======================= Psiref_threshold Module ======================= Reference wave function is defined as all determinants with coefficients such that | c_i/c_max | > threshold. Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. by the `update_README.py` script. `idx_ref `_ CAS wave function, defined from the application of the CAS bitmask on the determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the CAS determinant in psi_det. `n_det_ref `_ CAS wave function, defined from the application of the CAS bitmask on the determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the CAS determinant in psi_det. `psi_ref `_ CAS wave function, defined from the application of the CAS bitmask on the determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the CAS determinant in psi_det. `psi_ref_coef `_ CAS wave function, defined from the application of the CAS bitmask on the determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the CAS determinant in psi_det. `psi_ref_coef_restart `_ Projection of the CAS wave function on the restart wave function. `psi_ref_restart `_ Projection of the CAS wave function on the restart wave function. Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. by the `update_README.py` script. .. image:: tree_dependency.png * `Psiref_Utils `_ Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated .. by the `update_README.py` script. .. image:: tree_dependency.png * `Psiref_Utils `_ Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated .. by the `update_README.py` script. `idx_ref `_ CAS wave function, defined from the application of the CAS bitmask on the determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the CAS determinant in psi_det. `n_det_ref `_ CAS wave function, defined from the application of the CAS bitmask on the determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the CAS determinant in psi_det. `overwrite_w_cas `_ Undocumented `psi_ref `_ CAS wave function, defined from the application of the CAS bitmask on the determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the CAS determinant in psi_det. `psi_ref_coef `_ CAS wave function, defined from the application of the CAS bitmask on the determinants. idx_cas gives the indice of the CAS determinant in psi_det. `psi_ref_coef_inv `_ 1/psi_ref_coef `psi_ref_coef_restart `_ Projection of the CAS wave function on the restart wave function. `psi_ref_restart `_ Projection of the CAS wave function on the restart wave function.