.. _qp_plugins: ========== qp_plugins ========== .. program:: qp_plugins This command deals with all external plugings of |qp|. Plugin repositories can be downloaded, and the plugins in these repositories can be installed/uninstalled of created. Usage ----- .. code:: bash qp_plugins list [ -i | -u | -q ] qp_plugins download qp_plugins install ... qp_plugins uninstall qp_plugins create -n [-r ] [...] .. option:: list List all the available plugins. .. option:: list -i List all the *installed* plugins. .. option:: list -u List all the *uninstalled* plugins. .. option:: list -q List all the downloaded repositories. .. option:: download Download an external repository. The URL points to a tar.gz file or a git repository, for example: * http://example.com/site/example.tar.gz * git@gitlab.com:user/example_repository .. option:: install Install the plugin ``plugin_name``. .. option:: uninstall Uninstall the plugin ``plugin_name``. .. option:: create -n Create a new plugin named ``plugin_name`` in local repository. .. option:: create -n -r Create a new plugin named ``plugin_name`` in the specified repository.