============ Installation ============ Requirements ------------ * `GNU make <http://www.gnu.org/software/make>`_ * `The Intel Fortran Compiler with MKL <http://software.intel.com/en-us/fortran-compilers>`_ * `IRPF90 <http://irpf90.ups-tlse.fr>`_ * `EZFIO <http://ezfio.sourceforge.net>`_ Optional Requirements --------------------- * `Sphinx <http://sphinx-doc.org/>`_ is used to build the documentation Setup ----- #) Run the :file:`setup_environment.sh` script. This will create the :file:`sci.rc` file that contains all the environment variables :: $ ./setup_environment.sh #) Source this file into your shell :: $ source sci.rc #) Go into the :file:`src` directory and create the :file:`Makefile.config` file using the :file:`Makefile.config.example` file as a template #) Build the program :: $ make #) Build the documentation :: $ make doc