use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of determinants in the wave function END_DOC logical :: exists character*64 :: label PROVIDE ezfio_filename PROVIDE nproc if (read_wf) then call ezfio_has_determinants_n_det(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_has_determinants_mo_label(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_determinants_mo_label(label) exists = (label == mo_label) endif endif if (exists) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_det(N_det) else N_det = 1 endif else N_det = 1 endif call write_int(output_determinants,N_det,'Number of determinants') ASSERT (N_det > 0) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, max_degree_exc] implicit none integer :: i,degree max_degree_exc = 0 BEGIN_DOC ! Maximum degree of excitation in the wf END_DOC do i = 1, N_det call get_excitation_degree(HF_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,i),degree,N_int) if( max_degree_exc= degree endif enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_det_size ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Size of the psi_det/psi_coef arrays END_DOC PROVIDE ezfio_filename logical :: exists call ezfio_has_determinants_n_det(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_determinants_n_det(psi_det_size) else psi_det_size = 1 endif psi_det_size = max(psi_det_size,100000) call write_int(output_determinants,psi_det_size,'Dimension of the psi arrays') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! The wave function determinants. Initialized with Hartree-Fock if the EZFIO file ! is empty END_DOC integer :: i logical :: exists character*64 :: label if (read_wf) then call ezfio_has_determinants_N_int(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_has_determinants_bit_kind(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_has_determinants_N_det(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_has_determinants_N_states(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_has_determinants_psi_det(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_has_determinants_mo_label(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_determinants_mo_label(label) exists = (label == mo_label) endif endif endif endif endif endif if (exists) then call read_dets(psi_det,N_int,N_det) else psi_det = 0_bit_kind do i=1,N_int psi_det(i,1,1) = HF_bitmask(i,1) psi_det(i,2,1) = HF_bitmask(i,2) enddo endif else psi_det = 0_bit_kind do i=1,N_int psi_det(i,1,1) = HF_bitmask(i,1) psi_det(i,2,1) = HF_bitmask(i,2) enddo endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_occ_pattern, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_occ_pattern ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! array of the occ_pattern present in the wf ! psi_occ_pattern(:,1,j) = jth occ_pattern of the wave function : represent all the single occupation ! psi_occ_pattern(:,2,j) = jth occ_pattern of the wave function : represent all the double occupation END_DOC integer :: i,j,k ! create do i = 1, N_det do k = 1, N_int psi_occ_pattern(k,1,i) = ieor(psi_det(k,1,i),psi_det(k,2,i)) psi_occ_pattern(k,2,i) = iand(psi_det(k,1,i),psi_det(k,2,i)) enddo enddo ! Sort integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) integer*8, allocatable :: bit_tmp(:) integer*8, external :: occ_pattern_search_key integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: tmp_array(:,:,:) logical,allocatable :: duplicate(:) allocate ( iorder(N_det), duplicate(N_det), bit_tmp(N_det), tmp_array(N_int,2,psi_det_size) ) do i=1,N_det iorder(i) = i !$DIR FORCEINLINE bit_tmp(i) = occ_pattern_search_key(psi_occ_pattern(1,1,i),N_int) enddo call i8sort(bit_tmp,iorder,N_det) !DIR$ IVDEP do i=1,N_det do k=1,N_int tmp_array(k,1,i) = psi_occ_pattern(k,1,iorder(i)) tmp_array(k,2,i) = psi_occ_pattern(k,2,iorder(i)) enddo duplicate(i) = .False. enddo i=1 integer (bit_kind) :: occ_pattern_tmp do i=1,N_det duplicate(i) = .False. enddo do i=1,N_det-1 if (duplicate(i)) then cycle endif j = i+1 do while (bit_tmp(j)==bit_tmp(i)) if (duplicate(j)) then j+=1 cycle endif duplicate(j) = .True. do k=1,N_int if ( (tmp_array(k,1,i) /= tmp_array(k,1,j)) & .or. (tmp_array(k,2,i) /= tmp_array(k,2,j)) ) then duplicate(j) = .False. exit endif enddo j+=1 if (j>N_det) then exit endif enddo enddo N_occ_pattern=0 do i=1,N_det if (duplicate(i)) then cycle endif N_occ_pattern += 1 do k=1,N_int psi_occ_pattern(k,1,N_occ_pattern) = tmp_array(k,1,i) psi_occ_pattern(k,2,N_occ_pattern) = tmp_array(k,2,i) enddo enddo deallocate(iorder,duplicate,bit_tmp,tmp_array) ! !TODO DEBUG ! integer :: s ! do i=1,N_occ_pattern ! do j=i+1,N_occ_pattern ! s = 0 ! do k=1,N_int ! if((psi_occ_pattern(k,1,j) /= psi_occ_pattern(k,1,i)).or. & ! (psi_occ_pattern(k,2,j) /= psi_occ_pattern(k,2,i))) then ! s=1 ! exit ! endif ! enddo ! if ( s == 0 ) then ! print *, 'Error : occ ', j, 'already in wf' ! call debug_det(psi_occ_pattern(1,1,j),N_int) ! stop ! endif ! enddo ! enddo ! !TODO DEBUG END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef, (psi_det_size,N_states_diag) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! The wave function coefficients. Initialized with Hartree-Fock if the EZFIO file ! is empty END_DOC integer :: i,k, N_int2 logical :: exists double precision, allocatable :: psi_coef_read(:,:) character*(64) :: label psi_coef = 0.d0 do i=1,N_states_diag psi_coef(i,i) = 1.d0 enddo if (read_wf) then call ezfio_has_determinants_psi_coef(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_has_determinants_mo_label(exists) if (exists) then call ezfio_get_determinants_mo_label(label) exists = (label == mo_label) endif endif if (exists) then allocate (psi_coef_read(N_det,N_states)) call ezfio_get_determinants_psi_coef(psi_coef_read) do k=1,N_states do i=1,N_det psi_coef(i,k) = psi_coef_read(i,k) enddo enddo deallocate(psi_coef_read) endif endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_average_norm_contrib, (psi_det_size) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Contribution of determinants to the state-averaged density END_DOC integer :: i,j,k double precision :: f f = 1.d0/dble(N_states) do i=1,N_det psi_average_norm_contrib(i) = psi_coef(i,1)*psi_coef(i,1)*f enddo do k=2,N_states do i=1,N_det psi_average_norm_contrib(i) = psi_average_norm_contrib(i) + & psi_coef(i,k)*psi_coef(i,k)*f enddo enddo END_PROVIDER !==============================================================================! ! ! ! Sorting providers ! ! ! !==============================================================================! BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det_sorted, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef_sorted, (psi_det_size,N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_average_norm_contrib_sorted, (psi_det_size) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Wave function sorted by determinants contribution to the norm (state-averaged) END_DOC integer :: i,j,k integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) allocate ( iorder(N_det) ) do i=1,N_det psi_average_norm_contrib_sorted(i) = -psi_average_norm_contrib(i) iorder(i) = i enddo call dsort(psi_average_norm_contrib_sorted,iorder,N_det) !DIR$ IVDEP do i=1,N_det do j=1,N_int psi_det_sorted(j,1,i) = psi_det(j,1,iorder(i)) psi_det_sorted(j,2,i) = psi_det(j,2,iorder(i)) enddo do k=1,N_states psi_coef_sorted(i,k) = psi_coef(iorder(i),k) enddo psi_average_norm_contrib_sorted(i) = -psi_average_norm_contrib_sorted(i) enddo deallocate(iorder) END_PROVIDER subroutine flip_generators() integer :: i,j,k integer(bit_kind) :: detmp(N_int,2) double precision :: tmp(N_states) do i=1,N_det_generators/2 detmp(:,:) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,i) tmp = psi_coef_sorted(i, :) psi_det_sorted(:,:,i) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,N_det_generators+1-i) psi_coef_sorted(i, :) = psi_coef_sorted(N_det_generators+1-i, :) psi_det_sorted(:,:,N_det_generators+1-i) = detmp(:,:) psi_coef_sorted(N_det_generators+1-i, :) = tmp end do TOUCH psi_det_sorted psi_coef_sorted psi_average_norm_contrib_sorted end subroutine BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det_sorted_bit, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef_sorted_bit, (psi_det_size,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Determinants on which we apply for perturbation. ! They are sorted by determinants interpreted as integers. Useful ! to accelerate the search of a random determinant in the wave ! function. END_DOC call sort_dets_by_det_search_key(N_det, psi_det, psi_coef, & psi_det_sorted_bit, psi_coef_sorted_bit) END_PROVIDER subroutine sort_dets_by_det_search_key(Ndet, det_in, coef_in, det_out, coef_out) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_in (N_int,2,psi_det_size) double precision , intent(in) :: coef_in(psi_det_size,N_states) integer(bit_kind), intent(out) :: det_out (N_int,2,psi_det_size) double precision , intent(out) :: coef_out(psi_det_size,N_states) BEGIN_DOC ! Determinants are sorted are sorted according to their det_search_key. ! Useful to accelerate the search of a random determinant in the wave ! function. END_DOC integer :: i,j,k integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) integer*8, allocatable :: bit_tmp(:) integer*8, external :: det_search_key allocate ( iorder(Ndet), bit_tmp(Ndet) ) do i=1,Ndet iorder(i) = i !$DIR FORCEINLINE bit_tmp(i) = det_search_key(det_in(1,1,i),N_int) enddo call i8sort(bit_tmp,iorder,Ndet) !DIR$ IVDEP do i=1,Ndet do j=1,N_int det_out(j,1,i) = det_in(j,1,iorder(i)) det_out(j,2,i) = det_in(j,2,iorder(i)) enddo do k=1,N_states coef_out(i,k) = coef_in(iorder(i),k) enddo enddo deallocate(iorder, bit_tmp) end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef_max, (N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef_min, (N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, abs_psi_coef_max, (N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, abs_psi_coef_min, (N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Max and min values of the coefficients END_DOC integer:: i do i=1,N_states psi_coef_min(i) = minval(psi_coef(:,i)) psi_coef_max(i) = maxval(psi_coef(:,i)) abs_psi_coef_min(i) = dabs(psi_coef_min(i)) abs_psi_coef_max(i) = dabs(psi_coef_max(i)) enddo END_PROVIDER !==============================================================================! ! ! ! Read/write routines ! ! ! !==============================================================================! subroutine read_dets(det,Nint,Ndet) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Reads the determinants from the EZFIO file END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint,Ndet integer(bit_kind), intent(out) :: det(Nint,2,Ndet) integer*8, allocatable :: psi_det_read(:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: psi_coef_read(:,:) integer*8 :: det_8(100) integer(bit_kind) :: det_bk((100*8)/bit_kind) integer :: N_int2 integer :: i,k equivalence (det_8, det_bk) call ezfio_get_determinants_N_int(N_int2) ASSERT (N_int2 == Nint) call ezfio_get_determinants_bit_kind(k) ASSERT (k == bit_kind) N_int2 = (Nint*bit_kind)/8 allocate (psi_det_read(N_int2,2,Ndet)) call ezfio_get_determinants_psi_det (psi_det_read) ! print*,'N_int2 = ',N_int2,N_int ! print*,'k',k,bit_kind ! print*,'psi_det_read = ',Ndet do i=1,Ndet do k=1,N_int2 det_8(k) = psi_det_read(k,1,i) enddo do k=1,Nint det(k,1,i) = det_bk(k) enddo do k=1,N_int2 det_8(k) = psi_det_read(k,2,i) enddo do k=1,Nint det(k,2,i) = det_bk(k) enddo enddo deallocate(psi_det_read) end subroutine save_ref_determinant implicit none use bitmasks double precision :: buffer(1,1) buffer(1,1) = 1.d0 call save_wavefunction_general(1,1,ref_bitmask,1,buffer) end subroutine save_wavefunction implicit none use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! Save the wave function into the EZFIO file END_DOC call save_wavefunction_general(N_det,N_states,psi_det_sorted,size(psi_coef_sorted,1),psi_coef_sorted) end subroutine save_wavefunction_unsorted implicit none use bitmasks BEGIN_DOC ! Save the wave function into the EZFIO file END_DOC call save_wavefunction_general(N_det,N_states,psi_det,size(psi_coef,1),psi_coef) end subroutine save_wavefunction_general(ndet,nstates,psidet,dim_psicoef,psicoef) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Save the wave function into the EZFIO file END_DOC use bitmasks integer, intent(in) :: ndet,nstates,dim_psicoef integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: psidet(N_int,2,ndet) double precision, intent(in) :: psicoef(dim_psicoef,nstates) integer*8, allocatable :: psi_det_save(:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: psi_coef_save(:,:) integer*8 :: det_8(100) integer(bit_kind) :: det_bk((100*8)/bit_kind) integer :: N_int2 equivalence (det_8, det_bk) integer :: i,k PROVIDE progress_bar call start_progress(7,'Saving wfunction',0.d0) progress_bar(1) = 1 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_N_int(N_int) progress_bar(1) = 2 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_bit_kind(bit_kind) progress_bar(1) = 3 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_N_det(ndet) progress_bar(1) = 4 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_n_states(nstates) progress_bar(1) = 5 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_mo_label(mo_label) progress_bar(1) = 6 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) N_int2 = (N_int*bit_kind)/8 allocate (psi_det_save(N_int2,2,ndet)) do i=1,ndet do k=1,N_int det_bk(k) = psidet(k,1,i) enddo do k=1,N_int2 psi_det_save(k,1,i) = det_8(k) enddo do k=1,N_int det_bk(k) = psidet(k,2,i) enddo do k=1,N_int2 psi_det_save(k,2,i) = det_8(k) enddo ! print*,psi_det_save enddo call ezfio_set_determinants_psi_det(psi_det_save) deallocate (psi_det_save) progress_bar(1) = 7 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) allocate (psi_coef_save(ndet,nstates)) double precision :: accu_norm(nstates) accu_norm = 0.d0 do k=1,nstates do i=1,ndet accu_norm(k) = accu_norm(k) + psicoef(i,k) * psicoef(i,k) psi_coef_save(i,k) = psicoef(i,k) enddo enddo do k = 1, nstates accu_norm(k) = 1.d0/dsqrt(accu_norm(k)) enddo do k=1,nstates do i=1,ndet psi_coef_save(i,k) = psi_coef_save(i,k) * accu_norm(k) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_determinants_psi_coef(psi_coef_save) call write_int(output_determinants,ndet,'Saved determinants') call stop_progress deallocate (psi_coef_save) end subroutine save_wavefunction_specified(ndet,nstates,psidet,psicoef,ndetsave,index_det_save) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Save the wave function into the EZFIO file END_DOC use bitmasks integer, intent(in) :: ndet,nstates integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: psidet(N_int,2,ndet) double precision, intent(in) :: psicoef(ndet,nstates) integer, intent(in) :: index_det_save(ndet) integer, intent(in) :: ndetsave integer*8, allocatable :: psi_det_save(:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: psi_coef_save(:,:) integer*8 :: det_8(100) integer(bit_kind) :: det_bk((100*8)/bit_kind) integer :: N_int2 equivalence (det_8, det_bk) integer :: i,k PROVIDE progress_bar call start_progress(7,'Saving wfunction',0.d0) progress_bar(1) = 1 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_N_int(N_int) progress_bar(1) = 2 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_bit_kind(bit_kind) progress_bar(1) = 3 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_N_det(ndetsave) progress_bar(1) = 4 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_n_states(nstates) progress_bar(1) = 5 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) call ezfio_set_determinants_mo_label(mo_label) progress_bar(1) = 6 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) N_int2 = (N_int*bit_kind)/8 allocate (psi_det_save(N_int2,2,ndetsave)) do i=1,ndetsave do k=1,N_int det_bk(k) = psidet(k,1,index_det_save(i)) enddo do k=1,N_int2 psi_det_save(k,1,i) = det_8(k) enddo do k=1,N_int det_bk(k) = psidet(k,2,index_det_save(i)) enddo do k=1,N_int2 psi_det_save(k,2,i) = det_8(k) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_determinants_psi_det(psi_det_save) deallocate (psi_det_save) progress_bar(1) = 7 progress_value = dble(progress_bar(1)) allocate (psi_coef_save(ndetsave,nstates)) double precision :: accu_norm(nstates) accu_norm = 0.d0 do k=1,nstates do i=1,ndetsave accu_norm(k) = accu_norm(k) + psicoef(index_det_save(i),k) * psicoef(index_det_save(i),k) psi_coef_save(i,k) = psicoef(index_det_save(i),k) enddo enddo do k = 1, nstates accu_norm(k) = 1.d0/dsqrt(accu_norm(k)) enddo do k=1,nstates do i=1,ndetsave psi_coef_save(i,k) = psi_coef_save(i,k) * accu_norm(k) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_determinants_psi_coef(psi_coef_save) call write_int(output_determinants,ndet,'Saved determinants') call stop_progress deallocate (psi_coef_save) end logical function detEq(a,b,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: a(Nint,2), b(Nint,2) integer :: ni, i detEq = .false. do i=1,2 do ni=1,Nint if(a(ni,i) /= b(ni,i)) return end do end do detEq = .true. end function integer function detCmp(a,b,Nint) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: a(Nint,2), b(Nint,2) integer :: ni, i detCmp = 0 do i=1,2 do ni=Nint,1,-1 if(a(ni,i) < b(ni,i)) then detCmp = -1 return else if(a(ni,i) > b(ni,i)) then detCmp = 1 return end if end do end do end function subroutine apply_excitation(det, exc, res, ok, Nint) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer, intent(in) :: exc(0:2,2,2) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: det(Nint, 2) integer(bit_kind),intent(out) :: res(Nint, 2) logical, intent(out) :: ok integer :: h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2,degree integer :: ii, pos ok = .false. degree = exc(0,1,1) + exc(0,1,2) if(.not. (degree > 0 .and. degree <= 2)) then print *, degree print *, "apply ex" STOP endif call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) res = det ii = (h1-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(h1-1, 64)!iand(h1-1,bit_kind_size-1) ! mod 64 if(iand(det(ii, s1), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) == 0_8) return res(ii, s1) = ibclr(res(ii, s1), pos) ii = (p1-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(p1-1, 64)!iand(p1-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s1), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) /= 0_8) return res(ii, s1) = ibset(res(ii, s1), pos) if(degree == 2) then ii = (h2-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(h2-1, 64)!iand(h2-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s2), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) == 0_8) return res(ii, s2) = ibclr(res(ii, s2), pos) ii = (p2-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(p2-1, 64)!iand(p2-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s2), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) /= 0_8) return res(ii, s2) = ibset(res(ii, s2), pos) endif ok = .true. end subroutine subroutine apply_particles(det, s1, p1, s2, p2, res, ok, Nint) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer, intent(in) :: s1, p1, s2, p2 integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: det(Nint, 2) integer(bit_kind),intent(out) :: res(Nint, 2) logical, intent(out) :: ok integer :: ii, pos ok = .false. res = det if(p1 /= 0) then ii = (p1-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(p1-1, 64)!iand(p1-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s1), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) /= 0_8) return res(ii, s1) = ibset(res(ii, s1), pos) end if ii = (p2-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(p2-1, 64)!iand(p2-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s2), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) /= 0_8) return res(ii, s2) = ibset(res(ii, s2), pos) ok = .true. end subroutine subroutine apply_holes(det, s1, h1, s2, h2, res, ok, Nint) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer, intent(in) :: s1, h1, s2, h2 integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: det(Nint, 2) integer(bit_kind),intent(out) :: res(Nint, 2) logical, intent(out) :: ok integer :: ii, pos ok = .false. res = det if(h1 /= 0) then ii = (h1-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(h1-1, 64)!iand(h1-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s1), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) == 0_8) return res(ii, s1) = ibclr(res(ii, s1), pos) end if ii = (h2-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(h2-1, 64)!iand(h2-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s2), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) == 0_8) return res(ii, s2) = ibclr(res(ii, s2), pos) ok = .true. end subroutine subroutine apply_particle(det, s1, p1, res, ok, Nint) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer, intent(in) :: s1, p1 integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: det(Nint, 2) integer(bit_kind),intent(out) :: res(Nint, 2) logical, intent(out) :: ok integer :: ii, pos ok = .false. res = det ii = (p1-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(p1-1, 64)!iand(p1-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s1), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) /= 0_8) return res(ii, s1) = ibset(res(ii, s1), pos) ok = .true. end subroutine subroutine apply_hole(det, s1, h1, res, ok, Nint) use bitmasks implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer, intent(in) :: s1, h1 integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: det(Nint, 2) integer(bit_kind),intent(out) :: res(Nint, 2) logical, intent(out) :: ok integer :: ii, pos ok = .false. res = det ii = (h1-1)/bit_kind_size + 1 pos = mod(h1-1, 64)!iand(h1-1,bit_kind_size-1) if(iand(det(ii, s1), ishft(1_bit_kind, pos)) == 0_8) return res(ii, s1) = ibclr(res(ii, s1), pos) ok = .true. end subroutine