subroutine test_average_value(array,value) implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: array(mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) double precision, intent(in) :: value double precision :: tmp,hij integer :: i,j tmp = 0.d0 do i = 1, N_det do j = 1, N_det call i_O1_j(array,psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j),N_int,hij) tmp+= hij * psi_coef(i,1) * psi_coef(j,1) enddo enddo if(dabs(tmp-value).ge.1.d-8)then print*,'subroutine test_average_value' print*,'PB WITH AVERAGE VALUE !!!!!!!!!' print*,' = ',tmp print*,'value = ',value stop endif end subroutine test_average_value_alpha_beta(array,value) implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: array(mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) double precision, intent(in) :: value double precision :: tmp,hij integer :: i,j tmp = 0.d0 do i = 1, N_det do j = 1, N_det call i_O1_j_alpha_beta(array,psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j),N_int,hij) tmp+= hij * psi_coef(i,1) * psi_coef(j,1) enddo enddo print*,'tmp = ',tmp print*,'value = ',value tmp = 0.d0 do i = 1, N_det call i_O1_psi_alpha_beta(array,psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det,psi_coef,N_int,N_det,psi_det_size,N_states,hij) tmp+= hij * psi_coef(i,1) enddo print*,'tmp = ',tmp print*,'value = ',value if(dabs(tmp-value).ge.1.d-8)then print*,'subroutine test_average_value' print*,'PB WITH AVERAGE VALUE !!!!!!!!!' print*,' = ',tmp print*,'value = ',value stop endif end subroutine test_dm(tmp_array) use bitmasks implicit none double precision,intent(out) :: tmp_array(mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num) double precision :: phase integer :: i,j,ispin,k integer :: degree integer :: exc(0:2,2,2),h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2 integer :: occ_det(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) integer :: tmp double precision :: accu tmp_array = 0.d0 do i = 1, N_det call bitstring_to_list(psi_det(1,1,i), occ_det(1,1), tmp, N_int) call bitstring_to_list(psi_det(1,2,i), occ_det(1,2), tmp, N_int) do ispin = 1, 2 do k = 1, elec_num_tab(ispin) tmp_array(occ_det(k,ispin),occ_det(k,ispin)) += psi_coef(i,1) * psi_coef(i,1) enddo enddo do j = i+1, N_det call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j),degree,N_int) if ( call get_excitation(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,j),exc,degree,phase,N_int) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) tmp_array(h1,p1) += phase * psi_coef(i,1) * psi_coef(j,1) tmp_array(p1,h1) = tmp_array(h1,p1) enddo enddo end