.. _electrons: .. program:: electrons .. default-role:: option ========= Electrons ========= Describes the electrons. For the moment, only the number of alpha and beta electrons are provided by this module. Assumptions =========== * `elec_num` >= 0 * `elec_alpha_num` >= 0 * `elec_beta_num` >= 0 * `elec_alpha_num` >= `elec_beta_num` EZFIO parameters ---------------- .. option:: elec_alpha_num Numbers of electrons alpha ("up") .. option:: elec_beta_num Numbers of electrons beta ("down") .. option:: elec_num Numbers total of electrons (alpha + beta) Default: = electrons.elec_alpha_num + electrons.elec_beta_num Providers --------- .. c:var:: elec_num .. code:: text integer :: elec_num integer, allocatable :: elec_num_tab (2) File: :file:`electrons.irp.f` Numbers of alpha ("up") , beta ("down") and total electrons .. c:var:: elec_num_tab .. code:: text integer :: elec_num integer, allocatable :: elec_num_tab (2) File: :file:`electrons.irp.f` Numbers of alpha ("up") , beta ("down") and total electrons