subroutine start_progress(max,title,progress_init) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: max double precision, intent(in) :: progress_init character*(*), intent(in) :: title BEGIN_DOC ! Starts the progress bar END_DOC progress_bar(1) = 0 progress_bar(2) = max progress_title = title progress_active = .True. progress_value = progress_init call run_progress() end subroutine stop_progress implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Stop the progress bar END_DOC progress_active = .False. end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, progress_bar, (2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, progress_timeout ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, progress_active ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, progress_value ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(20) , progress_title ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Current status for displaying progress bars. Global variable. END_DOC progress_bar = 0 progress_value = 0.d0 progress_title = '' progress_active = .False. progress_timeout = 1 open (unit=0, carriagecontrol='fortran') END_PROVIDER recursive subroutine run_progress use ifport implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Display a progress bar with documentation of what is happening END_DOC character(75), parameter :: bar0= & ' --- : --- | | ---%' character(75) :: bar integer :: prog bar = bar0 if (.not.progress_active) then call stop_progress write(unit=0,fmt="(a1,a1,a70)") '+',char(13), bar else prog = int( progress_bar(1)*100./progress_bar(2) ) write(bar(1:25),'(A)'),progress_title write(bar(29:47),'(G17.10)'),progress_value write(bar(72:74),'(i3)') prog integer :: k,j j = int( progress_bar(1)*20./progress_bar(2) ) do k=1, j bar(49+k:49+k)="=" enddo write(unit=0,fmt="(a1,a1,a75)") '+',char(13), bar integer :: istat istat = alarm(progress_timeout,run_progress) endif end