open Core open Qputils open Qptypes let run ?(sym="None") ?(apply="no") fc ezfio_filename = Ezfio.set_file ezfio_filename ; let aos = match () with | Some aos -> aos | None -> failwith "Unable to read AOs" and mos = match () with | Some mos -> mos | None -> failwith "Unable to read MOs" in let rec find_power symmetry accu = function | -1 -> accu | i -> let new_accu = if aos.Input.Ao_basis.ao_power.(i) = symmetry then (i::accu) else accu in find_power symmetry new_accu (i-1) and n = (AO_number.to_int aos.Input.Ao_basis.ao_num) and m = (MO_number.to_int mos.Input.Mo_basis.mo_num) and one = Positive_int.of_int 1 and zero = Positive_int.of_int 0 in (* Indices of the px, py and pz AOs *) let x_indices = find_power Symmetry.Xyz.{x=one ; y=zero ; z=zero} [] (n-1) and y_indices = find_power Symmetry.Xyz.{x=zero ; y=one ; z=zero} [] (n-1) and z_indices = find_power Symmetry.Xyz.{x=zero ; y=zero ; z=one } [] (n-1) in (* Compute the relative weight of each MO on the px, py, pz spaces *) let compute_weight mo_i list_aos = let num = List.fold_left ~f:(fun s i -> s +. (MO_coef.to_float @@ mos.Input.Mo_basis.mo_coef.(mo_i).(i)) ** 2.) ~init:0. list_aos and denom = Array.fold ~f:(fun s x -> s +. (MO_coef.to_float x) ** 2.) ~init:0. mos.Input.Mo_basis.mo_coef.(mo_i) in num /. denom in let result = Array.init ~f:(fun mo_i -> (mo_i+1, compute_weight mo_i x_indices, compute_weight mo_i y_indices, compute_weight mo_i z_indices) ) m |> Array.to_list in let pi, sigma = let rec aux test_xyz (accu_pi: int list) (accu_sigma: int list) = function | [] -> (List.rev accu_pi, List.rev accu_sigma) | (mo_i,x,y,z)::rest -> if test_xyz (x,y,z) then aux test_xyz (mo_i::accu_pi) accu_sigma rest else aux test_xyz accu_pi (mo_i::accu_sigma) rest in match sym with | "x" | "X" -> aux (fun (x,y,z) -> (x>y && x>z)) [] [] result | "y" | "Y" -> aux (fun (x,y,z) -> (y>x && y>z)) [] [] result | "z" | "Z" -> aux (fun (x,y,z) -> (z>x && z>y)) [] [] result | _ -> ([],[]) in begin match sym with | "x" | "X" | "y" | "Y" | "z" | "Z" -> if apply = "cas" then begin let ne = Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_alpha_num () in let command = "qp_set_mo_class -act \"[" ^ (String.concat ~sep:"," @@ ~f:string_of_int pi) ^ "]\" -core \"[" ^ (String.concat ~sep:"," @@ ~f:string_of_int @@ List.filter ~f:(fun mo_i -> mo_i <= ne) sigma) ^ "]\" -del \"[" ^ (String.concat ~sep:"," @@ ~f:string_of_int @@ List.filter ~f:(fun mo_i -> mo_i > ne) sigma) ^ "]\" " ^ ezfio_filename in print_endline command; if Sys.command command <> 0 then failwith "Command failed" end else if apply = "cassd" then begin let ne = Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_alpha_num () in let nfc = if fc then let ic = Unix.open_process_in (" -q "^ezfio_filename) in let result = int_of_string @@ match In_channel.input_line ic with | Some line -> line | None -> failwith "Failed in qp_set_frozen_core" in In_channel.close ic; result else 0 in let command = "qp_set_mo_class" ^ ( if nfc > 0 then Printf.sprintf " -core \"[1-%d]\"" nfc else "") ^ " -inact \"[" ^ (String.concat ~sep:"," @@ ~f:string_of_int @@ List.filter ~f:(fun mo_i -> mo_i > nfc && mo_i <= ne) sigma) ^ "]\"" ^ " -act \"[" ^ (String.concat ~sep:"," @@ ~f:string_of_int pi) ^ "]\"" ^ " -virt \"[" ^ (String.concat ~sep:"," @@ ~f:string_of_int @@ List.filter ~f:(fun mo_i -> mo_i > ne) sigma) ^ "]\" " ^ ezfio_filename in print_endline command; if Sys.command command <> 0 then failwith "Command failed" end else begin Printf.printf "Pi: ["; List.iter ~f:(fun mo_i -> Printf.printf "%d," mo_i) pi; Printf.printf "\b]\n\nSigma: ["; List.iter ~f:(fun mo_i -> Printf.printf "%d," mo_i) sigma; Printf.printf "\b]\n" end | _ -> List.iter ~f:(fun (mo_i,x,y,z) -> Printf.printf "%d: (%f,%f,%f)\n" mo_i x y z) result end let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty +> flag "sym" (optional string) ~doc:"{x,y,z} Axis perpendicular to the plane" +> flag "apply" (optional string) ~doc:"[cas|cassd] Set the pi space as the active space, all other MOs frozen. If [cassd] is chosen, set inactive and virtual mos." +> flag "fc" no_arg ~doc:"freeze core MOs with -apply cassd" +> anon ("ezfio_filename" %: string) let command = Command.basic_spec ~summary: "Quantum Package command" ~readme:(fun () -> "Find all the pi molecular orbitals to create a pi space. ") spec (fun sym apply fc ezfio_filename () -> run ?sym ?apply fc ezfio_filename) let () = command