use bitmasks BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_generators ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of generator detetrminants END_DOC integer :: i,k,l logical :: good call write_time(output_dets) N_det_generators = 0 do i=1,N_det do l=1,n_cas_bitmask good = .True. do k=1,N_int good = good .and. ( & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), psi_det(k,1,i)) == & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), HF_bitmask(k,1)) ) .and. ( & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), psi_det(k,2,i)) == & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), HF_bitmask(k,2)) ) enddo if (good) then exit endif enddo if (good) then N_det_generators += 1 endif enddo N_det_generators = max(N_det_generators,1) call write_int(output_dets,N_det_generators,'Number of generators') END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det_generators, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef_generators, (psi_det_size,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! For Single reference wave functions, the generator is the ! Hartree-Fock determinant END_DOC integer :: i, k, l, m logical :: good m=0 do i=1,N_det do l=1,n_cas_bitmask good = .True. do k=1,N_int good = good .and. ( & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), psi_det(k,1,i)) == & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), HF_bitmask(k,1)) .and. ( & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), psi_det(k,2,i)) == & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), HF_bitmask(k,2) )) ) enddo if (good) then exit endif enddo if (good) then m = m+1 do k=1,N_int psi_det_generators(k,1,m) = psi_det(k,1,i) psi_det_generators(k,2,m) = psi_det(k,2,i) enddo psi_coef_generators(m,:) = psi_coef(m,:) endif enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, size_select_max] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Size of the select_max array END_DOC size_select_max = 10000 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, select_max, (size_select_max) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Memo to skip useless selectors END_DOC select_max = huge(1.d0) END_PROVIDER