BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_body_dm_mo_alpha, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_body_dm_mo_beta, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Alpha and beta one-body density matrix for each state END_DOC integer :: j,k,l,m integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) double precision :: ck, cl, ckl double precision :: phase integer :: h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2, degree integer :: exc(0:2,2,2),n_occ(2) double precision, allocatable :: tmp_a(:,:), tmp_b(:,:) if(only_single_double_dm)then print*,'ONLY DOUBLE DM' one_body_dm_mo_alpha = one_body_single_double_dm_mo_alpha one_body_dm_mo_beta = one_body_single_double_dm_mo_beta else one_body_dm_mo_alpha = 0.d0 one_body_dm_mo_beta = 0.d0 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE(j,k,l,m,occ,ck, cl, ckl,phase,h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2, degree,exc, & !$OMP tmp_a, tmp_b, n_occ)& !$OMP SHARED(psi_det,psi_coef,N_int,N_states,state_average_weight,elec_alpha_num,& !$OMP elec_beta_num,one_body_dm_mo_alpha,one_body_dm_mo_beta,N_det,mo_tot_num_align,& !$OMP mo_tot_num) allocate(tmp_a(mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num), tmp_b(mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ) tmp_a = 0.d0 tmp_b = 0.d0 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic) do k=1,N_det call bitstring_to_list_ab(psi_det(1,1,k), occ, n_occ, N_int) do m=1,N_states ck = psi_coef(k,m)*psi_coef(k,m) * state_average_weight(m) do l=1,elec_alpha_num j = occ(l,1) tmp_a(j,j) += ck enddo do l=1,elec_beta_num j = occ(l,2) tmp_b(j,j) += ck enddo enddo do l=1,k-1 call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,k),psi_det(1,1,l),degree,N_int) if (degree /= 1) then cycle endif call get_mono_excitation(psi_det(1,1,k),psi_det(1,1,l),exc,phase,N_int) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) do m=1,N_states ckl = psi_coef(k,m) * psi_coef(l,m) * phase * state_average_weight(m) if (s1==1) then tmp_a(h1,p1) += ckl tmp_a(p1,h1) += ckl else tmp_b(h1,p1) += ckl tmp_b(p1,h1) += ckl endif enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP CRITICAL one_body_dm_mo_alpha = one_body_dm_mo_alpha + tmp_a !$OMP END CRITICAL !$OMP CRITICAL one_body_dm_mo_beta = one_body_dm_mo_beta + tmp_b !$OMP END CRITICAL deallocate(tmp_a,tmp_b) !$OMP END PARALLEL endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_body_single_double_dm_mo_alpha, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_body_single_double_dm_mo_beta, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Alpha and beta one-body density matrix for each state END_DOC integer :: j,k,l,m integer :: occ(N_int*bit_kind_size,2) double precision :: ck, cl, ckl double precision :: phase integer :: h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2, degree integer :: exc(0:2,2,2),n_occ_alpha double precision, allocatable :: tmp_a(:,:), tmp_b(:,:) integer :: degree_respect_to_HF_k integer :: degree_respect_to_HF_l PROVIDE elec_alpha_num elec_beta_num one_body_single_double_dm_mo_alpha = 0.d0 one_body_single_double_dm_mo_beta = 0.d0 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE(j,k,l,m,occ,ck, cl, ckl,phase,h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2, degree,exc, & !$OMP tmp_a, tmp_b, n_occ_alpha,degree_respect_to_HF_k,degree_respect_to_HF_l)& !$OMP SHARED(ref_bitmask,psi_det,psi_coef,N_int,N_states,state_average_weight,elec_alpha_num,& !$OMP elec_beta_num,one_body_single_double_dm_mo_alpha,one_body_single_double_dm_mo_beta,N_det,mo_tot_num_align,& !$OMP mo_tot_num) allocate(tmp_a(mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num), tmp_b(mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ) tmp_a = 0.d0 tmp_b = 0.d0 !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic) do k=1,N_det call bitstring_to_list(psi_det(1,1,k), occ(1,1), n_occ_alpha, N_int) call bitstring_to_list(psi_det(1,2,k), occ(1,2), n_occ_alpha, N_int) call get_excitation_degree(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,k),degree_respect_to_HF_k,N_int) do m=1,N_states ck = psi_coef(k,m)*psi_coef(k,m) * state_average_weight(m) call get_excitation_degree(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,k),degree_respect_to_HF_l,N_int) if(degree_respect_to_HF_l.le.0)then do l=1,elec_alpha_num j = occ(l,1) tmp_a(j,j) += ck enddo do l=1,elec_beta_num j = occ(l,2) tmp_b(j,j) += ck enddo endif enddo do l=1,k-1 call get_excitation_degree(ref_bitmask,psi_det(1,1,l),degree_respect_to_HF_l,N_int) if( if( call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,k),psi_det(1,1,l),degree,N_int) if (degree /= 1) then cycle endif call get_mono_excitation(psi_det(1,1,k),psi_det(1,1,l),exc,phase,N_int) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) do m=1,N_states ckl = psi_coef(k,m) * psi_coef(l,m) * phase * state_average_weight(m) if (s1==1) then tmp_a(h1,p1) += ckl tmp_a(p1,h1) += ckl else tmp_b(h1,p1) += ckl tmp_b(p1,h1) += ckl endif enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO NOWAIT !$OMP CRITICAL one_body_single_double_dm_mo_alpha = one_body_single_double_dm_mo_alpha + tmp_a !$OMP END CRITICAL !$OMP CRITICAL one_body_single_double_dm_mo_beta = one_body_single_double_dm_mo_beta + tmp_b !$OMP END CRITICAL deallocate(tmp_a,tmp_b) !$OMP END PARALLEL END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_body_dm_mo, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! One-body density matrix END_DOC one_body_dm_mo = one_body_dm_mo_alpha + one_body_dm_mo_beta END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_body_spin_density_mo, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! rho(alpha) - rho(beta) END_DOC one_body_spin_density_mo = one_body_dm_mo_alpha - one_body_dm_mo_beta END_PROVIDER subroutine set_natural_mos implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Set natural orbitals, obtained by diagonalization of the one-body density matrix in the MO basis END_DOC character*(64) :: label double precision, allocatable :: tmp(:,:) label = "Natural" ! call mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix(one_body_dm_mo,size(one_body_dm_mo,1),mo_tot_num,label,-1) call mo_as_svd_vectors_of_mo_matrix(one_body_dm_mo,size(one_body_dm_mo,1),mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num,label) end subroutine save_natural_mos implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Save natural orbitals, obtained by diagonalization of the one-body density matrix in the MO basis END_DOC call set_natural_mos call save_mos end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, state_average_weight, (N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Weights in the state-average calculation of the density matrix END_DOC state_average_weight = 1.d0/dble(N_states) END_PROVIDER