#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Take a path in argv Check if EZFIO.cfg exists. EZFIO.cfg are in MODULE directories. create : ezfio_interface.irp.f folder_ezfio_inteface_config Example EZFIO.cfg: ``` [thresh_SCF] doc: Threshold on the convergence of the Hartree Fock energy type: Threshold default: 1.e-10 [do_pt2_end] type: logical doc: If true, compute the PT2 at the end of the selection default: true ``` """ import sys import os import os.path import ConfigParser from collections import defaultdict from collections import namedtuple Type = namedtuple('Type', 'ocaml fortran') def bool_convertor(b): return ( b.lower() in [ "true", ".true." ] ) def get_type_dict(): """ This function makes the correspondance between the type of value read in ezfio.cfg into the f90 and Ocam Type return fancy_type[fancy_type] = namedtuple('Type', 'ocaml fortran') For example fancy_type['Ndet'].fortran = interger .ocaml = int """ # ~#~#~#~ # # I n i t # # ~#~#~#~ # # Dict to change ocaml LowLevel type into FortranLowLevel type ocaml_to_fortran = {"int": "integer", "float": "double precision", "logical": "logical", "string": "character*60"} fancy_type = defaultdict(dict) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # R a w _ t y p e # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # fancy_type['integer'] = Type("int", "integer") fancy_type['int'] = Type("int", "integer") fancy_type['float'] = Type("float", "double precision") fancy_type['double precision'] = Type("float", "double precision") fancy_type['logical'] = Type("bool", "logical") fancy_type['bool'] = Type("bool", "logical") # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # q p _ t y p e s # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # src = os.environ['QPACKAGE_ROOT'] + "/ocaml/qptypes_generator.ml" with open(src, "r") as f: l = [i for i in f.read().splitlines() if i.strip().startswith("*")] for i in l: ocaml_fancy_type = i.split()[1].strip() ocaml_type = i.split()[3] fortran_type = ocaml_to_fortran[ocaml_type] fancy_type[ocaml_fancy_type] = Type(ocaml_type, fortran_type) return dict(fancy_type) type_dict = get_type_dict() def get_dict_config_file(config_file_path, module_lower): """ Input: config_file_path is the config file path (for example FULL_PATH/EZFIO.cfg) module_lower is the MODULE name lowered (Ex fullci) Return a dict d[provider_name] = {type, doc, ezfio_name, ezfio_dir, interface, default} Type : Is a fancy_type named typle who containt fortran and ocaml type doc : Is the doc ezfio_name : Will be the name of the file ezfio_dir : Will be the folder who containt the ezfio_name * /ezfio_dir/ezfio_name * equal to MODULE_lower name for the moment. interface : The provider is a imput or a output if is a output: default : The default value """ # ~#~#~#~ # # I n i t # # ~#~#~#~ # d = defaultdict(dict) l_info_required = ["doc", "interface"] l_info_optional = ["ezfio_name"] # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # L o a d _ C o n f i g # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # config_file = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config_file.readfp(open(config_file_path)) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # F i l l _ d i c t # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # def error(o, p, c): "o option ; p provider_name ;c config_file_path" print "You need a {0} for {1} in {2}".format(o, p, c) for section in config_file.sections(): # pvd = provider pvd = section.lower() # Create the dictionary who containt the value per default d_default = {"ezfio_name": pvd} # Set the ezfio_dir d[pvd]["ezfio_dir"] = module_lower # Check if type if avalaible type_ = config_file.get(section, "type") if type_ not in type_dict: print "{0} not avalaible. Choose in:".format(type_) print ", ".join([i for i in type_dict]) sys.exit(1) else: d[pvd]["type"] = type_dict[type_] # Fill the dict with REQUIRED information for option in l_info_required: try: d[pvd][option] = config_file.get(section, option) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: error(option, pvd, config_file_path) sys.exit(1) # Fill the dict with OPTIONAL information for option in l_info_optional: try: d[pvd][option] = config_file.get(section, option).lower() except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: d[pvd][option] = d_default[option] # If interface is output we need a default value information if d[pvd]["interface"] == "output": try: d[pvd]["default"] = config_file.get(section, "default") except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: error("default", pvd, config_file_path) sys.exit(1) return dict(d) def create_ezfio_provider(dict_ezfio_cfg): """ From dict d[provider_name] = {type, doc, ezfio_name, ezfio_dir, interface, default} create the a list who containt all the code for the provider return [code, ...] """ from ezfio_with_default import EZFIO_Provider dict_code_provider = dict() ez_p = EZFIO_Provider() for provider_name, dict_info in dict_ezfio_cfg.iteritems(): if "default" in dict_info: ez_p.set_type(dict_info['type'].fortran) ez_p.set_name(provider_name) ez_p.set_doc(dict_info['doc']) ez_p.set_ezfio_dir(dict_info['ezfio_dir']) ez_p.set_ezfio_name(dict_info['ezfio_name']) ez_p.set_default(dict_info['default']) ez_p.set_output("output_%s" % dict_info['ezfio_dir']) dict_code_provider[provider_name] = str(ez_p) return dict_code_provider def save_ezfio_provider(path_head, dict_code_provider): """ Write in path_head/"ezfio_interface.irp.f" the value of dict_code_provider """ path = "{0}/ezfio_interface.irp.f".format(path_head) # print "Path = {}".format(path) try: f = open(path, "r") except IOError: old_output = "" else: old_output = f.read() f.close() output = "! DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND\n" + \ "! Created by $QPACKAGE_ROOT/scripts/ezfio_interface.py\n" + \ "! from file {0}/EZFIO.cfg\n".format(path_head) + \ "\n" for provider_name, code in dict_code_provider.iteritems(): output += code + "\n" if output != old_output: with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(output) def create_ezfio_config(dict_ezfio_cfg, opt, module_lower): """ From dict_ezfio_cfg[provider_name] = {type, default, ezfio_name,ezfio_dir,doc} Return the string ezfio_interface_config """ result = [module_lower] lenmax = max([len(i) for i in dict_ezfio_cfg]) + 2 l = sorted(dict_ezfio_cfg.keys()) for provider_name in l: provider_info = dict_ezfio_cfg[provider_name] s = " {0} {1}".format( provider_name.lower().ljust(lenmax), provider_info["type"].fortran) result.append(s) return "\n".join(result) def save_ezfio_config(module_lower, str_ezfio_config): """ Write the str_ezfio_config in $QPACKAGE_ROOT/EZFIO/{0}.ezfio_interface_config".format(module_lower) """ ezfio_dir = "{0}/EZFIO".format(os.environ['QPACKAGE_ROOT']) path = "{0}/config/{1}.ezfio_interface_config".format(ezfio_dir, module_lower) # print "Path = {}".format(path) try: f = open(path, "r") except IOError: old_output = "" else: old_output = f.read() f.close() if str_ezfio_config != old_output: with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(str_ezfio_config) def main(): """ Two condition: -Take the EZFIO.cfg path in arg or -Look if EZFIO.cfg is present in the pwd """ try: config_file_path = sys.argv[1] except: config_file_path = "EZFIO.cfg" if "EZFIO.cfg" not in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): sys.exit(0) config_file_path = os.path.expanduser(config_file_path) config_file_path = os.path.expandvars(config_file_path) config_file_path = os.path.abspath(config_file_path) # print config_file_path path_dirname = os.path.dirname(config_file_path) module = [i for i in path_dirname.split("/") if i][-1] module_lower = module.lower() # print "Read {0}".format(config_file_path) dict_info_provider = get_dict_config_file(config_file_path, module_lower) # print "Generating the ezfio_interface.irp.f: \n" d_config = create_ezfio_provider(dict_info_provider) # print "Saving the ezfio_interface.irp.f" save_ezfio_provider(path_dirname, d_config) # print "Generating the ezfio_config" config_ezfio = create_ezfio_config(dict_info_provider, "config", module_lower) # print "Saving ezfio_config" save_ezfio_config(module_lower, config_ezfio) if __name__ == "__main__": main()