subroutine Roothaan_Hall_SCF BEGIN_DOC ! Roothaan-Hall algorithm for SCF Hartree-Fock calculation END_DOC implicit none double precision :: energy_SCF,energy_SCF_previous,Delta_energy_SCF double precision :: max_error_DIIS,max_error_DIIS_alpha,max_error_DIIS_beta double precision, allocatable :: Fock_matrix_DIIS(:,:,:),error_matrix_DIIS(:,:,:) integer :: iteration_SCF,dim_DIIS,index_dim_DIIS integer :: i,j allocate( & Fock_matrix_DIIS (ao_num,ao_num,max_dim_DIIS), & error_matrix_DIIS(ao_num,ao_num,max_dim_DIIS) & ) call write_time(output_hartree_fock) write(output_hartree_fock,'(A4, 1X, A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A16)') & '====','================','================','================' write(output_hartree_fock,'(A4, 1X, A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A16)') & ' N ', 'Energy ', 'Energy diff ', 'DIIS error ' write(output_hartree_fock,'(A4, 1X, A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A16)') & '====','================','================','================' ! Initialize energies and density matrices energy_SCF_previous = HF_energy Delta_energy_SCF = 1.d0 iteration_SCF = 0 dim_DIIS = 0 max_error_DIIS = 1.d0 ! ! Start of main SCF loop ! do while(( (max_error_DIIS > threshold_DIIS_nonzero).or.(dabs(Delta_energy_SCF) > thresh_SCF) ) .and. (iteration_SCF < n_it_SCF_max)) ! Increment cycle number iteration_SCF += 1 ! Current size of the DIIS space dim_DIIS = min(dim_DIIS+1,max_dim_DIIS) if (scf_algorithm == 'DIIS') then ! Store Fock and error matrices at each iteration do j=1,ao_num do i=1,ao_num index_dim_DIIS = mod(dim_DIIS-1,max_dim_DIIS)+1 Fock_matrix_DIIS (i,j,index_dim_DIIS) = Fock_matrix_AO(i,j) error_matrix_DIIS(i,j,index_dim_DIIS) = FPS_SPF_matrix_AO(i,j) enddo enddo ! Compute the extrapolated Fock matrix call extrapolate_Fock_matrix( & error_matrix_DIIS,Fock_matrix_DIIS, & Fock_matrix_AO,size(Fock_matrix_AO,1), & iteration_SCF,dim_DIIS & ) Fock_matrix_AO_alpha = Fock_matrix_AO*0.5d0 Fock_matrix_AO_beta = Fock_matrix_AO*0.5d0 TOUCH Fock_matrix_AO_alpha Fock_matrix_AO_beta endif MO_coef = eigenvectors_Fock_matrix_MO TOUCH MO_coef ! Calculate error vectors max_error_DIIS = maxval(Abs(FPS_SPF_Matrix_MO)) ! SCF energy energy_SCF = HF_energy Delta_Energy_SCF = energy_SCF - energy_SCF_previous if ( (SCF_algorithm == 'DIIS').and.(Delta_Energy_SCF > 0.d0) ) then Fock_matrix_AO(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = Fock_matrix_DIIS (1:ao_num,1:ao_num,index_dim_DIIS) Fock_matrix_AO_alpha = Fock_matrix_AO*0.5d0 Fock_matrix_AO_beta = Fock_matrix_AO*0.5d0 TOUCH Fock_matrix_AO_alpha Fock_matrix_AO_beta dim_DIIS = 0 endif double precision :: level_shift_save level_shift_save = level_shift do while (Delta_Energy_SCF > 0.d0) level_shift = level_shift + 0.1d0 MO_coef = eigenvectors_Fock_matrix_MO TOUCH MO_coef level_shift Delta_Energy_SCF = HF_energy - energy_SCF_previous energy_SCF = HF_energy if (level_shift-level_shift_save > 0.5d0) exit enddo level_shift = level_shift_save SOFT_TOUCH level_shift energy_SCF_previous = energy_SCF ! Print results at the end of each iteration write(output_hartree_fock,'(I4, 1X, F16.10, 1X, F16.10, 1X, F16.10, 1X, I3)') & iteration_SCF, energy_SCF, Delta_energy_SCF, max_error_DIIS, dim_DIIS if (Delta_energy_SCF < 0.d0) then call save_mos endif enddo ! ! End of Main SCF loop ! write(output_hartree_fock,'(A4, 1X, A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A16)') & '====','================','================','================' write(output_hartree_fock,*) if(.not.no_oa_or_av_opt)then call mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix(Fock_matrix_mo,size(Fock_matrix_mo,1),size(Fock_matrix_mo,2),mo_label,1) endif call write_double(output_hartree_fock, Energy_SCF, 'Hartree-Fock energy') call ezfio_set_hartree_fock_energy(Energy_SCF) call write_time(output_hartree_fock) end subroutine extrapolate_Fock_matrix( & error_matrix_DIIS,Fock_matrix_DIIS, & Fock_matrix_AO_,size_Fock_matrix_AO, & iteration_SCF,dim_DIIS & ) BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the extrapolated Fock matrix using the DIIS procedure END_DOC implicit none double precision,intent(in) :: Fock_matrix_DIIS(ao_num,ao_num,*),error_matrix_DIIS(ao_num,ao_num,*) integer,intent(in) :: iteration_SCF, size_Fock_matrix_AO double precision,intent(inout):: Fock_matrix_AO_(size_Fock_matrix_AO,ao_num) integer,intent(inout) :: dim_DIIS double precision,allocatable :: B_matrix_DIIS(:,:),X_vector_DIIS(:) double precision,allocatable :: C_vector_DIIS(:) double precision,allocatable :: scratch(:,:) integer :: i,j,k,i_DIIS,j_DIIS allocate( & B_matrix_DIIS(dim_DIIS+1,dim_DIIS+1), & X_vector_DIIS(dim_DIIS+1), & C_vector_DIIS(dim_DIIS+1), & scratch(ao_num,ao_num) & ) ! Compute the matrices B and X do j=1,dim_DIIS do i=1,dim_DIIS j_DIIS = mod(iteration_SCF-j,max_dim_DIIS)+1 i_DIIS = mod(iteration_SCF-i,max_dim_DIIS)+1 ! Compute product of two errors vectors call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,ao_num,ao_num, & 1.d0, & error_matrix_DIIS(1,1,i_DIIS),size(error_matrix_DIIS,1), & error_matrix_DIIS(1,1,j_DIIS),size(error_matrix_DIIS,1), & 0.d0, & scratch,size(scratch,1)) ! Compute Trace B_matrix_DIIS(i,j) = 0.d0 do k=1,ao_num B_matrix_DIIS(i,j) = B_matrix_DIIS(i,j) + scratch(k,k) enddo enddo enddo ! Pad B matrix and build the X matrix do i=1,dim_DIIS B_matrix_DIIS(i,dim_DIIS+1) = -1.d0 B_matrix_DIIS(dim_DIIS+1,i) = -1.d0 C_vector_DIIS(i) = 0.d0 enddo B_matrix_DIIS(dim_DIIS+1,dim_DIIS+1) = 0.d0 C_vector_DIIS(dim_DIIS+1) = -1.d0 ! Solve the linear system C = B.X integer :: info integer,allocatable :: ipiv(:) allocate( & ipiv(dim_DIIS+1) & ) double precision, allocatable :: AF(:,:) allocate (AF(dim_DIIS+1,dim_DIIS+1)) double precision :: rcond, ferr, berr integer :: iwork(dim_DIIS+1), lwork call dsysvx('N','U',dim_DIIS+1,1, & B_matrix_DIIS,size(B_matrix_DIIS,1), & AF, size(AF,1), & ipiv, & C_vector_DIIS,size(C_vector_DIIS,1), & X_vector_DIIS,size(X_vector_DIIS,1), & rcond, & ferr, & berr, & scratch,-1, & iwork, & info & ) lwork = int(scratch(1,1)) deallocate(scratch) allocate(scratch(lwork,1)) call dsysvx('N','U',dim_DIIS+1,1, & B_matrix_DIIS,size(B_matrix_DIIS,1), & AF, size(AF,1), & ipiv, & C_vector_DIIS,size(C_vector_DIIS,1), & X_vector_DIIS,size(X_vector_DIIS,1), & rcond, & ferr, & berr, & scratch,size(scratch), & iwork, & info & ) if(info < 0) then stop 'bug in DIIS' endif if (rcond > 1.d-12) then ! Compute extrapolated Fock matrix !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i,j,k) DEFAULT(SHARED) do j=1,ao_num do i=1,ao_num Fock_matrix_AO_(i,j) = 0.d0 enddo do k=1,dim_DIIS do i=1,ao_num Fock_matrix_AO_(i,j) = Fock_matrix_AO_(i,j) + & X_vector_DIIS(k)*Fock_matrix_DIIS(i,j,dim_DIIS-k+1) enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO else dim_DIIS = 0 endif end