open Qptypes;; open Qputils;; open Core.Std;; module Full_ci : sig type t = { n_det_max_fci : Det_number_max.t; pt2_max : PT2_energy.t; do_pt2_end : bool; var_pt2_ratio : Normalized_float.t; } with sexp ;; val read : unit -> t option val write : t-> unit val to_string : t -> string val to_rst : t -> Rst_string.t val of_rst : Rst_string.t -> t option end = struct type t = { n_det_max_fci : Det_number_max.t; pt2_max : PT2_energy.t; do_pt2_end : bool; var_pt2_ratio : Normalized_float.t; } with sexp ;; let get_default = Qpackage.get_ezfio_default "full_ci";; let read_n_det_max_fci () = if not (Ezfio.has_full_ci_n_det_max_fci ()) then get_default "n_det_max_fci" |> Int.of_string |> Ezfio.set_full_ci_n_det_max_fci ; Ezfio.get_full_ci_n_det_max_fci () |> Det_number_max.of_int ;; let write_n_det_max_fci ndet = Det_number_max.to_int ndet |> Ezfio.set_full_ci_n_det_max_fci ;; let read_var_pt2_ratio () = if not (Ezfio.has_full_ci_var_pt2_ratio ()) then get_default "var_pt2_ratio" |> Float.of_string |> Ezfio.set_full_ci_var_pt2_ratio ; Ezfio.get_full_ci_var_pt2_ratio () |> Normalized_float.of_float ;; let write_var_pt2_ratio ratio = Normalized_float.to_float ratio |> Ezfio.set_full_ci_var_pt2_ratio ;; let read_pt2_max () = if not (Ezfio.has_full_ci_pt2_max ()) then get_default "pt2_max" |> Float.of_string |> Ezfio.set_full_ci_pt2_max ; Ezfio.get_full_ci_pt2_max () |> PT2_energy.of_float ;; let write_pt2_max pt2_max = PT2_energy.to_float pt2_max |> Ezfio.set_full_ci_pt2_max ;; let read_do_pt2_end () = if not (Ezfio.has_full_ci_do_pt2_end ()) then get_default "do_pt2_end" |> Bool.of_string |> Ezfio.set_full_ci_do_pt2_end ; Ezfio.get_full_ci_do_pt2_end () ;; let write_do_pt2_end = Ezfio.set_full_ci_do_pt2_end ;; let read () = Some { n_det_max_fci = read_n_det_max_fci (); pt2_max = read_pt2_max (); do_pt2_end = read_do_pt2_end (); var_pt2_ratio = read_var_pt2_ratio (); } ;; let write { n_det_max_fci ; pt2_max ; do_pt2_end ; var_pt2_ratio ; } = write_n_det_max_fci n_det_max_fci; write_pt2_max pt2_max; write_do_pt2_end do_pt2_end; write_var_pt2_ratio var_pt2_ratio; ;; let to_string b = Printf.sprintf " n_det_max_fci = %s pt2_max = %s do_pt2_end = %s var_pt2_ratio = %s " (Det_number_max.to_string b.n_det_max_fci) (PT2_energy.to_string b.pt2_max) (Bool.to_string b.do_pt2_end) (Normalized_float.to_string b.var_pt2_ratio) ;; let to_rst b = Printf.sprintf " Stop when the `n_det` > `n_det_max_fci` :: n_det_max_fci = %s Stop when -E(PT2) < `pt2_max` :: pt2_max = %s Compute E(PT2) at the end :: do_pt2_end = %s Target energy ratio variational/(variational+PT2) :: var_pt2_ratio = %s " (Det_number_max.to_string b.n_det_max_fci) (PT2_energy.to_string b.pt2_max) (Bool.to_string b.do_pt2_end) (Normalized_float.to_string b.var_pt2_ratio) |> Rst_string.of_string ;; include Generic_input_of_rst;; let of_rst = of_rst t_of_sexp;; end