open Core.Std;; exception AtomError of string module Charge : sig type t val to_float : t -> float val to_string: t -> string val of_float : float -> t val of_int : int -> t val of_string: string -> t end = struct type t = float let to_float x = x let to_string x = Float.to_string (to_float x) let of_float x = x let of_int i = Float.of_int i let of_string s = Float.of_string s end type t = { element : Element.t ; charge : Charge.t ; coord : Point3d.t ; } let of_string s = let buffer = s |> String.split ~on:' ' |> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> x <> "") in match buffer with | [ name; charge; x; y; z ] -> { element = Element.of_string name ; charge = Charge.of_string charge ; coord = Point3d.of_string (String.concat [x; y; z] ?sep:(Some " ")) } | [ name; x; y; z ] -> let e = Element.of_string name in { element = e ; charge = Charge.of_int (Element.charge e); coord = Point3d.of_string (String.concat [x; y; z] ?sep:(Some " ")) } | _ -> raise (AtomError s) ;; let to_string a = [ Element.to_string a.element ; Charge.to_string a.charge ; Point3d.to_string a.coord ] |> String.concat ?sep:(Some " ") ;;