open Core.Std;; type units = | Bohr | Angstrom ;; type t = { x : float ; y : float ; z : float ; } (** Read x y z coordinates in string s with units u *) let of_string u s = let f = begin match u with | Bohr -> 1. | Angstrom -> 1. /. 0.52917721092 end in let l = s |> String.split ~on:' ' |> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> x <> "") |> ~f:Float.of_string |> Array.of_list in { x = l.(0) *. f ; y = l.(1) *. f ; z = l.(2) *. f } ;; let distance2 p1 p2 = let { x=x1 ; y=y1 ; z=z1 } = p1 and { x=x2 ; y=y2 ; z=z2 } = p2 in (x2-.x1)*.(x2-.x1) +. (y2-.y1)*.(y2-.y1) +. (z2-.z1)*.(z2-.z1) ;; let distance p1 p2 = sqrt (distance2 p1 p2) ;; let to_string p = let { x=x ; y=y ; z=z } = p in Printf.sprintf "%f %f %f" x y z ;;