#!/usr/bin/env bats # float number comparison # Compare two number ($1, $2) with a given precision ($3) # If the number are not equal, the exit is 1 else is 0 # So we strip the "-", is the abs value of the poor function eq() { awk -v n1=${1#-} -v n2=${2#-} -v p=$3 'BEGIN{ if ((n1-n2)^2 < p^2) exit 0; exit 1}' } #: "${QP_ROOT?Pls set your quantum_package.rc}" source ${QP_ROOT}/install/EZFIO/Bash/ezfio.sh TEST_DIR=${QP_ROOT}/test/work/ mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR} cd ${TEST_DIR} @test "init HBO STO-3G" { cp ${QP_ROOT}/test/input/HBO.xyz . qp_create_ezfio_from_xyz -b "STO-3G" HBO.xyz qp_edit -c HBO.ezfio } @test "hartree fock HBO STO-3G" { run init HBO STO-3G ezfio set_file HBO.ezfio ezfio hartree_fock thresh_scf 1E-5 qp_run SCF HBO.ezfio # Check energy energy="$(ezfio get hartree_fock energy)" eq $energy -98.8251985622549 1E-5 } @test "full ci HBO STO-3G" { run init HBO STO-3G ezfio set_file HBO.ezfio ezfio set perturbation do_pt2_end 1 ezfio set determinants n_det_max 1000 qp_run full_ci HBO.ezfio energy="$(ezfio get full_ci energy)" eq $energy -98.9649618899175 1E-2 energy_pt2="$(ezfio get full_ci energy_pt2)" eq $energy_pt2 -98.966228232164 1E-5 } @test "cas_sd_selected HBO STO-3G" { run hartree fock HBO STO-3G ezfio set_file HBO.ezfio ezfio set perturbation do_pt2_end 0 ezfio set determinants n_det_max 1000 qp_set_mo_class HBO.ezfio -core "[1-2]" -inact "[3-5]" -act "[6-9]" -virt "[10-11]" qp_run cas_sd_selected HBO.ezfio # Check energy energy="$(ezfio get cas_sd energy)" eq $energy -98.9646946027433 1E-5 } @test "mrcc_cassd HBO STO-3G" { run cas_sd_selected fock HBO STO-3G ezfio set_file HBO.ezfio ezfio set determinants threshold_generators 1 ezfio set determinants read_wf 1 qp_run mrcc_cassd HBO.ezfio # Check energy energy="$(ezfio get mrcc_cassd energy)" eq $energy -98.9653606184686 1E-5 } @test "script conversion HBO.out" { cp ${QP_ROOT}/test/input/HBO.out . qp_convert_output_to_ezfio.py HBO.out qp_edit -c HBO.out.ezfio qp_run SCF HBO.out.ezfio ezfio set_file HBO.out.ezfio energy="$(ezfio get hartree_fock energy)" eq $energy -100.01858225534 1E-5 }