open Core let filenames = let dir_name = Qpackage.root^"/data/basis/" in Sys.readdir dir_name |> ~f:(fun x -> dir_name^x) |> Array.to_list ;; let clean_file filename = let command = Printf.sprintf "cp -f %s %s.old" filename filename in let () = match Sys.command command with | 0 -> () | i -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Command %s exited with code %d\n" command i) in let lines = In_channel.with_file filename ~f:In_channel.input_lines in Out_channel.with_file filename ~f:(fun out_channel -> let rec loop ~do_s = function | [] -> () | line :: tail -> begin let buffer = String.strip line |> String.split ~on:' ' |> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> x <> "") in let () = match buffer with | [] -> Printf.fprintf out_channel "\n" | [ atom ] -> Printf.fprintf out_channel "%s\n" atom | [ i ; expo ; coef ] -> Printf.fprintf out_channel "%3s %14s %14s\n" i expo coef | [ i ; expo ; coef ; coef2 ] -> if (do_s) then Printf.fprintf out_channel "%3s %14s %14s\n" i expo coef else Printf.fprintf out_channel "%3s %14s %14s\n" i expo coef2 | [ sym ; n ] -> if (sym = "L") then let () = Printf.fprintf out_channel "S %3s\n" n in let rec build_newlist accu = function | (0, _) | (_,[]) -> List.rev ((Printf.sprintf "P %3s\n" n)::accu) | (i,head::tail) -> build_newlist (head::accu) ( i-1, tail ) in let newlist = build_newlist [] ((Int.of_string n),tail) in loop ~do_s:true newlist else Printf.fprintf out_channel "%s %3s\n" sym n | _ -> () in loop ~do_s:do_s tail end in loop ~do_s:false lines ) ;; List.iter ~f:clean_file filenames ;;