program scf BEGIN_DOC ! Produce `Hartree_Fock` MO orbital with Slater cusp dressing ! output: mo_basis.mo_tot_num mo_basis.mo_label mo_basis.ao_md5 mo_basis.mo_coef mo_basis.mo_occ ! output: ! optional: mo_basis.mo_coef END_DOC call check_mos call debug call run end subroutine check_mos implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Create a MO guess if no MOs are present in the EZFIO directory END_DOC logical :: exists PROVIDE ezfio_filename call ezfio_has_mo_basis_mo_coef(exists) if (.not.exists) then print *, 'Please run SCF first' stop endif end subroutine debug implicit none integer :: i,j,k print *, 'A' do i=1,nucl_num print *, i, cusp_A(1:nucl_num, i) enddo print *, 'B' do i=1,mo_tot_num print *, i, cusp_B(1:nucl_num, i) enddo print *, 'X' do i=1,mo_tot_num print *, i, cusp_C(1:nucl_num, i) enddo print *, '-----' return do k=-100,100 double precision :: x, y, z x = 0.01d0 * k y = 0.d0 do i=1,ao_num z = 0.d0 do j=1,ao_prim_num(i) z += ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(j,i) * dexp(-ao_expo_ordered_transp(j,i) * x**2) enddo y += mo_coef(i,1) * z y += exp(-slater_expo(1)*dabs(x)) * slater_coef(1,1) z = 0.d0 do j=1,ao_prim_num(i) z += ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(j,i) * dexp(-ao_expo_ordered_transp(j,i) * x**2) enddo y -= z * GauSlaOverlap_matrix(i,1)* slater_coef(1,1) enddo print *, x, y enddo print *, '-----' end subroutine run BEGIN_DOC ! Run SCF calculation END_DOC use bitmasks implicit none double precision :: SCF_energy_before,SCF_energy_after,diag_H_mat_elem double precision :: EHF integer :: i_it, i, j, k mo_label = "CuspDressed" print *, HF_energy call ezfio_set_Hartree_Fock_SlaterDressed_slater_coef_ezfio(cusp_C) do i=1,ao_num print *, mo_coef(i,1), cusp_corrected_mos(i,1) enddo mo_coef(1:ao_num,1:mo_tot_num) = cusp_corrected_mos(1:ao_num,1:mo_tot_num) TOUCH mo_coef EHF = HF_energy print *, HF_energy ! call Roothaan_Hall_SCF end