BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, output_wall_time_0 ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, output_cpu_time_0 ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Initial CPU and wall times when printing in the output files END_DOC call cpu_time(output_wall_time_0) call wall_time(output_wall_time_0) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_SHELL [ /bin/bash ] for NAME in $(cat ${QPACKAGE_ROOT}/src/NEEDED_MODULES) do cat << EOF BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, output_$NAME ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Output file for $NAME END_DOC PROVIDE output_wall_time_0 output_cpu_time_0 integer :: getUnitAndOpen call ezfio_set_output_empty(.False.) output_$NAME = getUnitAndOpen(trim(ezfio_filename)//'/output/'//'$NAME.rst','a') write(output_$NAME,'(A)') & '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' END_PROVIDER EOF done END_SHELL subroutine write_time(iunit) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Write a time stamp in the output for chronological reconstruction END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: iunit double precision :: wt, ct call cpu_time(ct) call wall_time(wt) write(iunit,*) write(iunit,'(A,F15.6,A,F15.6,A)') & '.. >>>>> [ WALL TIME: ', wt-output_wall_time_0, & ' s ] [ CPU TIME: ', ct-output_cpu_time_0, ' s ] <<<<< ..' write(iunit,*) end subroutine write_double(iunit,value,label) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Write a double precision value in output END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: iunit double precision :: value character*(*) :: label character*(64), parameter :: f = '(A50,G16.8)' character*(50) :: newlabel write(newlabel,'(A,A)') '* ',trim(label) write(iunit,f) newlabel, value end subroutine write_int(iunit,value,label) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Write an integer value in output END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: iunit integer :: value character*(*) :: label character*(64), parameter :: f = '(A50,I16)' character*(50) :: newlabel write(newlabel,'(A,A)') '* ',trim(label) write(iunit,f) newlabel, value end