ(j,1) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += mo_bielec_integral_jj_anti(jorb,iorb) enddo enddo ! beta - beta do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(2) iorb = occ(i,2) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) do j = i+1, elec_num_tab_local(2) jorb = occ(j,2) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += mo_bielec_integral_jj_anti(jorb,iorb) enddo enddo ! alpha - beta do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(2) iorb = occ(i,2) do j = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1) jorb = occ(j,1) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) enddo enddo ! alpha - core-act do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1) iorb = occ(i,1) do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb jorb = list_core_inact(j) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb) enddo enddo ! beta - core-act do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(2) iorb = occ(i,2) do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb jorb = list_core_inact(j) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb) enddo enddo end subroutine a_operator_no_check(iorb,ispin,key,hjj,Nint,na,nb) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Needed for diag_H_mat_elem END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: iorb, ispin, Nint integer, intent(inout) :: na, nb integer(bit_kind), intent(inout) :: key(Nint,2) double precision, intent(inout) :: hjj integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: other_spin integer :: k,l,i integer :: tmp(2) ASSERT (iorb > 0) ASSERT (ispin > 0) ASSERT (ispin < 3) ASSERT (Nint > 0) k = ishft(iorb-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 ASSERT (k > 0) l = iorb - ishft(k-1,bit_kind_shift)-1 key(k,ispin) = ibclr(key(k,ispin),l) other_spin = iand(ispin,1)+1 !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call bitstring_to_list_ab(key, occ, tmp, Nint) na = na-1 hjj = hjj - mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) ! Same spin do i=1,na hjj = hjj - mo_bielec_integral_jj_anti(occ(i,ispin),iorb) enddo ! Opposite spin do i=1,nb hjj = hjj - mo_bielec_integral_jj(occ(i,other_spin),iorb) enddo end subroutine ac_operator_no_check(iorb,ispin,key,hjj,Nint,na,nb) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Needed for diag_H_mat_elem END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: iorb, ispin, Nint integer, intent(inout) :: na, nb integer(bit_kind), intent(inout) :: key(Nint,2) double precision, intent(inout) :: hjj integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: other_spin integer :: k,l,i ASSERT (iorb > 0) ASSERT (ispin > 0) ASSERT (ispin < 3) ASSERT (Nint > 0) integer :: tmp(2) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call bitstring_to_list_ab(key, occ, tmp, Nint) k = ishft(iorb-1,-bit_kind_shift)+1 ASSERT (k > 0) l = iorb - ishft(k-1,bit_kind_shift)-1 key(k,ispin) = ibset(key(k,ispin),l) other_spin = iand(ispin,1)+1 hjj = hjj + mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) print*,'na.nb = ',na,nb ! Same spin do i=1,na hjj = hjj + mo_bielec_integral_jj_anti(occ(i,ispin),iorb) enddo ! Opposite spin do i=1,nb hjj = hjj + mo_bielec_integral_jj(occ(i,other_spin),iorb) enddo na = na+1 end subroutine i_H_j_dyall(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns where i and j are determinants END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key_i(Nint,2), key_j(Nint,2) double precision, intent(out) :: hij integer :: exc(0:2,2,2) integer :: degree double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz integer :: m,n,p,q integer :: i,j,k integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2) double precision :: diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check, phase,phase_2 integer :: n_occ_ab(2) logical :: has_mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size) double precision :: mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size), miip(Nint*bit_kind_size) PROVIDE mo_bielec_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_map ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) hij = 0.d0 !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call get_excitation_degree(key_i,key_j,degree,Nint) select case (degree) case (2) call get_double_excitation(key_i,key_j,exc,phase,Nint) if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then ! Mono alpha, mono beta hij = phase*get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(1,1,2), & exc(1,2,1), & exc(1,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) else if (exc(0,1,1) == 2) then ! Double alpha hij = phase*(get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(2,1,1), & exc(1,2,1), & exc(2,2,1) ,mo_integrals_map) - & get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz( & exc(1,1,1), & exc(2,1,1), & exc(2,2,1), & exc(1,2,1) ,mo_integrals_map) ) else if (exc(0,1,2) == 2) then ! Double beta hij = phase*(get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz( & exc(1,1,2), & exc(2,1,2), & exc(1,2,2), & exc(2,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) - & get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz( & exc(1,1,2), & exc(2,1,2), & exc(2,2,2), & exc(1,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map) ) endif case (1) call get_mono_excitation(key_i,key_j,exc,phase,Nint) !DIR$ FORCEINLINE call bitstring_to_list_ab(key_i, occ, n_occ_ab, Nint) has_mipi = .False. if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then ! Mono alpha m = exc(1,1,1) p = exc(1,2,1) do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1) i = occ(k,1) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) miip(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz(m,i,i,p,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2) i = occ(k,2) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1) hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,1)) - miip(occ(k,1)) enddo do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2) hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,2)) enddo else ! Mono beta m = exc(1,1,2) p = exc(1,2,2) do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2) i = occ(k,2) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) miip(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz(m,i,i,p,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1) i = occ(k,1) if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral_schwartz(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map) has_mipi(i) = .True. endif enddo do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1) hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,1)) enddo do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2) hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,2)) - miip(occ(k,2)) enddo endif hij = phase*(hij + mo_mono_elec_integral(m,p) + fock_operator_active_from_core_inact(m,p) ) case (0) hij = diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check(key_i,Nint) end select end subroutine u0_H_dyall_u0(energies,psi_in,psi_in_coef,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef,N_states_in,state_target) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: N_states_in,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef,state_target integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: psi_in(N_int,2,dim_psi_in) double precision, intent(in) :: psi_in_coef(dim_psi_coef,N_states_in) double precision, intent(out) :: energies(N_states_in) integer :: i,j double precision :: hij,accu energies = 0.d0 accu = 0.d0 double precision, allocatable :: psi_coef_tmp(:) allocate(psi_coef_tmp(ndet)) do i = 1, ndet psi_coef_tmp(i) = psi_in_coef(i,state_target) enddo double precision :: hij_bis do i = 1, ndet if(psi_coef_tmp(i)==0.d0)cycle do j = 1, ndet if(psi_coef_tmp(j)==0.d0)cycle call i_H_j_dyall(psi_in(1,1,i),psi_in(1,1,j),N_int,hij) ! call i_H_j(psi_in(1,1,i),psi_in(1,1,j),N_int,hij_bis) ! print*, hij_bis,hij accu += psi_coef_tmp(i) * psi_coef_tmp(j) * hij enddo enddo energies(state_target) = accu deallocate(psi_coef_tmp) end