#!/usr/bin/env python import os file = open(os.environ["QPACKAGE_ROOT"]+'/src/Dets/H_apply_template.f','r') template = file.read() file.close() keywords = """ subroutine parameters params_main initialization declarations decls_main keys_work copy_buffer finalization generate_psi_guess init_thread printout_now printout_always deinit_thread skip init_main filter_integrals filter2h2p filterhole filterparticle do_double_excitations check_double_excitation """.split() class H_apply(object): def __init__(self,sub,SingleRef=False,do_mono_exc=True, do_double_exc=True): s = {} for k in keywords: s[k] = "" s["subroutine"] = "H_apply_%s"%(sub) s["params_post"] = "" self.selection_pt2 = None self.perturbation = None #s["omp_parallel"] = """!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & s["omp_parallel"] = """!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,k,l,keys_out,hole,particle, & !$OMP occ_particle,occ_hole,j_a,k_a,other_spin, & !$OMP hole_save,ispin,jj,l_a,ib_jb_pairs,array_pairs, & !$OMP accu,i_a,hole_tmp,particle_tmp,occ_particle_tmp, & !$OMP occ_hole_tmp,key_idx,i_b,j_b,key,N_elec_in_key_part_1,& !$OMP N_elec_in_key_hole_1,N_elec_in_key_part_2, & !$OMP N_elec_in_key_hole_2,ia_ja_pairs) & !$OMP SHARED(key_in,N_int,elec_num_tab,mo_tot_num, & !$OMP hole_1, particl_1, hole_2, particl_2, & !$OMP elec_alpha_num,i_generator)""" s["omp_end_parallel"] = "!$OMP END PARALLEL" s["omp_master"] = "!$OMP MASTER" s["omp_end_master"] = "!$OMP END MASTER" s["omp_barrier"] = "!$OMP BARRIER" s["omp_do"] = "!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static)" s["omp_enddo"] = "!$OMP ENDDO NOWAIT" d = { True : '.True.', False : '.False.'} s["do_mono_excitations"] = d[do_mono_exc] s["do_double_excitations"] = d[do_double_exc] s["keys_work"] += "call fill_H_apply_buffer_no_selection(key_idx,keys_out,N_int,iproc)" s["filter_integrals"] = "array_pairs = .True." if SingleRef: s["filter_integrals"] = """ call get_mo_bielec_integrals_existing_ik(i_a,j_a,mo_tot_num,array_pairs,mo_integrals_map) """ s["generate_psi_guess"] = """ ! Sort H_jj to find the N_states lowest states integer :: i integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) double precision, allocatable :: H_jj(:) double precision, external :: diag_h_mat_elem allocate(H_jj(N_det),iorder(N_det)) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(psi_det,N_int,H_jj,iorder,N_det) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) !$OMP DO do i = 1, N_det H_jj(i) = diag_h_mat_elem(psi_det(1,1,i),N_int) iorder(i) = i enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call dsort(H_jj,iorder,N_det) do k=1,N_states psi_coef(iorder(k),k) = 1.d0 enddo deallocate(H_jj,iorder) """ s["size_max"] = str(1024*128) s["copy_buffer"] = """call copy_H_apply_buffer_to_wf if (s2_eig) then call make_s2_eigenfunction endif SOFT_TOUCH psi_det psi_coef N_det """ s["printout_now"] = """write(output_Dets,*) & 100.*float(i_generator)/float(N_det_generators), '% in ', wall_1-wall_0, 's'""" self.data = s def __setitem__(self,key,value): self.data[key] = value def __getitem__(self,key): return self.data[key] def __repr__(self): buffer = template for key,value in self.data.items(): buffer = buffer.replace('$'+key, value) return buffer def unset_double_excitations(self): self["do_double_excitations"] = ".False." self["check_double_excitation"] = """ check_double_excitation = .False. """ def set_filter_holes(self): self["filterhole"] = """ if(iand(ibset(0_bit_kind,j),hole(k,other_spin)).eq.0_bit_kind )cycle """ def set_filter_particl(self): self["filterparticle"] = """ if(iand(ibset(0_bit_kind,j_a),hole(k_a,other_spin)).eq.0_bit_kind )cycle """ def unset_skip(self): self["skip"] = """ """ def set_filter_2h_2p(self): self["filter2h2p"] = """ ! ! DIR$ FORCEINLINE if(is_a_two_holes_two_particles(key))cycle """ def set_perturbation(self,pert): if self.perturbation is not None: raise self.perturbation = pert if pert is not None: self.data["parameters"] = ",sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint" self.data["declarations"] = """ integer, intent(in) :: N_st,Nint double precision, intent(inout) :: sum_e_2_pert_in(N_st) double precision, intent(inout) :: sum_norm_pert_in(N_st) double precision, intent(inout) :: sum_H_pert_diag_in(N_st) double precision :: sum_e_2_pert(N_st) double precision :: sum_norm_pert(N_st) double precision :: sum_H_pert_diag(N_st) double precision, allocatable :: e_2_pert_buffer(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: coef_pert_buffer(:,:) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) """ self.data["init_thread"] = """ allocate (e_2_pert_buffer(N_st,size_max), coef_pert_buffer(N_st,size_max)) do k=1,N_st sum_e_2_pert(k) = 0.d0 sum_norm_pert(k) = 0.d0 sum_H_pert_diag(k) = 0.d0 enddo """ self.data["deinit_thread"] = """ !$ call omp_set_lock(lck) do k=1,N_st sum_e_2_pert_in(k) = sum_e_2_pert_in(k) + sum_e_2_pert(k) sum_norm_pert_in(k) = sum_norm_pert_in(k) + sum_norm_pert(k) sum_H_pert_diag_in(k) = sum_H_pert_diag_in(k) + sum_H_pert_diag(k) enddo !$ call omp_unset_lock(lck) deallocate (e_2_pert_buffer, coef_pert_buffer) """ self.data["size_max"] = "256" self.data["initialization"] = """ PROVIDE CI_electronic_energy psi_selectors_coef psi_selectors E_corr_per_selectors psi_det_sorted_bit """ self.data["keys_work"] = """ call perturb_buffer_%s(i_generator,keys_out,key_idx,e_2_pert_buffer,coef_pert_buffer,sum_e_2_pert, & sum_norm_pert,sum_H_pert_diag,N_st,N_int) """%(pert,) self.data["finalization"] = """ """ self.data["copy_buffer"] = "" self.data["generate_psi_guess"] = "" self.data["params_main"] = "pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st" self.data["params_post"] = ","+self.data["params_main"] +", N_int" self.data["decls_main"] = """ integer, intent(in) :: N_st double precision, intent(inout):: pt2(N_st) double precision, intent(inout):: norm_pert(N_st) double precision, intent(inout):: H_pert_diag(N_st) double precision :: delta_pt2(N_st), norm_psi(N_st), pt2_old(N_st) PROVIDE CI_electronic_energy N_det_generators do k=1,N_st pt2(k) = 0.d0 norm_pert(k) = 0.d0 H_pert_diag(k) = 0.d0 norm_psi(k) = 0.d0 delta_pt2(k) = 0.d0 pt2_old(k) = 0.d0 enddo write(output_Dets,'(A12, X, A8, 3(2X, A9), 2X, A8, 2X, A8, 2X, A8)') & 'N_generators', 'Norm', 'Delta PT2', 'PT2', 'Est. PT2', 'secs' write(output_Dets,'(A12, X, A8, 3(2X, A9), 2X, A8, 2X, A8, 2X, A8)') & '============', '========', '=========', '=========', '=========', & '=========' """ self.data["printout_always"] = """ do k=1,N_st norm_psi(k) = norm_psi(k) + psi_coef_generators(i_generator,k)*psi_coef_generators(i_generator,k) delta_pt2(k) = pt2(k) - pt2_old(k) enddo """ self.data["printout_now"] = """ do k=1,N_st write(output_Dets,'(I10, 4(2X, F9.6), 2X, F8.1)') & i_generator, norm_psi(k), delta_pt2(k), pt2(k), & pt2(k)/(norm_psi(k)*norm_psi(k)), & wall_1-wall_0 pt2_old(k) = pt2(k) enddo progress_value = norm_psi(1) """ self.data["omp_parallel"] += """& !$OMP SHARED(N_st) PRIVATE(e_2_pert_buffer,coef_pert_buffer) & !$OMP PRIVATE(sum_e_2_pert, sum_norm_pert, sum_H_pert_diag)""" def set_selection_pt2(self,pert): if self.selection_pt2 is not None: raise self.set_perturbation(pert) self.selection_pt2 = pert if pert is not None: self.data["parameters"] += ",select_max_out" self.data["declarations"] += """ double precision, intent(inout) :: select_max_out""" self.data["params_post"] += ", select_max(min(i_generator,size(select_max,1)))" self.data["size_max"] = str(1024*128) self.data["copy_buffer"] = """ call copy_H_apply_buffer_to_wf if (s2_eig) then call make_s2_eigenfunction endif ! SOFT_TOUCH psi_det psi_coef N_det selection_criterion_min = min(selection_criterion_min, maxval(select_max))*0.1d0 selection_criterion = selection_criterion_min call write_double(output_Dets,selection_criterion,'Selection criterion') """ self.data["keys_work"] = """ e_2_pert_buffer = 0.d0 coef_pert_buffer = 0.d0 """ + self.data["keys_work"] self.data["keys_work"] += """ call fill_H_apply_buffer_selection(key_idx,keys_out,e_2_pert_buffer, & coef_pert_buffer,N_st,N_int,iproc,select_max_out) """ self.data["omp_parallel"] += """& !$OMP REDUCTION (max:select_max_out)""" self.data["skip"] = """ if (i_generator < size_select_max) then if (select_max(i_generator) < selection_criterion_min*selection_criterion_factor) then !$ call omp_set_lock(lck) do k=1,N_st norm_psi(k) = norm_psi(k) + psi_coef_generators(i_generator,k)*psi_coef_generators(i_generator,k) ! delta_pt2(k) = 0.d0 ! pt2_old(k) = 0.d0 ! pt2(k) = select_max(i_generator) enddo !$ call omp_unset_lock(lck) cycle endif select_max(i_generator) = 0.d0 endif """