use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, fragment_count ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of fragments for the deterministic part END_DOC fragment_count = 1 END_PROVIDER subroutine run_dress_slave(thread,iproce,energy) use f77_zmq implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states_diag) integer, intent(in) :: thread, iproce integer :: rc, i, subset, i_generator integer :: worker_id, task_id, ctask, ltask character*(5120) :: task integer(ZMQ_PTR),external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_push_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_push logical :: done double precision,allocatable :: dress_detail(:) integer :: ind double precision,allocatable :: delta_ij_loc(:,:,:) double precision :: div(N_states) integer :: h,p,n,i_state logical :: ok integer, allocatable :: int_buf(:) double precision, allocatable :: double_buf(:) integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: det_buf(:,:,:) integer :: N_buf(3) logical :: last integer, external :: omp_get_thread_num double precision, allocatable :: delta_det(:,:,:,:), cp(:,:,:,:) integer :: toothMwen logical :: fracted double precision :: fac if(iproce /= 0) stop "RUN DRESS SLAVE is OMP" allocate(delta_det(N_states, N_det, 0:comb_teeth+1, 2)) allocate(cp(N_states, N_det, N_cp, 2)) delta_det = 0d9 cp = 0d0 task(:) = CHAR(0) zmq_to_qp_run_socket = new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket() zmq_socket_push = new_zmq_push_socket(thread) call connect_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id,thread) if(worker_id == -1) then print *, "WORKER -1" call end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) call end_zmq_push_socket(zmq_socket_push,thread) return end if do i=1,N_states div(i) = psi_coef(dressed_column_idx(i), i) end do integer :: iproc, cur_cp, done_for(0:N_cp) integer, allocatable :: tasks(:) integer :: lastCp(Nproc) integer :: lastSent, lastSendable logical :: send lastCp = 0 lastSent = 0 send = .false. done_for = 0 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) & !$OMP PRIVATE(int_buf, double_buf, det_buf, delta_ij_loc, task, task_id) & !$OMP PRIVATE(toothMwen, fracted, fac) & !$OMP PRIVATE(send, i_generator, subset, iproc, N_buf) iproc = omp_get_thread_num()+1 allocate(int_buf(N_dress_int_buffer)) allocate(double_buf(N_dress_double_buffer)) allocate(det_buf(N_int, 2, N_dress_det_buffer)) allocate(delta_ij_loc(N_states,N_det,2)) do !$OMP CRITICAL (SENDAGE) call get_task_from_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id, task_id, task) !$OMP END CRITICAL (SENDAGE) task = task//" 0" if(task_id == 0) then print *, "DONEDONE" exit !! LAST MESSAGE ??? end if read (task,*) subset, i_generator if(done_cp_at_det(i_generator) < lastCp(iproc)) stop 'loop = .false.' !$OMP CRITICAL send = .false. lastSendable = N_cp*2 do i=1,Nproc lastSendable = min(lastCp(iproc), lastSendable) end do lastSendable -= 1 if(lastSendable > lastSent) then lastSent = lastSendable send = .true. end if !$OMP END CRITICAL if(send) then !$OMP CRITICAL N_buf = (/0,1,0/) delta_ij_loc = 0d0 cur_cp = lastSent if(cur_cp < 1) stop "cur_cp < 1" do i=1,cur_cp delta_ij_loc(:,:,:) += cp(:,:,i,:) end do delta_ij_loc(:,:,:) = delta_ij_loc(:,:,:) / cps_N(cur_cp) do i=cp_first_tooth(cur_cp)-1,0,-1 delta_ij_loc(:,:,:) = delta_ij_loc(:,:,:) +delta_det(:,:,i,:) end do !$OMP END CRITICAL !$OMP CRITICAL (SENDAGE) call push_dress_results(zmq_socket_push, done_for(cur_cp), cur_cp, delta_ij_loc, int_buf, double_buf, det_buf, N_buf, -1) !$OMP END CRITICAL (SENDAGE) end if !$OMP ATOMIC done_for(done_cp_at_det(i_generator)) += 1 delta_ij_loc(:,:,:) = 0d0 call generator_start(i_generator, iproc) call alpha_callback(delta_ij_loc, i_generator, subset, iproc) call generator_done(i_generator, int_buf, double_buf, det_buf, N_buf, iproc) !if(.false.) then !$OMP CRITICAL do i=1,N_cp fac = cps(i_generator, i) * dress_weight_inv(i_generator) * comb_step if(fac == 0d0) cycle cp(:,:,i,1) += (delta_ij_loc(:,:,1) * fac) cp(:,:,i,2) += (delta_ij_loc(:,:,2) * fac) end do toothMwen = tooth_of_det(i_generator) fracted = (toothMwen /= 0) if(fracted) fracted = (i_generator == first_det_of_teeth(toothMwen)) if(fracted) then delta_det(:,:,toothMwen-1, 1) += delta_ij_loc(:,:,1) * (1d0-fractage(toothMwen)) delta_det(:,:,toothMwen-1, 2) += delta_ij_loc(:,:,2) * (1d0-fractage(toothMwen)) delta_det(:,:,toothMwen , 1) += delta_ij_loc(:,:,1) * (fractage(toothMwen)) delta_det(:,:,toothMwen , 2) += delta_ij_loc(:,:,2) * (fractage(toothMwen)) else delta_det(:,:,toothMwen , 1) += delta_ij_loc(:,:,1) delta_det(:,:,toothMwen , 2) += delta_ij_loc(:,:,2) end if !$OMP END CRITICAL !end if !$OMP CRITICAL (SENDAGE) call push_dress_results(zmq_socket_push, i_generator, -1, delta_ij_loc, int_buf, double_buf, det_buf, N_buf, task_id) call task_done_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id,task_id) !$OMP END CRITICAL (SENDAGE) lastCp(iproc) = done_cp_at_det(i_generator) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL call sleep(10) call disconnect_from_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_push,worker_id) call end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) call end_zmq_push_socket(zmq_socket_push,thread) end subroutine subroutine push_dress_results(zmq_socket_push, ind, cur_cp, delta_loc, int_buf, double_buf, det_buf, N_bufi, task_id) use f77_zmq implicit none integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_push double precision, intent(inout) :: delta_loc(N_states, N_det, 2) real(kind=4), allocatable :: delta_loc4(:,:,:) double precision, intent(in) :: double_buf(*) integer, intent(in) :: int_buf(*) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_buf(N_int, 2, *) integer, intent(in) :: N_bufi(3) integer :: N_buf(3) integer, intent(in) :: ind, cur_cp, task_id integer :: rc, i, j, k, l double precision :: contrib(N_states) rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, ind, 4, ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 4) stop "push" rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, cur_cp, 4, ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 4) stop "push" if(cur_cp /= -1) then rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, delta_loc(1,1,1), 8*N_states*N_det, ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 8*N_states*N_det) stop "push" rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, delta_loc(1,1,2), 8*N_states*N_det, ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 8*N_states*N_det) stop "push" else contrib = 0d0 do i=1,N_det contrib(:) += delta_loc(:,i, 1) * psi_coef(i, :) end do rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, contrib, 8*N_states, ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 8*N_states) stop "push" N_buf = N_bufi N_buf = (/0,1,0/) rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, N_buf, 4*3, ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 4*3) stop "push5" if(N_buf(1) > N_dress_int_buffer) stop "run_dress_slave N_buf bad size?" if(N_buf(2) > N_dress_double_buffer) stop "run_dress_slave N_buf bad size?" if(N_buf(3) > N_dress_det_buffer) stop "run_dress_slave N_buf bad size?" if(N_buf(1) > 0) then rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, int_buf, 4*N_buf(1), ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 4*N_buf(1)) stop "push6" end if if(N_buf(2) > 0) then rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, double_buf, 8*N_buf(2), ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 8*N_buf(2)) stop "push8" end if if(N_buf(3) > 0) then rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, det_buf, 2*N_int*bit_kind*N_buf(3), ZMQ_SNDMORE) if(rc /= 2*N_int*bit_kind*N_buf(3)) stop "push10" end if rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, task_id, 4, 0) if(rc /= 4) stop "push11" end if ! Activate is zmq_socket_push is a REQ IRP_IF ZMQ_PUSH IRP_ELSE character*(2) :: ok rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_push, ok, 2, 0) IRP_ENDIF end subroutine subroutine pull_dress_results(zmq_socket_pull, ind, cur_cp, delta_loc, int_buf, double_buf, det_buf, N_buf, task_id, contrib) use f77_zmq implicit none integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_pull integer, intent(out) :: cur_cp double precision, intent(inout) :: delta_loc(N_states, N_det, 2) double precision, intent(out) :: double_buf(*), contrib(N_states) integer, intent(out) :: int_buf(*) integer(bit_kind), intent(out) :: det_buf(N_int, 2, *) integer, intent(out) :: ind integer, intent(out) :: task_id integer :: rc, i, j, k integer, intent(out) :: N_buf(3) rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, ind, 4, 0) if(rc /= 4) stop "pulla" rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, cur_cp, 4, 0) if(rc /= 4) stop "pulla" if(cur_cp /= -1) then rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, delta_loc(1,1,1), N_states*8*N_det, 0) if(rc /= 8*N_states*N_det) stop "pullc" rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, delta_loc(1,1,2), N_states*8*N_det, 0) if(rc /= 8*N_states*N_det) stop "pulld" else rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, contrib, 8*N_states, 0) if(rc /= 8*N_states) stop "pullc" rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, N_buf, 4*3, 0) if(rc /= 4*3) stop "pull" if(N_buf(1) > N_dress_int_buffer) stop "run_dress_slave N_buf bad size?" if(N_buf(2) > N_dress_double_buffer) stop "run_dress_slave N_buf bad size?" if(N_buf(3) > N_dress_det_buffer) stop "run_dress_slave N_buf bad size?" if(N_buf(1) > 0) then rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, int_buf, 4*N_buf(1), 0) if(rc /= 4*N_buf(1)) stop "pull1" end if if(N_buf(2) > 0) then rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, double_buf, 8*N_buf(2), 0) if(rc /= 8*N_buf(2)) stop "pull2" end if if(N_buf(3) > 0) then rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, det_buf, 2*N_int*bit_kind*N_buf(3), 0) if(rc /= 2*N_int*bit_kind*N_buf(3)) stop "pull3" end if rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, task_id, 4, 0) if(rc /= 4) stop "pull4" end if ! Activate is zmq_socket_pull is a REP IRP_IF ZMQ_PUSH IRP_ELSE rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_pull, 'ok', 2, 0) IRP_ENDIF end subroutine