Needed Modules ============== .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. * `AOs `_ * `BiInts `_ * `Bitmask `_ * `Dets `_ * `Electrons `_ * `Ezfio_files `_ * `Hartree_Fock `_ * `MonoInts `_ * `MOs `_ * `Nuclei `_ * `Output `_ * `Utils `_ * `DensityMatrix `_ Documentation ============= .. Do not edit this section. It was auto-generated from the .. NEEDED_MODULES file. `coefs_cis `_ the first states of the CIS matrix `diag_elements `_ Array of the energy of the CIS determinants ordered in the CIS matrix `eigenvalues_cis `_ the first states of the CIS matrix `eigenvalues_cis_dress_d `_ The first states of the CIS matrix dressed by the doubles `eigenvalues_cis_dress_d_dt `_ The first states of the CIS matrix dressed by the doubles and the disconnected triples `eigenvectors_cis_dress_d `_ The first states of the CIS matrix dressed by the doubles `eigenvectors_cis_dress_d_dt `_ The first states of the CIS matrix dressed by the doubles and the disconnected triples `h_cis `_ key of the CIS-matrix `overlap_d `_ The first states of the CIS matrix dressed by the doubles `overlap_ddt `_ The first states of the CIS matrix dressed by the doubles and the disconnected triples `psi_cis `_ key of the CIS-matrix `psi_cis_adress `_ key of the CIS-matrix `psi_cis_holes `_ key of the CIS-matrix `psi_cis_particl `_ key of the CIS-matrix `psi_cis_spin `_ key of the CIS-matrix `s_2_cis_dress_d `_ The first states of the CIS matrix dressed by the doubles `s_2_cis_dress_d_dt `_ The first states of the CIS matrix dressed by the doubles and the disconnected triples `diag_elements_sorted `_ Array of the energy of the CIS determinants sorted by energy and Index in the CIS matrix `diag_elements_sorted_index `_ Array of the energy of the CIS determinants sorted by energy and Index in the CIS matrix `diexcitation `_ Undocumented `dress_by_doubles `_ Undocumented `dress_t_con `_ Generating all the Triples and, in the loops, the connected Singles `dress_t_discon `_ Calculation of the dressing by the disconnected Triples, via the impossible `dress_t_discon_array_cis `_ Calculation of the dressing by the disconnected Triples, via the impossible `eigenvalues_dressed_cis `_ The first states of the dressed CIS matrix `en2_corr_energy `_ Calculation of the EN2 correlation energy (EN2_corr_energy) and calculation of the contribution of the disconnected Triples on the Singles, via the impossible (p_imp_EN, h_imp_EN, hp_imp_EN) `h_imp `_ Calculation of the MP2 correlation energy (MP2_corr_energy) and calculation of the contribution of the disconnected Triples on the Singles, via the impossible (p_imp, h_imp, hp_imp) `h_imp_en `_ Calculation of the EN2 correlation energy (EN2_corr_energy) and calculation of the contribution of the disconnected Triples on the Singles, via the impossible (p_imp_EN, h_imp_EN, hp_imp_EN) `hp_imp `_ Calculation of the MP2 correlation energy (MP2_corr_energy) and calculation of the contribution of the disconnected Triples on the Singles, via the impossible (p_imp, h_imp, hp_imp) `hp_imp_en `_ Calculation of the EN2 correlation energy (EN2_corr_energy) and calculation of the contribution of the disconnected Triples on the Singles, via the impossible (p_imp_EN, h_imp_EN, hp_imp_EN) `mp2_corr_energy `_ Calculation of the MP2 correlation energy (MP2_corr_energy) and calculation of the contribution of the disconnected Triples on the Singles, via the impossible (p_imp, h_imp, hp_imp) `p_imp `_ Calculation of the MP2 correlation energy (MP2_corr_energy) and calculation of the contribution of the disconnected Triples on the Singles, via the impossible (p_imp, h_imp, hp_imp) `p_imp_en `_ Calculation of the EN2 correlation energy (EN2_corr_energy) and calculation of the contribution of the disconnected Triples on the Singles, via the impossible (p_imp_EN, h_imp_EN, hp_imp_EN) `size_psi_cis `_ Definition of the size of the CIS vector `get_dm_from_psi `_ Alpha and beta one-body density matrix .br dets_in :: bitsrings corresponding to the determinants in the wave function .br u_in :: coefficients of the wave function .br sze :: number of determinants in the wave function .br dim_in :: physical dimension of the array u_in and dets_in .br Nint :: should be equal to N_int .br dm_alpha :: alpha one body density matrix .br dm_beta :: beta one body density matrix `cis_states_properties `_ properties of the natural orbital of the particle of the various n_state_cis eigenvectors of the CIS matrix .br You first build the density matrix of the one eigenvector and you take off the Hartree Fock density matrix .br particl(i,j)(state = k) == dm(i,j)(Hartree Fock) - dm(i,j)(state = k) .br you diagonalize particl(i,j) and the first eigenvector is the natural orbital corresponding to the particl .br that is specific to the excitation in the CIS state .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,1) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,2) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,3) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,5) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,6) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,7) = .br CIS_states_properties(i,1:6) = the same but for the hole state i `get_properties_from_density_matrix `_ Undocumented `particle_natural_orb_cis_properties `_ properties of the natural orbital of the particle of the various n_state_cis eigenvectors of the CIS matrix .br You first build the density matrix of the one eigenvector and you take off the Hartree Fock density matrix .br particl(i,j)(state = k) == dm(i,j)(Hartree Fock) - dm(i,j)(state = k) .br you diagonalize particl(i,j) and the first eigenvector is the natural orbital corresponding to the particl .br that is specific to the excitation in the CIS state .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,1) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,2) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,3) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,5) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,6) = .br particle_natural_orb_CIS_properties(i,7) = .br CIS_states_properties(i,1:6) = the same but for the hole state i `mp2_dressing `_ Number of states asked for the CIS vector `n_act_cis `_ Number of states asked for the CIS vector `n_core_cis `_ Number of states asked for the CIS vector `n_state_cis `_ Number of states asked for the CIS vector `standard_doubles `_ Number of states asked for the CIS vector