============== Bitmask Module ============== The central part of this module is the ``bitmasks_module.f90`` file. It contains the constants that will be used to define on which kind of integer the bitmasks will be defined. In the program, when an integer ``X`` is used to represent a bit string (like a determinant for example), it should be defined as, for example: .. code-block:: fortran use bitmasks integer(bit_kind) :: X The ``bitmasks_routines.irp.f`` contains helper routines to manipulate bitmassk, like transforming a bit string to a list of integers for example. Assumptions =========== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES_CHILDREN file by the `update_README.py` script. ``bit_kind_shift``, ``bit_kind_size`` and ``bit_kind`` are coherent: .. code_block:: fortran 2**bit_kind_shift = bit_kind_size bit_kind = bit_kind_size / 8 Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated .. by the `update_README.py` script. .. image:: tree_dependency.png * `MO_Basis `_ Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated .. by the `update_README.py` script. .. image:: tree_dependency.png * `MO_Basis `_ Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated .. by the `update_README.py` script. `bitstring_to_hexa `_ Transform a bit string to a string in hexadecimal format for printing `bitstring_to_list `_ Gives the inidices(+1) of the bits set to 1 in the bit string `bitstring_to_str `_ Transform a bit string to a string for printing `cas_bitmask `_ Bitmasks for CAS reference determinants. (N_int, alpha/beta, CAS reference) `closed_shell_ref_bitmask `_ Undocumented `core_bitmask `_ Core + deleted orbitals bitmask `core_inact_act_bitmask_4 `_ Undocumented `core_inact_virt_bitmask `_ Reunion of the inactive and virtual bitmasks `debug_det `_ Subroutine to print the content of a determinant in '+-' notation and hexadecimal representation. `debug_spindet `_ Subroutine to print the content of a determinant in '+-' notation and hexadecimal representation. `full_ijkl_bitmask `_ Bitmask to include all possible MOs `full_ijkl_bitmask_4 `_ Undocumented `generators_bitmask `_ Bitmasks for generator determinants. (N_int, alpha/beta, hole/particle, generator). .br 3rd index is : .br * 1 : hole for single exc .br * 2 : particle for single exc .br * 3 : hole for 1st exc of double .br * 4 : particle for 1st exc of double .br * 5 : hole for 2nd exc of double .br * 6 : particle for 2nd exc of double .br `generators_bitmask_restart `_ Bitmasks for generator determinants. (N_int, alpha/beta, hole/particle, generator). .br 3rd index is : .br * 1 : hole for single exc .br * 2 : particle for single exc .br * 3 : hole for 1st exc of double .br * 4 : particle for 1st exc of double .br * 5 : hole for 2nd exc of double .br * 6 : particle for 2nd exc of double .br `hf_bitmask `_ Hartree Fock bit mask `i_bitmask_gen `_ Current bitmask for the generators `inact_bitmask `_ inact_bitmask : Bitmask of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited in post CAS methods n_inact_orb : Number of inactive orbitals virt_bitmask : Bitmaks of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons in post CAS methods n_virt_orb : Number of virtual orbitals `inact_virt_bitmask `_ Reunion of the inactive and virtual bitmasks `index_holes_bitmask `_ Index of the holes in the generators_bitmasks `index_particl_bitmask `_ Index of the holes in the generators_bitmasks `initialize_bitmask_to_restart_ones `_ Initialization of the generators_bitmask to the restart bitmask `is_a_1h `_ Undocumented `is_a_1h1p `_ Undocumented `is_a_1h2p `_ Undocumented `is_a_1p `_ Undocumented `is_a_2h `_ Undocumented `is_a_2h1p `_ Undocumented `is_a_2p `_ Undocumented `is_a_two_holes_two_particles `_ logical function that returns True if the determinant 'key_in' belongs to the 2h-2p excitation class of the DDCI space this is calculated using the CAS_bitmask that defines the active orbital space, the inact_bitmasl that defines the inactive oribital space and the virt_bitmask that defines the virtual orbital space `is_i_in_virtual `_ Undocumented `is_the_hole_in_det `_ Undocumented `is_the_particl_in_det `_ Undocumented `list_act `_ list_act(i) = index of the ith active orbital .br list_act_reverse : reverse list of active orbitals list_act_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an active list_act_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth active orbital `list_act_reverse `_ list_act(i) = index of the ith active orbital .br list_act_reverse : reverse list of active orbitals list_act_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an active list_act_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth active orbital `list_core `_ List of the core orbitals that are never excited in post CAS method `list_core_inact `_ Undocumented `list_core_inact_act `_ Undocumented `list_core_inact_act_reverse `_ Undocumented `list_core_inact_reverse `_ Undocumented `list_core_reverse `_ List of the core orbitals that are never excited in post CAS method `list_inact `_ list_inact : List of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited in post CAS methods list_virt : List of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons in post CAS methods list_inact_reverse : reverse list of inactive orbitals list_inact_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an inactive list_inact_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth inactive list_virt_reverse : reverse list of virtual orbitals list_virt_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an virtual list_virt_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth virtual `list_inact_reverse `_ list_inact : List of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited in post CAS methods list_virt : List of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons in post CAS methods list_inact_reverse : reverse list of inactive orbitals list_inact_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an inactive list_inact_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth inactive list_virt_reverse : reverse list of virtual orbitals list_virt_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an virtual list_virt_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth virtual `list_to_bitstring `_ Returns the physical string "string(N_int,2)" from the array of occupations "list(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) `list_virt `_ list_inact : List of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited in post CAS methods list_virt : List of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons in post CAS methods list_inact_reverse : reverse list of inactive orbitals list_inact_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an inactive list_inact_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth inactive list_virt_reverse : reverse list of virtual orbitals list_virt_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an virtual list_virt_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth virtual `list_virt_reverse `_ list_inact : List of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited in post CAS methods list_virt : List of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons in post CAS methods list_inact_reverse : reverse list of inactive orbitals list_inact_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an inactive list_inact_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth inactive list_virt_reverse : reverse list of virtual orbitals list_virt_reverse(i) = 0 ::> not an virtual list_virt_reverse(i) = k ::> IS the kth virtual `modify_bitmasks_for_hole `_ modify the generators_bitmask in order that one can only excite the electrons occupying i_hole `modify_bitmasks_for_hole_in_out `_ modify the generators_bitmask in order that one can only excite the electrons occupying i_hole `modify_bitmasks_for_particl `_ modify the generators_bitmask in order that one can only excite the electrons to the orbital i_part `n_act_orb `_ number of active orbitals `n_cas_bitmask `_ Number of bitmasks for CAS `n_core_inact_act_orb `_ Reunion of the core, inactive and active bitmasks `n_core_inact_orb `_ Undocumented `n_core_orb `_ Core + deleted orbitals bitmask `n_core_orb_allocate `_ Undocumented `n_generators_bitmask `_ Number of bitmasks for generators `n_generators_bitmask_restart `_ Number of bitmasks for generators `n_inact_orb `_ inact_bitmask : Bitmask of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited in post CAS methods n_inact_orb : Number of inactive orbitals virt_bitmask : Bitmaks of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons in post CAS methods n_virt_orb : Number of virtual orbitals `n_inact_orb_allocate `_ Undocumented `n_int `_ Number of 64-bit integers needed to represent determinants as binary strings `n_virt_orb `_ inact_bitmask : Bitmask of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited in post CAS methods n_inact_orb : Number of inactive orbitals virt_bitmask : Bitmaks of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons in post CAS methods n_virt_orb : Number of virtual orbitals `n_virt_orb_allocate `_ Undocumented `number_of_holes `_ Function that returns the number of holes in the inact space `number_of_holes_verbose `_ function that returns the number of holes in the inact space `number_of_particles `_ function that returns the number of particles in the virtual space `number_of_particles_verbose `_ function that returns the number of particles in the inact space `print_det `_ Subroutine to print the content of a determinant using the '+-' notation `print_generators_bitmasks_holes `_ Undocumented `print_generators_bitmasks_holes_for_one_generator `_ Undocumented `print_generators_bitmasks_particles `_ Undocumented `print_generators_bitmasks_particles_for_one_generator `_ Undocumented `print_spindet `_ Subroutine to print the content of a determinant using the '+-' notation `ref_bitmask `_ Reference bit mask, used in Slater rules, chosen as Hartree-Fock bitmask `reunion_of_bitmask `_ Reunion of the inactive, active and virtual bitmasks `reunion_of_cas_inact_bitmask `_ Reunion of the inactive, active and virtual bitmasks `reunion_of_core_inact_act_bitmask `_ Reunion of the core, inactive and active bitmasks `reunion_of_core_inact_bitmask `_ Reunion of the core and inactive and virtual bitmasks `set_bitmask_hole_as_input `_ set the generators_bitmask for the holes as the input_bimask `set_bitmask_particl_as_input `_ set the generators_bitmask for the particles as the input_bimask `unpaired_alpha_electrons `_ Bitmask reprenting the unpaired alpha electrons in the HF_bitmask `virt_bitmask `_ inact_bitmask : Bitmask of the inactive orbitals which are supposed to be doubly excited in post CAS methods n_inact_orb : Number of inactive orbitals virt_bitmask : Bitmaks of vritual orbitals which are supposed to be recieve electrons in post CAS methods n_virt_orb : Number of virtual orbitals `virt_bitmask_4 `_ Undocumented