#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Usage: qp_create_ninja.py create (--development | --production) qp_create_ninja.py update """ import os import sys import glob from os.path import join from collections import namedtuple from collections import defaultdict import pickle try: from module_handler import ModuleHandler from read_compilation_cfg import get_compilation_option from docopt import docopt except ImportError: f = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "quantum_package.rc")) print """ Error: source %s """ % f sys.exit(1) header = r"""# # _______ _____ # __ __ \___ _______ _________ /____ ________ ___ # _ / / / / / / __ `/_ __ \ __/ / / /_ __ `__ \ # / /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /_ / / / /_ / /_/ /_ / / / / / # \___\_\\__,_/ \__,_/ /_/ /_/\__/ \__,_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ # # ________ ______ # ___ __ \_____ _________ /_______ _______ _____ # __ /_/ / __ `/ ___/_ //_/ __ `/_ __ `/ _ \ # _ ____// /_/ // /__ _ ,< / /_/ /_ /_/ // __/ # /_/ \__,_/ \___/ /_/|_| \__,_/ _\__, / \___/ # /____/ # # https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package, # # Generated automatically by {0} # # """.format(__file__) # __ # /__ | _ |_ _. | _. ._ o _. |_ | _ _ # \_| | (_) |_) (_| | \/ (_| | | (_| |_) | (/_ _> # from qp_path import QP_ROOT, QP_SRC, QP_EZFIO EZFIO_LIB = join(QP_ROOT, "lib", "libezfio.a") ROOT_BUILD_NINJA = join(QP_ROOT, "config", "build.ninja") # # |\ | _. ._ _ _ _| _|_ ._ | _ # | \| (_| | | | (/_ (_| |_ |_| |_) | (/_ # | Path = namedtuple('Path', ['abs', 'rel']) EZ_config_path = namedtuple('EZ_config', ['path_in_module', 'path_in_ezfio']) EZ_handler = namedtuple('EZ_handler', ['ez_module', 'ez_cfg', 'ez_interface', 'ez_config']) Sym_link = namedtuple('Sym_link', ['source', 'destination']) module_instance = ModuleHandler() def real_join(*args): return os.path.realpath(join(*args)) # _ # |_ ._ _. ._ o _. |_ | _ _ # |_ | | \/ \/ (_| | | (_| |_) | (/_ _> def ninja_create_env_variable(pwd_config_file): """ Return some ninja variable with the env variable expanded FC, FCFLAGS, IRPF90, IRPF90_FLAGS The env variable is usefull for the generation of EZFIO, and IRPF90 """ l_string = [] for flag in ["FC", "FCFLAGS", "IRPF90", "IRPF90_FLAGS"]: str_ = "{0} = {1}".format(flag, get_compilation_option(pwd_config_file, flag)) l_string.append(str_) lib_lapack = get_compilation_option(pwd_config_file, "LAPACK_LIB") l_string.append("{0} = {1} {2}".format("LIB", lib_lapack, EZFIO_LIB)) l_string.append("") return l_string # __ # /__ _ ._ _ _. | _ _ # \_| (/_ | | (/_ (_| | (_) (_| \/ # _| / def dict_module_genelogy_path(d_module_genelogy): """ Just a dict with relative, and absolue path for the d_module_genelogy """ d = dict() for module_rel, l_children_rel in d_module_genelogy.iteritems(): module_abs = real_join(QP_SRC, module_rel) p = Path(module_abs, module_rel) try: d[p] = Path(real_join(QP_SRC, l_children_rel), l_children_rel) except: d[p] = [Path(real_join(QP_SRC, children), children) for children in l_children_rel] return d # _ __ _ ___ _ _ # |_ / |_ | / \ _ _|_ _ # |_ /_ | _|_ \_/ o (_ | (_| # _| def get_l_module_with_ezfio_cfg(): """ Return all the module who have a EZFIO.cfg """ from os import listdir from os.path import isfile return [real_join(QP_SRC, m) for m in listdir(QP_SRC) if isfile(real_join(QP_SRC, m, "EZFIO.cfg"))] def get_l_ezfio_config(): """ Return a namedtuple('EZ_config', ['path_in_module', 'path_in_ezfio']) """ l = [] cmd = "{0}/*/*.ezfio_config".format(QP_SRC) for path_in_module in glob.glob(cmd): real_path = real_join(path_in_module) name_lower = os.path.split(real_path)[1].lower() path_in_ezfio = join(QP_EZFIO, "config", name_lower) l.append(EZ_config_path(real_path, path_in_ezfio)) return l def ninja_ezfio_cfg_rule(): """ Return the ezfio_interface rule who will create the _ezfio_interface.irp.f the _ezfio_config from the EZFIO.cfg """ l_string = ["rule build_ezfio_interface", " command = ei_handler.py --path_module $sub_module", ""] return l_string def ninja_ezfio_config_rule(): """ If a ezfio_config existe you just need to move it """ l_string = ["rule build_ezfio_config", " command = cp $in $out", ""] return l_string def get_children_of_ezfio_cfg(l_module_with_ezfio_cfg): """ From a module list of ezfio_cfg return all the stuff create by him """ config_folder = join(QP_EZFIO, "config") l_util = dict() for m in l_module_with_ezfio_cfg: name_module = os.path.split(m)[1] name_module_lower = name_module.lower() rel = name_module abs_ = m ez_module = Path(abs_, rel) rel = "EZFIO.cfg" abs_ = join(m, "EZFIO.cfg") ez_cfg = Path(abs_, rel) rel = "ezfio_interface.irp.f" abs_ = join(m, rel) ez_interface = Path(abs_, rel) rel = "{0}.ezfio_interface_config".format(name_module_lower) abs_ = join(config_folder, rel) ez_config = Path(abs_, rel) l_util[ez_module.rel] = EZ_handler(ez_module, ez_cfg, ez_interface, ez_config) return l_util def ninja_ezfio_cfg_build(l_util): """ Return the children created by EZFIO.cfg For us is only ez_interface.irp.f and ez_config """ l_string = [] for m in l_util.itervalues(): str_ = "build {1} {2}: build_ezfio_interface {0}" l_string += [str_.format(m.ez_cfg.abs, m.ez_interface.abs, m.ez_config.abs)] l_string += [" sub_module = {0}".format(m.ez_module.abs)] l_string += [""] return l_string def ninja_ezfio_config_build(l_ezfio_config): """ For the ezfio_config present in module move then """ l_string = [] for m in l_ezfio_config: file_source = m.path_in_module file_create = m.path_in_ezfio l_string += ["build {0}: build_ezfio_config {1}".format(file_create, file_source)] l_string += [""] return l_string def ninja_ezfio_rule(): """ Retun the rule for creation the ezfio Set some variable and run ninja """ l_flag = ["export {0}='${0}'".format(flag) for flag in ["FC", "FCFLAGS", "IRPF90"]] install_lib_ezfio = join(QP_ROOT, 'install', 'EZFIO', "lib", "libezfio.a") l_cmd = ["cd {0}".format(QP_EZFIO)] + l_flag l_cmd += ["rm -f make.config ; ninja && ln -sf {0} {1}".format(install_lib_ezfio, EZFIO_LIB)] l_string = ["rule build_ezfio", " command = {0}".format(" ; ".join(l_cmd)), " pool = console", " description = Create $out", ""] return l_string def ninja_ezfio_build(l_ezfio_config, l_util): """ Rule for create the ezfio we depend of the ezfio_config set by the user or created bu EZFIO.cfg """ l_ezfio_config = [i.path_in_ezfio for i in l_ezfio_config] l_ezfio_from_cfg = [i.ez_config.abs for i in l_util.itervalues()] str_ = " ".join(l_ezfio_config + l_ezfio_from_cfg) l_string = ["build {0}: build_ezfio {1}".format(EZFIO_LIB, str_), ""] return l_string # __ # (_ ._ _ | o ._ | # __) \/ | | | | | | | |< # / def get_source_destination(path_module, l_needed_molule): """ Return a list of Sym_link = namedtuple('Sym_link', ['source', 'destination']) for a module """ return [Sym_link(m.abs, join(QP_SRC, path_module.rel, m.rel)) for m in l_needed_molule] def ninja_symlink_rule(): """ Return the command to create for the symlink """ return ["rule build_symlink", " command = ln -sf $in $out", ""] def ninja_symlink_build(path_module, l_symlink): """ Create the symlink and the l_symlink who are all the symlink list """ if not l_symlink: return [] l_folder = [s.destination for s in l_symlink] l_string = ["build l_symlink_{0} : phony {1}".format(path_module.rel, " ".join(l_folder)), ""] for symlink in l_symlink: l_string += ["build {0}: build_symlink {1}".format(symlink.destination, symlink.source), ""] return l_string # # _ o _|_ o _ ._ _ ._ _ # o (_| | |_ | (_| | | (_) | (/_ # _| _| def ninja_gitignore_rule(): """ Return the command to create the gitignore """ return ["rule build_gitignore", " command = module_handler.py create_git_ignore $module_rel", " description = Create gitignore for $module_rel", ""] def ninja_gitignore_build(path_module, d_binaries, l_symlink): """ """ path_gitignore = join(path_module.abs, ".gitignore") l_b = [i.abs for i in d_binaries[path_module]] root = "build {0}: build_gitignore {1}".format(path_gitignore, " ".join(l_b)) if l_symlink: l_string = ["{0} || l_symlink_{1}".format(root, path_module.rel)] else: l_string = ["{0}".format(root)] l_string.extend((" module_rel = {0}".format(path_module.rel), "")) return l_string # _ _ _ # o ._ ._ _|_ (_| / \ ._ _ _. | _ # | | |_) | | \_/ o | | | (_| |< (/_ # | def get_l_file_for_module(path_module): ''' return the list of irp.f in a module ''' l_depend = [] l_src = [] l_obj = [] l_template = [] for f in os.listdir(path_module.abs): if f.lower().endswith(tuple([".template.f", ".include.f"])): l_template.append(join(path_module.abs, f)) elif f.endswith(".irp.f"): l_depend.append(join(path_module.abs, f)) elif f.lower().endswith(tuple([".f", ".f90", ".c", ".cpp", ".cxx"])): l_depend.append(join(path_module.abs, f)) l_src.append(f) obj = '{0}.o'.format(os.path.splitext(f)[0]) l_obj.append(obj) elif f == "EZFIO.cfg": l_depend.append(join(path_module.abs, "ezfio_interface.irp.f")) d = { "l_depend": l_depend, "l_src": l_src, "l_obj": l_obj, "l_template": l_template } return d def get_file_dependency(d_info_module): """ For a module return all the irp.f90 file who depend """ d_irp = defaultdict(dict) for module, l_children in d_info_module.iteritems(): for key, values in get_l_file_for_module(module).iteritems(): if key in ["l_src"]: values = [join(module.abs, o) for o in values] if key in ["l_obj"]: values = [join(module.abs, "IRPF90_temp", o) for o in values] d_irp[module][key] = values for children in l_children: for key, values in get_l_file_for_module(children).iteritems(): if key in ["l_src"]: values = [join(module.abs, children.rel, o) for o in values] if key in ["l_obj"]: values = [join(module.abs, "IRPF90_temp", children.rel, o) for o in values] d_irp[module][key].extend(values) return d_irp def ninja_irpf90_make_rule(): """ The rule for creating the irpf90.make Export the flag and compile Only secontial make a possible """ # ~#~#~#~#~ # # F l a g s # # ~#~#~#~#~ # l_flag = [] for flag in ["FC", "FCFLAGS", "LIB", "SRC", "OBJ"]: str_ = "export {0}='${0}'".format(flag) l_flag.append(str_) # ~#~#~ # # c m d # # ~#~#~ # l_cmd = ["cd $module_abs"] + l_flag + ["irpf90 $include_dir $IRPF90_FLAGS"] # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # # s t r i n g # # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_string = ["pool irp_pool", " depth = 1", "", "rule build_irpf90.ninja", " command = {0}".format(" ; ".join(l_cmd)), " pool = irp_pool", " description = Running IRPF90 for $module_rel", ""] return l_string def ninja_irpf90_make_build(path_module, l_needed_molule, d_irp): """ Creatre the dependency for a irpf90.make We need all the symklink and all the irp.f """ # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # # O u t p u t # # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_creation = [join(path_module.abs, i) for i in ["irpf90.make", "irpf90_entities", "tags", "IRPF90_temp/build.ninja"]] str_creation = " ".join(l_creation) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # D e p e n d a n c y # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_depend = d_irp[path_module]["l_depend"] l_src = d_irp[path_module]["l_src"] l_obj = d_irp[path_module]["l_obj"] l_template = d_irp[path_module]["l_template"] if l_needed_molule: l_symlink = ["l_symlink_{0}".format(path_module.rel)] else: l_symlink = [] str_depend = " ".join(l_depend + l_symlink + l_template) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # N i n j a _ b u i l d # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_include_dir = ["-I {0}".format(m.rel) for m in l_needed_molule] l_string = [ "build {0}: build_irpf90.ninja {1}".format(str_creation, str_depend), " module_abs = {0}".format(path_module.abs), " module_rel = {0}".format(path_module.rel), " SRC = {0}".format(" ".join(l_src)), " OBJ = {0}".format(" ".join(l_obj)), " include_dir = {0}".format(" ".join(l_include_dir)), "" ] return l_string def ninja_readme_rule(): """ Rule for creation the readme. For not dealted the readme when ninja -t clean and the generator option """ l_string = ["rule build_readme", " command = cd $module_abs ; update_README.py $module_root", " description = update_README $module_rel", " generator = 1", ""] return l_string def ninja_readme_build(path_module, d_irp, dict_root_path): """ Rule for creation the readme """ path_readme = join(path_module.abs, "README.rst") root_module = dict_root_path[module] tags = join(root_module.abs, "tags") str_depend = " ".join(d_irp[path_module]["l_depend"]) tree = join(root_module.abs, "tree_dependency.pdf") l_string = ["build {0}: build_readme {1} {2} {3}".format(path_readme, tags, str_depend, tree), " module_root = {0}".format(root_module.abs), " module_abs = {0}".format(path_module.abs), " module_rel = {0}".format(path_module.rel), ""] return l_string # _ # |_) o ._ _. ._ # |_) | | | (_| | \/ # / def get_binaries(path_module): """ Return the list of binaries (Path= namedtuple('Path', ['abs', 'rel']) for a module """ import subprocess try: cmd = 'grep -l "program" {0}/*.irp.f'.format(path_module.abs) process = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() except OSError: return [] else: if not stdout: return [] elif "No such file or directory" not in stdout: l_bin = [i.replace(".irp.f", "", 1) for i in stdout.split()] return [Path(os.path.realpath(bin_), os.path.basename(bin_)) for bin_ in l_bin] else: return [] def get_dict_binaries(l_module, mode="production"): """ Return a dict [module] = list_binaries If a the production mode is enable only header module who will produce all binaries Example : The module Full_CI can produce the binary SCF so you dont need to compile at all the module Hartree-Fock But you need to change the path acordingly Full_CI/Hartree-Fock/SCF """ d_binaries = defaultdict(list) # Create d_binaries # Ake module => binaries generated for module in l_module: l_binaries = get_binaries(module) if l_binaries: d_binaries[module] += l_binaries if mode == "production": dict_root = module_instance.dict_root dict_root_module_path = dict_module_genelogy_path(dict_root) d_binaries_condensed = defaultdict(list) for module in d_binaries: root_module = dict_root_module_path[module] if module == root_module: d_binaries_condensed[root_module] += d_binaries[module] else: l_binaries = [] for binaries in d_binaries[module]: p_abs = real_join(QP_SRC, root_module.rel) p_abs = join(p_abs, module.rel, binaries.rel) p_rel = binaries.rel p = Path(p_abs, p_rel) l_binaries.append(p) d_binaries_condensed[root_module] += l_binaries d_binaries = d_binaries_condensed return d_binaries def ninja_binaries_rule(): """ Rule for creating the binaries """ # ~#~#~ # # c m d # # ~#~#~ # l_cmd = ["cd $module_abs/IRPF90_temp", "ninja $out && touch $out"] # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # # s t r i n g # # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_string = ["rule build_binaries", " command = {0}".format(" ; ".join(l_cmd)), " pool = console", " description = Create all the binaries from $module_rel", ""] return l_string def ninja_binaries_build(path_module, l_children, d_binaries): """ The binaries need the EZFIO_LIB, and the irpf90.make (aka build.ninja) """ # ~#~#~ # # c m d # # ~#~#~ # ninja_module_path = join(path_module.abs, "IRPF90_temp/build.ninja") l_abs_bin = [binary.abs for binary in d_binaries[path_module]] # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # # s t r i n g # # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_string = ["build {0}: build_binaries {1} {2}".format(" ".join(l_abs_bin), EZFIO_LIB, ninja_module_path), " module_abs = {0}".format(path_module.abs), " module_rel = {0}".format(path_module.rel), ""] l_string += ["build module_{0}: phony {1}".format(path_module.rel, " ".join(l_abs_bin)), ""] return l_string # # |\/| _ _| | _ # | | (_) (_| |_| | (/_ # def create_module_ninja(): """ In a module create a build.ninja """ l_string = ["rule all:"] return l_string # ___ # | ._ _ _ _| _ ._ _ ._ _| _ ._ _ o _ _ # | | (/_ (/_ (_| (/_ |_) (/_ | | (_| (/_ | | (_ | (/_ _> # | def ninja_dot_tree_rule(): """ Rule for creating the binaries """ # ~#~#~ # # c m d # # ~#~#~ # l_cmd = ["cd $module_abs", "module_handler.py create_png"] l_string = [ "rule build_dot_tree", " command = {0}".format(" ; ".join(l_cmd)), " generator = 1", " description = Generate Png representtion of the Tree Dependencies of $module_rel", "" ] return l_string def ninja_dot_tree_build(path_module, l_module): path_tree = join(path_module.abs, "tree_dependency.pdf") l_dep = [join(path.abs, "NEEDED_CHILDREN_MODULES") for path in l_module] l_string = ["build {0}: build_dot_tree {1}".format(path_tree, " ".join(l_dep)), " module_abs = {0}".format(path_module.abs), " module_rel = {0}".format(path_module.rel), ""] return l_string # # |\/| _ _| | _ # | | (_) (_| |_| | (/_ # def create_build_ninja_module(path_module): l_string = ["rule update_build_ninja_root", " command = {0} update".format(__file__), ""] l_string += ["rule make_local_binaries", " command = ninja -f {0} module_{1}".format( ROOT_BUILD_NINJA, path_module.rel), " pool = console", " description = Compile only {0}".format(path_module.rel), ""] l_string += ["rule make_all_binaries", " command = ninja -f {0}".format(ROOT_BUILD_NINJA), " pool = console", " description = Compile all the module", ""] l_string += ["rule make_clean", " command = module_handler.py clean {0}".format(path_module.rel), " description = Cleaning module {0}".format(path_module.rel), ""] l_string += ["build dummy_target: update_build_ninja_root", "", "build all: make_all_binaries dummy_target", "", "build local: make_local_binaries dummy_target", "", "default local", "", "build clean: make_clean dummy_target", ""] path_ninja_cur = join(path_module.abs, "build.ninja") with open(path_ninja_cur, "w") as f: f.write(header) f.write("\n".join(l_string)) def create_build_ninja_global(l_module): l_string = ["rule update_build_ninja_root", " command = {0} update".format(__file__), ""] l_string += ["rule make_all_binaries", " command = ninja -f {0}".format(ROOT_BUILD_NINJA), " pool = console", " description = Compile all the module", ""] l_string += ["rule make_clean", " command = module_handler.py clean {0}".format(" ".join([m.rel for m in l_module])), " description = Cleaning all modules", ""] l_string += ["build dummy_target: update_build_ninja_root", "", "build all: make_all_binaries dummy_target", "default all", "", "build clean: make_clean dummy_target", "", ] path_ninja_cur = join(QP_ROOT, "build.ninja") with open(path_ninja_cur, "w") as f: f.write(header) f.write("\n".join(l_string)) # # |\/| _. o ._ # | | (_| | | | # if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = docopt(__doc__) pickle_path = os.path.join(QP_ROOT, "config", "qp_create_ninja.pickle") if arguments["update"]: try: with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as handle: arguments = pickle.load(handle) except IOError: print "You need to create first my friend" sys.exit(1) elif arguments["create"]: arguments[""] = os.path.realpath(arguments[""]) with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(arguments, handle) pwd_config_file = arguments[""] # _ # |_ ._ _. ._ o _. |_ | _ _ # |_ | | \/ \/ (_| | | (_| |_) | (/_ _> # l_string = ninja_create_env_variable(pwd_config_file) # _ # |_) | _ # | \ |_| | (/_ # l_string += ninja_ezfio_cfg_rule() l_string += ninja_symlink_rule() l_string += ninja_irpf90_make_rule() l_string += ninja_readme_rule() l_string += ninja_gitignore_rule() l_string += ninja_binaries_rule() l_string += ninja_ezfio_config_rule() l_string += ninja_ezfio_rule() l_string += ninja_dot_tree_rule() # _ # |_) o | _| _ _ ._ _ ._ _. | # |_) |_| | | (_| (_| (/_ | | (/_ | (_| | # _| l_module_with_ezfio_cfg = get_l_module_with_ezfio_cfg() l_util = get_children_of_ezfio_cfg(l_module_with_ezfio_cfg) l_ezfio_config = get_l_ezfio_config() l_string += ninja_ezfio_cfg_build(l_util) l_string += ninja_ezfio_config_build(l_ezfio_config) l_string += ninja_ezfio_build(l_ezfio_config, l_util) # _ _ # |_) o | _| _|_ _ ._ ._ _ _ _| | _ # |_) |_| | | (_| | (_) | | | | (_) (_| |_| | (/_ # # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # G e n e a l o g y _ d i c t # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # d_genealogy = module_instance.dict_descendant d_genealogy_path = dict_module_genelogy_path(d_genealogy) d_irp = get_file_dependency(d_genealogy_path) dict_root = module_instance.dict_root dict_root_path = dict_module_genelogy_path(dict_root) l_all_module = d_genealogy_path.keys() # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # M o d u l e _ t o _ i r p # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # if arguments["--production"]: d_binaries = get_dict_binaries(l_all_module, mode="production") l_module = d_binaries.keys() elif arguments["--development"]: d_binaries = get_dict_binaries(l_all_module, mode="development") l_module = d_binaries.keys() for module in l_module: # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # d o t _ t r e e & r e a d m e # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_string += ninja_dot_tree_build(module, l_all_module) l_string += ninja_readme_build(module, d_irp, dict_root_path) create_build_ninja_global(l_module) for module_to_compile in l_module: if arguments["--development"]: create_build_ninja_module(module_to_compile) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # S y m l i n k # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_children = d_genealogy_path[module_to_compile] l_symlink = get_source_destination(module_to_compile, l_children) l_string += ninja_symlink_build(module_to_compile, l_symlink) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # i r p . f 9 0 # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_string += ninja_irpf90_make_build(module_to_compile, l_children, d_irp) l_string += ninja_binaries_build(module_to_compile, l_children, d_binaries) l_string += ninja_gitignore_build(module_to_compile, d_binaries, l_symlink) with open(join(QP_ROOT, "config", "build.ninja"), "w+") as f: f.write(header) f.write("\n".join(l_string))