#!/bin/bash # # Creates the rst files when creating a new module. # Thu Apr 3 11:54:16 CEST 2014 MODULE=$(basename $PWD) if [[ $MODULE == "src" ]] then echo "Error: This script should not be run in the src directory." exit 1 fi function asksure() { echo -n $@ "(Y/N) " answer=w while [[ $answer != [YyNn] ]] do read answer [[ $answer = [Yy] ]] && retval=0 || retval=1 done return $retval } README="True" if [[ -f README.rst ]] then asksure "Overwrite existing README.rst file?" || README="False" fi UNDERLINE="=======" declare -i i=0 while [[ i -lt ${#MODULE} ]] do UNDERLINE+="=" i+=1 done if [[ ${README} == "True" ]] then cat << EOF > ./README.rst $UNDERLINE $MODULE Module $UNDERLINE EOF fi touch ./ASSUMPTIONS.rst