subroutine davidson_diag_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,Nint,iunit,istate) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Davidson diagonalization. ! ! dets_in : bitmasks corresponding to determinants ! ! u_in : guess coefficients on the various states. Overwritten ! on exit ! ! dim_in : leftmost dimension of u_in ! ! sze : Number of determinants ! ! N_st : Number of eigenstates ! ! iunit : Unit number for the I/O ! ! Initial guess vectors are not necessarily orthonormal END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: dim_in, sze, N_st, Nint, iunit, istate integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: dets_in(Nint,2,sze) double precision, intent(inout) :: u_in(dim_in,N_st) double precision, intent(out) :: energies(N_st) double precision, allocatable :: H_jj(:) double precision :: diag_h_mat_elem integer :: i ASSERT (N_st > 0) ASSERT (sze > 0) ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) PROVIDE mo_bielec_integrals_in_map allocate(H_jj(sze)) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(sze,H_jj,N_det_ref,dets_in,Nint,istate,delta_ii,idx_ref) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided) do i=1,sze H_jj(i) = diag_h_mat_elem(dets_in(1,1,i),Nint) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided) do i=1,N_det_ref H_jj(idx_ref(i)) += delta_ii(istate,i) enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call davidson_diag_hjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,Nint,iunit,istate) deallocate (H_jj) end subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,Nint,iunit,istate) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Davidson diagonalization with specific diagonal elements of the H matrix ! ! H_jj : specific diagonal H matrix elements to diagonalize de Davidson ! ! dets_in : bitmasks corresponding to determinants ! ! u_in : guess coefficients on the various states. Overwritten ! on exit ! ! dim_in : leftmost dimension of u_in ! ! sze : Number of determinants ! ! N_st : Number of eigenstates ! ! iunit : Unit for the I/O ! ! Initial guess vectors are not necessarily orthonormal END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: dim_in, sze, N_st, Nint, istate integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: dets_in(Nint,2,sze) double precision, intent(in) :: H_jj(sze) integer, intent(in) :: iunit double precision, intent(inout) :: u_in(dim_in,N_st) double precision, intent(out) :: energies(N_st) integer :: iter integer :: i,j,k,l,m logical :: converged double precision :: overlap(N_st,N_st) double precision :: u_dot_v, u_dot_u integer, allocatable :: kl_pairs(:,:) integer :: k_pairs, kl integer :: iter2, sze_8 double precision, allocatable :: W(:,:,:), U(:,:,:), R(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: y(:,:,:,:), h(:,:,:,:), lambda(:) double precision :: diag_h_mat_elem double precision :: residual_norm(N_st) character*(16384) :: write_buffer double precision :: to_print(2,N_st) double precision :: cpu, wall !PROVIDE det_connections call write_time(iunit) call wall_time(wall) call cpu_time(cpu) write(iunit,'(A)') '' write(iunit,'(A)') 'Davidson Diagonalization' write(iunit,'(A)') '------------------------' write(iunit,'(A)') '' call write_int(iunit,N_st,'Number of states') call write_int(iunit,sze,'Number of determinants') call write_int(iunit,istate,'Using dressing for state ') write(iunit,'(A)') '' write_buffer = '===== ' do i=1,N_st write_buffer = trim(write_buffer)//' ================ ================' enddo write(iunit,'(A)') trim(write_buffer) write_buffer = ' Iter' do i=1,N_st write_buffer = trim(write_buffer)//' Energy Residual' enddo write(iunit,'(A)') trim(write_buffer) write_buffer = '===== ' do i=1,N_st write_buffer = trim(write_buffer)//' ================ ================' enddo write(iunit,'(A)') trim(write_buffer) integer, external :: align_double sze_8 = align_double(sze) allocate( & kl_pairs(2,N_st*(N_st+1)/2), & W(sze_8,N_st,davidson_sze_max), & U(sze_8,N_st,davidson_sze_max), & R(sze_8,N_st), & h(N_st,davidson_sze_max,N_st,davidson_sze_max), & y(N_st,davidson_sze_max,N_st,davidson_sze_max), & lambda(N_st*davidson_sze_max)) ASSERT (N_st > 0) ASSERT (sze > 0) ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) ! Initialization ! ============== if (N_st > 1) then k_pairs=0 do l=1,N_st do k=1,l k_pairs+=1 kl_pairs(1,k_pairs) = k kl_pairs(2,k_pairs) = l enddo enddo !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(U,sze,N_st,overlap,kl_pairs,k_pairs, & !$OMP Nint,dets_in,u_in) & !$OMP PRIVATE(k,l,kl,i) ! Orthonormalize initial guess ! ============================ !$OMP DO do kl=1,k_pairs k = kl_pairs(1,kl) l = kl_pairs(2,kl) if (k/=l) then overlap(k,l) = u_dot_v(U_in(1,k),U_in(1,l),sze) overlap(l,k) = overlap(k,l) else overlap(k,k) = u_dot_u(U_in(1,k),sze) endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call ortho_lowdin(overlap,size(overlap,1),N_st,U_in,size(U_in,1),sze) else overlap(1,1) = u_dot_u(U_in(1,1),sze) double precision :: f f = 1.d0 / dsqrt(overlap(1,1)) do i=1,sze U_in(i,1) = U_in(i,1) * f enddo endif ! Davidson iterations ! =================== integer :: iteration converged = .False. do while (.not.converged) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE(k,i) SHARED(U,u_in,sze,N_st) do k=1,N_st !$OMP DO do i=1,sze U(i,k,1) = u_in(i,k) enddo !$OMP END DO enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL do iter=1,davidson_sze_max-1 ! Compute W_k = H |u_k> ! ---------------------- call H_u_0_mrcc_nstates(W(1,1,iter),U(1,1,iter),H_jj,sze,dets_in,Nint,istate,N_st,sze_8) ! Compute h_kl = = ! ------------------------------------------- do l=1,N_st do k=1,N_st do iter2=1,iter-1 h(k,iter2,l,iter) = u_dot_v(U(1,k,iter2),W(1,l,iter),sze) h(k,iter,l,iter2) = h(k,iter2,l,iter) enddo enddo do k=1,l h(k,iter,l,iter) = u_dot_v(U(1,k,iter),W(1,l,iter),sze) h(l,iter,k,iter) = h(k,iter,l,iter) enddo enddo !DEBUG H MATRIX !do i=1,iter ! print '(10(x,F16.10))', h(1,i,1,1:i) !enddo !print *, '' !END ! Diagonalize h ! ------------- call lapack_diag(lambda,y,h,N_st*davidson_sze_max,N_st*iter) ! Express eigenvectors of h in the determinant basis ! -------------------------------------------------- do k=1,N_st do i=1,sze U(i,k,iter+1) = 0.d0 W(i,k,iter+1) = 0.d0 do l=1,N_st do iter2=1,iter U(i,k,iter+1) = U(i,k,iter+1) + U(i,l,iter2)*y(l,iter2,k,1) W(i,k,iter+1) = W(i,k,iter+1) + W(i,l,iter2)*y(l,iter2,k,1) enddo enddo enddo enddo ! Compute residual vector ! ----------------------- do k=1,N_st do i=1,sze R(i,k) = lambda(k) * U(i,k,iter+1) - W(i,k,iter+1) enddo residual_norm(k) = u_dot_u(R(1,k),sze) to_print(1,k) = lambda(k) + nuclear_repulsion to_print(2,k) = residual_norm(k) enddo write(iunit,'(X,I3,X,100(X,F16.10,X,E16.6))') iter, to_print(:,1:N_st) call davidson_converged(lambda,residual_norm,wall,iter,cpu,N_st,converged) if (converged) then exit endif ! Davidson step ! ------------- do k=1,N_st do i=1,sze U(i,k,iter+1) = -1.d0/max(H_jj(i) - lambda(k),1.d-2) * R(i,k) enddo enddo ! Gram-Schmidt ! ------------ double precision :: c do k=1,N_st do iter2=1,iter do l=1,N_st c = u_dot_v(U(1,k,iter+1),U(1,l,iter2),sze) do i=1,sze U(i,k,iter+1) -= c * U(i,l,iter2) enddo enddo enddo do l=1,k-1 c = u_dot_v(U(1,k,iter+1),U(1,l,iter+1),sze) do i=1,sze U(i,k,iter+1) -= c * U(i,l,iter+1) enddo enddo call normalize( U(1,k,iter+1), sze ) enddo !DEBUG : CHECK OVERLAP !print *, '===' !do k=1,iter+1 ! do l=1,k ! c = u_dot_v(U(1,1,k),U(1,1,l),sze) ! print *, k,l, c ! enddo !enddo !print *, '===' !pause !END DEBUG enddo if (.not.converged) then iter = davidson_sze_max-1 endif ! Re-contract to u_in ! ----------- do k=1,N_st energies(k) = lambda(k) do i=1,sze u_in(i,k) = 0.d0 do iter2=1,iter do l=1,N_st u_in(i,k) += U(i,l,iter2)*y(l,iter2,k,1) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo write_buffer = '===== ' do i=1,N_st write_buffer = trim(write_buffer)//' ================ ================' enddo write(iunit,'(A)') trim(write_buffer) write(iunit,'(A)') '' call write_time(iunit) deallocate ( & kl_pairs, & W, & U, & R, & h, & y, & lambda & ) end subroutine u_0_H_u_0_mrcc(e_0,u_0,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Computes e_0 = / ! ! n : number of determinants ! END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n,Nint,istate double precision, intent(out) :: e_0 double precision, intent(in) :: u_0(n) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: keys_tmp(Nint,2,n) call u_0_H_u_0_mrcc_nstates(e_0,u_0,n,keys_tmp,Nint,1,n,istate) end subroutine u_0_H_u_0_mrcc_nstates(e_0,u_0,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate,N_st,sze_8) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Computes e_0 = / ! ! n : number of determinants ! END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n,Nint,N_st,sze_8 double precision, intent(out) :: e_0(N_st) double precision, intent(in) :: u_0(n,N_st) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: keys_tmp(Nint,2,n) integer,intent(in) :: istate double precision :: H_jj(n) double precision :: v_0(n,N_st) double precision :: u_dot_u,u_dot_v,diag_H_mat_elem integer :: i,j do i = 1, n H_jj(i) = diag_H_mat_elem(keys_tmp(1,1,i),Nint) enddo do i=1,N_det_ref H_jj(idx_ref(i)) += delta_ii(istate,i) enddo call H_u_0_mrcc_nstates(v_0,u_0,H_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate,N_st,sze_8) do i=1,N_st e_0(i) = u_dot_v(v_0(1,i),u_0(1,i),n)/u_dot_u(u_0(1,i),n) enddo end subroutine H_u_0_mrcc(v_0,u_0,H_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate_in) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Computes v_0 = H|u_0> ! ! n : number of determinants ! ! H_jj : array of END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n,Nint,istate_in double precision, intent(out) :: v_0(n) double precision, intent(in) :: u_0(n) double precision, intent(in) :: H_jj(n) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: keys_tmp(Nint,2,n) call H_u_0_mrcc_nstates(v_0,u_0,H_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,1,n) end subroutine H_u_0_mrcc_nstates(v_0,u_0,H_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate_in,N_st,sze_8) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Computes v_0 = H|u_0> ! ! n : number of determinants ! ! H_jj : array of END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n,Nint,istate_in,N_st,sze_8 double precision, intent(out) :: v_0(sze_8,N_st) double precision, intent(in) :: u_0(sze_8,N_st) double precision, intent(in) :: H_jj(n) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: keys_tmp(Nint,2,n) double precision :: hij double precision, allocatable :: vt(:,:) integer :: i,j,k,l, jj,ii integer :: i0, j0 integer(bit_kind) :: sorted_i(Nint) integer,allocatable :: shortcut(:,:), sort_idx(:,:) integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: sorted(:,:,:), version(:,:,:) integer :: sh, sh2, ni, exa, ext, org_i, org_j, endi, pass, istate ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint == N_int) ASSERT (n>0) PROVIDE ref_bitmask_energy allocate (shortcut(0:n+1,2), sort_idx(n,2), sorted(Nint,n,2), version(Nint,n,2)) v_0 = 0.d0 call sort_dets_ab_v(keys_tmp, sorted(1,1,1), sort_idx(1,1), shortcut(0,1), version(1,1,1), n, Nint) call sort_dets_ba_v(keys_tmp, sorted(1,1,2), sort_idx(1,2), shortcut(0,2), version(1,1,2), n, Nint) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,hij,j,k,jj,vt,ii,sh,sh2,ni,exa,ext,org_i,org_j,endi,sorted_i,istate)& !$OMP SHARED(n,H_jj,u_0,keys_tmp,Nint,v_0,sorted,shortcut,sort_idx,version,N_st,sze_8,& !$OMP istate_in,delta_ij,N_det_ref,N_det_non_ref,idx_ref,idx_non_ref) allocate(vt(sze_8,N_st)) Vt = 0.d0 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic) do sh=1,shortcut(0,1) do sh2=sh,shortcut(0,1) exa = 0 do ni=1,Nint exa = exa + popcnt(xor(version(ni,sh,1), version(ni,sh2,1))) end do if(exa > 2) then cycle end if do i=shortcut(sh,1),shortcut(sh+1,1)-1 org_i = sort_idx(i,1) if(sh==sh2) then endi = i-1 else endi = shortcut(sh2+1,1)-1 end if do ni=1,Nint sorted_i(ni) = sorted(ni,i,1) enddo do j=shortcut(sh2,1),endi org_j = sort_idx(j,1) ext = exa do ni=1,Nint ext = ext + popcnt(xor(sorted_i(ni), sorted(ni,j,1))) end do if(ext <= 4) then call i_H_j(keys_tmp(1,1,org_j),keys_tmp(1,1,org_i),Nint,hij) do istate=1,N_st vt (org_i,istate) = vt (org_i,istate) + hij*u_0(org_j,istate) vt (org_j,istate) = vt (org_j,istate) + hij*u_0(org_i,istate) enddo endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic) do sh=1,shortcut(0,2) do i=shortcut(sh,2),shortcut(sh+1,2)-1 org_i = sort_idx(i,2) do j=shortcut(sh,2),i-1 org_j = sort_idx(j,2) ext = 0 do ni=1,Nint ext = ext + popcnt(xor(sorted(ni,i,2), sorted(ni,j,2))) end do if(ext == 4) then call i_H_j(keys_tmp(1,1,org_j),keys_tmp(1,1,org_i),Nint,hij) do istate=1,N_st vt (org_i,istate) = vt (org_i,istate) + hij*u_0(org_j,istate) vt (org_j,istate) = vt (org_j,istate) + hij*u_0(org_i,istate) enddo end if end do end do enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP DO do ii=1,n_det_ref i = idx_ref(ii) do jj = 1, n_det_non_ref j = idx_non_ref(jj) do istate=1,N_st vt (i,istate) = vt (i,istate) + delta_ij(istate_in,jj,ii)*u_0(j,istate) vt (j,istate) = vt (j,istate) + delta_ij(istate_in,jj,ii)*u_0(i,istate) enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP CRITICAL do istate=1,N_st do i=n,1,-1 v_0(i,istate) = v_0(i,istate) + vt(i,istate) enddo enddo !$OMP END CRITICAL deallocate(vt) !$OMP END PARALLEL do istate=1,N_st do i=1,n v_0(i,istate) += H_jj(i) * u_0(i,istate) enddo enddo deallocate (shortcut, sort_idx, sorted, version) end